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What do you think is a reasonable price for templates?

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> @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This doesn't make sense. Legendary armor has it's functionality. Templates have theirs. There is no reason to expect those to accommodate each other. If legendary armor doesn't function how you want it to with templates, (which remains to be seen IMO) .. then you choose to use templates or not. It doesn't affect you.

> >

> > You're real complaint here is losing Arc ... and it's hard to feel sympathy for that situation since it was not part of GW2.


> Are you some sort of anti mod purist? Do you not realize that Arc is sanctioned by ANET? Of course Legendary gear (not just armor I will remind you[trinkets are a bigger problem as you can only make one of each per account]) is going to play nice with templates. What exactly is your issue with the prospect of a shared armory slot for gems? Is that somehow offensive to you? I understand you may not have direct experience with Arc templates as they were, or may have some inherent aversion to addons and mods as a matter of some strange principal. But that shouldn't make you an enemy of FUN. I have fun experimenting with builds using legendary gear. That process would be MUCH better facilitated by an account wide armory, I am willing to pay 10k+ gems for that feature. That's my opinion, you have given me zero reason to think I am wrong. I don't want your sympathy. I want you to consider how I like to play the game and accept that there is at least some legitimacy in doing so.


Arc was TOLERATED by Anet and that still doesn't change what I said.


I have no issue with the prospect of a shared armory other than the fact that we aren't getting that feature; we are getting templates. I guess I'm just more grounded in what is real than imagining what I want is the best thing for Anet to do and never getting it.


I don't see an issue if some functionality of one game element doesn't work with the functionality of another. You can choose and it cost you nothing because you already do it. I have the same issue with all the character slots I have full to 'swap builds'. The only problem here is that you have grown to rely on a 3rd party hack ... lesson learned.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > >

> > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> >

> > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> >

> > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?


> :some off topic thing:


I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.

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Regarding equipment templates:

200-400 gems I think is the sweet spot.


For the limited amount of viable builds 2 slots is mostly all you need for a given character. Maybe you purchases a 3rd or 4th to get all of your viable rolls.

However, I doubt anyone would realistically want to pay for a slot if a builds difference is one weapon, and isn't something incredibly fickle; like builds that only use one mainhand and two offhands.


Majority of the people going beyond 3 - 4 is going to be for fashion/outfits/and PvPers. (But PvPers already just make alt toons and each will come with 2 slots.) Which makes me think it should have a reasonable vanity price tag:


If templates create a space that effectively house gear and takes them out of your bag, a 400 gem cost being equivalent to a bag slot seems fair, and gets you two with one $10 purchase. If it does not free up bag slots 200 sounds fair, but I'd be willing to just accept/tolerate a 400 gem price tag anyways.


**Anything above 400 is a bit shady and pretty much is manipulating people to buy an over abundance of gems**, and would be even more egregious if it didn't fully house gear freeing up bag slots.


Build templates I don't really get why they cost anything and are housed separately; 100 - 200 gems at most. OR just give us as many equivalent to the slots we buy and just give 3 of each at start.

3 default/free equipment templates would actually be fairly generous and almost justify a price higher than 400.


I find this separation quite odd though.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> > >

> > > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> > >

> > > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?

> >

> > :some off topic thing:


> I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.


You can't tell me I'm not on topic here when you're the one never listening to people and all you do is find replies that would hurt little Anet's feelings and you go head first defending them. Many here are saying you don't understand, you've been called obtuse before and now again.

Problem is not with us here, it's you.

Plus you don't have answer to anything I said which is why you just kind of brushed it off ... but it's not like you ever listen to anyone anyway. Even @"Jthug.9506" said you never gave him any reason why he's wrong, you NEVER give anybody reason why they're wrong which is why I said to you million times that all you do is pick least important bit out of the post, twist it and then say "no, cuz Anet"

You even contradict your posts ... when @"Dalec.9853" said Anet changes their models if they don't work - to which you said no, you can't think of when they do, just to couple posts after say "if something doesn't work, Anet changes it, we've seen it happen before" ... You know no reason or logic. How much does Anet pay you to defend them like this?

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > > > >

> > > > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> > > >

> > > > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> > > >

> > > > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?

> > >

> > > :some off topic thing:

> >

> > I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.


> You can't tell me I'm not on topic here ...


Sure I can ... because you aren't. I've listened to what people have to say. I don't agree with what they are saying. Basically, you don't like that I disagree, so instead of continually adding to the heap, you went off topic. That's too bad. I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it. That's not how it works, not here, not anywhere. But you already know this .. yet somehow you think you could behave this way because it's not Walmart or the grocery store ... it's just some faceless game developer.


maybe you should apply some RL experience you have with businesses you patronize to this situation to see how ridiculuous you guys sound.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:


>I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it.




Must... have... the... last... word...


