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High latency recently

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Really bad connection issues today during PvP. The Skyhammer match I had was basically unplayable with multiple people per team experiencing connection issues, high latency, being disconnected and then spammed with that useless "help" message regarding problems likely being caused by a firewall (eh, no). On top of that, despite managing to come back for the match (even though a teammate was disconnected for the vast majority of the game) I lost rating and received dishonour. Sure is a great system!


This was on EU servers, connecting from the UK, nothing else impacted at the time of the issues - only Guild Wars 2.


Someone that I was in the match with grabbed a screenshot of the [issues during the game](http://https://preview.redd.it/leo0a2a1mny31.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=33d6d6d4f5fc07877a0f05d1b6e63f9b4d6f9c41 "issues during the game") and posted it on reddit. Constantly high latency spikes and frequent disconnects isn't very fun for a mode like sPvP! Not experienced these issues in raids, home instance, fractals or LS3/4 maps but HoT and PoF maps have been really bad recently.


Edit: LS4 maps now being an issue. LS3 still fine.

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tbh, the last wek I had the least skill lag ever. Even big action in EBG - usually a lag-fest without any joy, while others were lagging, I had no issues.


And for the last 30h, people using vodafone could not access amazon, netflix, google etc pp. So.. maybe, just maybe, the lessened load on some important european hubs played a role. I don't know, I enjoyed the no lag experience a lot.

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> @"Kelso.8279" said:

> Hello,

> last few days I have massive lag spikes appearing by random. Everything literally stops and then "catch up" as ping return to normal, making game unplayable. It starts mostly when more players are around, such as bounties in POF maps. These lags does not concerns only me, but other players complaining about them too. But spikes occurs sometimes even when im just roaming around or attacking a mob.

> Nothing wrong on my side, so it is probably a tracing/packet loss problem.

> I have never had any lags in GW2, latency was virtually nonexistent.

> Other online games runs normally, so problem occurs only in GW.

> I hope you will resolve this issue soon, I would like to play this gut game again :)


> Best Regards


> *ps: I also noticed that textures loads more slowly after login or teleport to another location on map. It lasts around 1-2 seconds until everything loads properly. Idk if these 2 problems has any coherence, but seems to me that both appeared at the same time. Something has certainly changed in game in the last +-3 days that started these lags.



I'm having exactly the same issue. It's unplayable. Every meta event is a lag party for me. When more then 10 players are around my ping randomly skyrockets to 4000. Atm the only temporary fix that i've found is going back to character selection, and after the ping goes back to normal, log in. It's just temporary, because after 5 or less minutes the ping randomly goes way over 500.


Oh i play on EU server, from Italy. Other games are fine.

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I popped on to see if there was a thread about this, and here it is. My partner and I got huge latency spikes today, it made the game unplayable at one point and still very annoying at other times. We were doing map completion in Elon Riverlands, and off by ourselves. The map did not appear to be hugely populated - there was no HP or bounty train, not that many people did a Deadhouse event or the Augury Rock event. Perhaps the largest number turned up for a bounty, which we ended up helping, and strangely no lagfest then.

I didn't notice any lag ping info - allegedly my ping dropped to 17 at the times of the spikes, whereas normally I play with 230-260 ping. This is the first day I've noticed it, and it's the second day we've been playing on PoF maps - getting his mounts, one by one.

There isn't a pattern to it, that I can see. The first occurred on the HP at the far south west of the map - the commune with the ghost jumudi, where we got downed by the djinn there because we couldn't fight it due to the lag. Another lag event occurred when we were fighting branded at the far east of the map, for that heart.

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Did a bunch of i.p. and traceroute magic and all of _my_ lag problems begin in America. Maybe all of yours does as well?


And while US internet is generally awful the huge lag comes consistently from a couple of IP address owned by a mysterious organization called


... squinting...


**"Amazon Technologies Inc".**


They've really been shitting the bed recently.

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Yeah, it's not that I don't lag at all or my ping is that great (usually around 160~200) but since new TIS chapter, I've lagging and dc'ing a lot. Today morning the lag was so bad that gathering a Volatile Magic orb only granted the expected XP after a few seconds, making me always turn around to check if I didn't miss an orb by accident.

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Yesterday most POF and some LS4 maps were lagging like there is no tomorrow. :s

During serpent ire meta we had several seconds long lag-freezes, which is more than enough to break the game. Everybody complained about them so there is definitely some serious issue on GW side or tracking route.

Im playing from middle Europe.

Im just wondering why Aned did not solved this issue yet. Since early October most Path of Fire maps are unplayable in certain times.

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Same issue as everyone else. Lag like crazy. I notice is mostly in WvW because that's where I spend most of my time. Ping spikes between 2.5k ms to 4k ms at times. Average ping times lately have been around 900 ms. My issues started sometime around the beginning of October, I think. I've done everything I could think of to troubleshoot the issue from my end, but to no avail. My connection is fine for every other MMO I play, for streaming videos, etc. No issues anywhere else. Just with GW2. I thought it was the router at the place I was living in October, but I recently moved and I'm still getting the lag and ping spikes at my new place, even with a new, better router and wifi card. Hoping someone finds a solution for this soon. I can't take much more of the skill lag/rubber banding/disconnects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I had latency problems in Dragons Stance map (HoT). I noticed a lot of people having problems. When I logged out of to Character screen and then logged back in to the map, the majority of the people probably did the same cause the map was empty (only the commander was still there so I knew this was the same world instance).

Ping rose over 9000 (no pun intended). I also had problems in Rata Sum, where ping went up to 800+

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Same here for the past several weeks now. Some days everything is fine, other days I'm constantly having huge ping spikes and fps drops for no reason at all. It's there for a couple of seconds, then disappears for a minute or two and then there's another spike and the cycle goes on and on. Rebooting doesn't change anything, it just seems to be either a good day or a bad day and nothing to do about it which is incredibly frustrating.. Same thing for my entire fixed fract party (and we're not necessarily having it on the same days, one day one of us has it, the next day two other ones have it.. ) All of us can run anything else just fine but only having problems with gw2 so I doubt it's on our end.

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> @"Kirigaya Kazuto.8547" said:

> Same problem. Massive lag spikes, disconnects from chatserver, gemstore not loading, skills not reacting...


> Srsly whats going on? Had this problem the last few days and it's getting much worse! Unplayable at this state! And no reaction from devs so far...


Because it's the internet and not the game, that's why, it's almost always the internet that causes these issues, either something with the way it's routed or something the ISP has changed.

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now even core Tyria maps lagging :( Had the same lagspikes/rubberbanding like in HOT/LS4 during Blazeridge steppes Shatterer and Gendarran leg. anomaly events, I once even disconnected.

Daily LS4 map Sandswept Isles unplayable.

II tracked problem to **Amazon** and **Liberty Global** servers, which both has **100 percent** packet loss during lagspikes.

Plese fix your servers, im boycotting any gem-purchases until Im able to play this game normally.


Best Regards

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