But seriously the only actual problem I can think of with allowing purchase of account wide armory slots for gear templates is that it would potentially burn anyone who has crafted multiple sets of the same weight class of legendary armor. I don't personally know anyone who has done so, but I am sure they are out there.


This is the first day I have bothered with this forum in a long time, and I certainly regret interacting with the likes of you Obtena, more than I am sad about any drawbacks of the upcoming system. Still I guess this is the price I have to pay for expressing my opinion somewhere where ANET might actually register it. You will never get what you want if you don't ask.

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If you think account wide armory slots are an amazing idea, go put it in the place where it will have the best chance of being discussed possible. Why anyone would think to bury that kind of good idea in a thread like this is suspect IMO. I mean, your decision to present that here isn't on me. Go do the right thing if you are serious about the idea. I will support it even if it's better than what we will get.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Shadw.5467" said:

> > Build Templates with bindkey (max 9) : 200 Gems for 3

> > Build Templates without bindkey (ilimited) : 100 Gems for 3

> > Equipment Templates with Storage and bindkey (max 9) : 400 Gems for 1 slot (same price of bag slot)

> > Equipment Templates without Storage , bindkey (ilimited) : 100 Gems for 1 slot


> ummm...overly complex there... you're seriously suggesting they should charge separately so you can bind a key?

Yes, there's a difference between loadout and template. Loadouts can cost more (and there is definitely going to be a limited amount of them). They allow for quick switching, but do not let you _save_ the build/gear setup (any change gets "saved" into the loadout slot immediately). Those also need to be saved serverside. Templates however need to either have a ridiculously high cap, or be uncapped in amount, but at the same time can be stored clientside. They also don't let you switch builds at a single press of a key - you;d need to load one of them into an available loadout slot first. As such, they can cost far less.



> you're not going to get equipment templates without storage. They won't work that way.

I know they do not work that way _currently_, but most likely the main reason for that is that if the gear templates were able to use gear from your inventory, Anet wouldn't be able to price them as additional inventory slots. Gimping a basic functionality of a QoL system in order to monetize it better is a bad design.

Well, it's probably not bad for marketing guys, but it is bad for the _players_.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> > > > >

> > > > > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?

> > > >

> > > > :some off topic thing:

> > >

> > > I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.

> >

> > You can't tell me I'm not on topic here ...


> Sure I can ... because you aren't. I've listened to what people have to say. I don't agree with what they are saying. Basically, you don't like that I disagree, so instead of continually adding to the heap, you went off topic. That's too bad. I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it. That's not how it works, not here, not anywhere. But you already know this .. yet somehow you think you could behave this way because it's not Walmart or the grocery store ... it's just some faceless game developer.


> maybe you should apply some RL experience you have with businesses you patronize to this situation to see how ridiculuous you guys sound.




If you read anything (which you didn't) I posted originally you'd see that I did put in there why I agree with him and think you're being ridiculous. Saying that manually swapping builds is time consuming and remembering 10 different builds for mesmer is hard...but you somehow think him (and me) should be happy with it... and should be silent if we gotta pay that ridiculous price you came up with of 1200 gems per slot. And they're not even acc-wide. So we should be happy paying 1200gems per slot per char. Get a hold of yourself.

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> @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:


> >I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it.

> >




> This is the first day I have bothered with this forum in a long time, and I certainly regret interacting with the likes of you Obtena, more than I am sad about any drawbacks of the upcoming system.


I feel Anet should hire him to cleanse the forum of all us reasonable/sensible people by annoying us so we never go back to forums ever again and Anet gets their imaginary paradise here where people just nod and say yes to any nonsense that's thrown their way.

Anet listens and reads what we say as much as he does - not at all.


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400 Gems for a bundle of 3 Build Loadouts (which would be **3600 Gems/45€** for Templates for one character of each profession)

400 Gems per Gear Template (which would be **14400 Gems/180€** for Templates for one character of each profession)

400 Gems for 3 Template Slots (which would be **2800 Gems/35€** for all available [24] account Templates)


Anything above that would certainly be a breaking point for me in terms of trust and respect for Anet, as well as my willingness to support them further.

That's really, really pushing it already though.


But that's also super lowballing it for what I think Anet is actually going to charge though, and it's already **260€** just to have some still way too limited Template functionality on all professions, to be somewhat viable as hardcore Player, be it in Raids or even more crucially across gamemodes.


Ideally though, Account Build Templates should be free and unlimited (to think that Anet thought 24 Builds for an entire Account would be enough, when I have that many just on one character is already mind boggling), and gear should be handled completely differently, or at least be offered to be managed in an alternative way without storing the gear in an Armory, still keeping it in the inventory similar to how it was done in Arc, as to not completely erode the purpose and QoL of Legendary gear, or to massively overcharge people who invested into Legendary gear with Gear Templates, which essentially don't save any Items/inventory space for them.

What I would like to see then is a simple 800-2000 Gems purchase to unlock all templates account wide (and the amount of them being expanded), without the case for it being like bank or inventory expansions.



What I think is going to happen though are some of these completely out of touch with the gameplay demands of the hardcore crowd suggestions (as Anet seems similar out of touch) like 600 Gems for single character Loadout slots, 1000 Gems for Gear Loadout slots and 600 Gems for 3 Account Templates, which would be around (16200+36000+4200) **56400 Gems, aka 705€** (or over 20000 Gold, considering the average conversion over the last few months) to just buy these limited Templates for one of each profession.

Which at least in my opinion is actually insane to even consider, let alone find okay or to suggest as reasonable price, especially for such a baseline (but very much so necessary for hardcore players) feature as saving some builds.




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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > > > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?

> > > > >

> > > > > :some off topic thing:

> > > >

> > > > I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.

> > >

> > > You can't tell me I'm not on topic here ...

> >

> > Sure I can ... because you aren't. I've listened to what people have to say. I don't agree with what they are saying. Basically, you don't like that I disagree, so instead of continually adding to the heap, you went off topic. That's too bad. I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it. That's not how it works, not here, not anywhere. But you already know this .. yet somehow you think you could behave this way because it's not Walmart or the grocery store ... it's just some faceless game developer.

> >

> > maybe you should apply some RL experience you have with businesses you patronize to this situation to see how ridiculuous you guys sound.

> >

> >


> If you read anything (which you didn't) I posted originally you'd see that I did put in there why I agree with him and think you're being ridiculous. Saying that manually swapping builds is time consuming and remembering 10 different builds for mesmer is hard...but you somehow think him (and me) should be happy with it... and should be silent if we gotta pay that ridiculous price you came up with of 1200 gems per slot. And they're not even acc-wide. So we should be happy paying 1200gems per slot per char. Get a hold of yourself.


Well, we are predominantly discussing with players on this forum who don't even swap their builds in the slightest or maybe just one trait they know by heart. The majority of players is playing the game including brute forcing which means:

1 build and go for it - everything. "I'm in downstate due to this veteran? Whoops! Oh, there's Jimmy to ress me. Wait, I'm up, he killed the vet in a second. Woah!" aaaaand back to brute force.

They want to play a round of PvP? They change the character to their "PvP (insert random class/favorite of the month)".


Of course those individuals don't get the importance of build templates for players like us at all and therefore the upcoming tool from Arenanet with it's inferiority towards ArcDPS + a pretty "solid" triple monetization system is legitimized by them. "It's not so terrible, cutie. It'll work."

Yeah, but no.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Jthug.9506" said:

> > > > > > > Honestly, I don't get that logic ... nothing prevents you from continuing to do that. The intended purpose for you to share your legendary armor in shared slots with your characters is still a relevant approach. I don't even know why anyone would want to use the gear templates if you already have that setup in the first place.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Did you ever use Arc templates? Perhaps you don't understand that once the appropriate gear was moved between characters the Arc system would handle equipping, stat selection, rune sigil and infusion swapping in a single click? You seem to be suggesting I should just manually equip, select stats, infusions, sigils and runes every time I want to swap builds and be happy. Honestly, I don't get that logic.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's irrelevant want Arc did. It wasn't a game supported feature.

> > > > >

> > > > > Frankly, I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with that ... you went out and got a FULL SET of legendary armor knowing that is what it's function and added value over ascended gear was. I mean, in no way was what you are doing before optimal, but now it's a problem?

> > > >

> > > > :some off topic thing:

> > >

> > > I don't get why you are replying to me if you are incapable of being on topic.

> >

> > You can't tell me I'm not on topic here ...


> Sure I can ... because you aren't. I've listened to what people have to say. I don't agree with what they are saying. Basically, you don't like that I disagree, so instead of continually adding to the heap, you went off topic. That's too bad. I'm right and you aren't, so you are angry because you think you should get whatever you say you should be getting for whatever you are willing to pay for it. That's not how it works, not here, not anywhere. But you already know this .. yet somehow you think you could behave this way because it's not Walmart or the grocery store ... it's just some faceless game developer.


> maybe you should apply some RL experience you have with businesses you patronize to this situation to see how ridiculuous you guys sound.



> not here, not anywhere.

Yes, I remember Dark Souls asked me to buy the bonfire stash DLC before I could store items for later, and how did I forget when I clicked AddOns in ESO it made me pay crowns to enable them! The cheek of it. Wait that didn't happen, feature locking the UI in paid games is incredibly rare I'd say.


> Walmart


Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.

UI Features are NOT the groceries in this example, the groceries are the content of the game!


So I visit ArenaMart and the first thing I'm greeted by is Store Manager Obtena demanding I pay £20 to use the shopping cart (UI Features).

Outrageous! How am I supposed to do a large weekly shop for my family without a cart? Surely the cart is provided freely to enable the purchase of my groceries!

Well says Obtena the Manager, you don't NEED a shopping cart to carry your groceries, you could carry them in your hands and make multiple trips - and be happy about it, this cart is a convenience and you must pay for goods and services rendered.


So I pay the fee and what a wonderful surprise! They want to give me 50% of my groceries (Living World Episodes) for FREE! Unfortunately most are out of date and smell bad as well, certainly not fit for human consumption! Some are only past the best before date and seem alright but well, I'd rather have fresh food! So I decline Store Manager Obtena's "generous" offer and ask to purchase fresh food from the store... Wait what do you mean I'm not allowed to? Oh well, moving on, at least the bread isn't included in that offer ,lets go to that aisle... wait what is this, a stack of locked boxes? What does it say? There is a chance it contains bread, crisps, Coca-Cola or Dog Food? What a weird random box that is, what on earth is going on, can I just get my bread (Outfit) like last week? Luckily for me Obtena the Manager has been keeping an eye on me in his store as I kicked up a fuss about the cart issue. He has a helpful suggestion - "Well sir, purchase multiple boxes, you'll get the key from the cashier on checkout, the more boxes you take, the more chance you get your bread!" So I load up my premium cart with Mystery Boxes and head to the milk (Non RNG Gemstore Cosmetics) - Thankfully I can purchase those normally! Time to go.


Thanks for shopping at ArenaMart - don't come again.





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My notion of what it 'should' be is:

Account-wide, maximums per character. So if you buy 3 extra slots, *all* your characters get 3 extra slots. And since the comparison price is 800gem for a new character, probably make it, at most 400gems per boost, or maybe something like 150 each with a 3-for-400 offer. For build slots, at least.

Gear storage, treat it like extra bank slots. Give a chunk of space at onset, and if folks need a bigger locker, 400 gems.

This silliness with unlocks on a per-character basis doesn't speak well of value or QoL.

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.


No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you are presenting in your post that you are implying I have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.


> No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.


you don't NEED a shopping cart to carry your groceries, you could carry them in your hands and make multiple trips - and be happy about it, this cart is a convenience and you must pay for goods and services rendered.


And yes, your comparisons are absurd as you compare it to not wanting to pay for groceries, features to play the game is the shopping cart, not the groceries, making that cart more limited or taking it away entirely makes the groceries shopping harder or unwanted to do at that store even.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.


> No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.


You read nothing, just like I said, you just focus on tiniest thing in any post and say "No cuz Anet" ... you literally even started the sentence like that....

LOL and now you edited the post to not make it seem that way !! xD

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> @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.

> >

> > No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.


> you don't NEED a shopping cart to carry your groceries, you could carry them in your hands and make multiple trips - and be happy about it, this cart is a convenience and you must pay for goods and services rendered.


I don't know what you are talking about. If you want to talk about groceries ... you go ahead. I'm talking about businesses and how business works. ANY business.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.

> >

> > No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.


> You read nothing, just like I said, you just focus on tiniest thing in any post and say "No cuz Anet" ... you literally even started the sentence like that....


Whatever you want to convince yourself of. Anet is a business ... there isn't NOTHING unreasonable about them charging for the goods and services they offer. There is nothing unreasonable about customers expecting to pay for those.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Dalec.9853" said:

> > > > Not the first time you've compared it to paying for groceries, but it's flawed.

> > >

> > > No it's not, because I never made any of the specific and absolutely ridiculous comparisons you have. My comparison is at a MUCH higher level... Anet is a business that charges customers to access their goods and services ... just like ANY OTHER business does. So no, the question here is not why are they charging for this feature ... because being charged for goods and services is a REASONABLE expectation any customer should have when they walk through the door of any business.

> >

> > you don't NEED a shopping cart to carry your groceries, you could carry them in your hands and make multiple trips - and be happy about it, this cart is a convenience and you must pay for goods and services rendered.


> I don't know what you are talking about. If you want to talk about groceries ... you go ahead. I'm talking about businesses and how business works. ANY business.


You're the one that has compared it to not wanting to pay at Walmart (or whatever supermarket/store), in this thread and to me directly in another thread.


Features are the cart, not the groceries

You don't play the features, you use them to play the game.

You don't eat the damn cart, you use it to store the groceries as you collect them in the store - the things that you are paying for.


Edit: THE CART IS A SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE STORE, You don't expect to pay for it DO YOU? Yes, amazing, goods and "services" aren't always paid for, if the "service" is literally just for enabling the usage of an actual paid "goods/service", like the cart to enable you to buy your groceries, or the features of a game UI to enable you to enjoy playing the game and content itself.

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