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Three things I dislike about the combat in this game.


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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> 1) Animations are too flashy, visual clusterf*ck

> 2) Too many spells lock you in animation, especially for melee weapons. Greatsword spells for Warrior are a good example of that.

> 3) Next to no customization as Revenant


Do you mean that you can´t cancel abilities or rather can´t cover one ability with another ? Because the first one is possible, the latter a bug.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> 1) Animations are too flashy, visual clusterf*ck


As we have seen in other games, options to limit effects would be a good thing to have. We have an extreme amount of flashes. Scale that up as more and more people stack and it really is quite much. Any world boss, mass event or WvW zerg fight and there are no tells that something occurs since the visual noise has it drowned out. Simple example, why do we have flash for mounting and dismounting? Keep the animations for the points that matter and not just because you can.


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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> 1) Animations are too flashy, visual clusterf*ck




> 2) Too many spells lock you in animation, especially for melee weapons. Greatsword spells for Warrior are a good example of that.


Warriors don't cast spells. ;)


> 3) Next to no customization as Revenant


That's by design. Your customization consists of swapping Legends.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > 2) Too many spells lock you in animation, especially for melee weapons. Greatsword spells for Warrior are a good example of that.


> Warriors don't cast spells. ;)


Arguably they do, all classes uses magic according to lore, and this game (afaik) doesn't separate "spells" as a skill type. (Unlike in GW1, where some things interrupted spells but not other skills)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > 1) Animations are too flashy, visual clusterf*ck


> Agreed.


> > 2) Too many spells lock you in animation, especially for melee weapons. Greatsword spells for Warrior are a good example of that.


> Warriors don't cast spells. ;)


> > 3) Next to no customization as Revenant


> That's by design. Your customization consists of swapping Legends.


thats still next to no customization..

Its the main reason I dont play Rev or like facing Revs... you're locked into the same utilities as everyone else. theres no suprise factor... no uniqueness that seperates rev outside of Herald or Renegade.


I think anet could atleast give each legend 1 skill to swap out.

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> @"Sovari.7246" said:

> Enemy AI is pretty boring and not exciting


> What they should do is make a player control a boss or a strong enemy it would be more exciting on both ends


Yeah, the player in control would totally NOT just sit afk to give his party an easier time at defeating the boss for free lot.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > @"Sovari.7246" said:

> > Enemy AI is pretty boring and not exciting

> >

> > What they should do is make a player control a boss or a strong enemy it would be more exciting on both ends


> Yeah, the player in control would totally NOT just sit afk to give his party an easier time at defeating the boss for free lot.


This would also be the easiest way to grief "unexperienced" players in PUGS by actually playing good and deny rewards and we know how a-net likes to have them "work" for their loot.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> 1) Animations are too flashy, visual clusterf*ck

> 2) Too many spells lock you in animation, especially for melee weapons. Greatsword spells for Warrior are a good example of that.

> 3) Next to no customization as Revenant


1. Would be solved if we had indicator bars (casting, buffs, etc.) above players instead of relying entirely on visual effects. After this it would be safe to add an option to turn down or disable visual effects without affecting balance of the game. However, this won't happen as GW2 doesn't like to immitate the UI of other games, they like to be "special", even in cases where it just makes things more cumbersome.

2. In fact you can move during the majority of skills in the game, I would even say that movement is too fluid and can be a poison on the game. Arguably this is a relic of the action game feel that ArenaNet wanted to go for, but it makes balancing the game very hard. If they took alot of the movement away, for example, CC wouldn't have to be as powerful as it is now since it wouldn't be so essential.

3. This is literally the only class with no customisation, and it was intentionally designed that way. Though I would argue that customisation could be increased across the board, and I'd especially to have skill bars for alt-weapon sets visible at all times so that you can easily swap and cast at the same time, but again this goes back into how they don't want to create a functional UI because..just because.

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1) Fine by me but I can see how it's a matter taste/immersion.

2) Most of the skills don't "root" you in place if that's what you mean. Only certain skills are cancelled by movement.

3) This is in fact a thing I'd like to see adressed in an overhaul. Maybe if each Legend had more skills to select from it would solve the issue. An additional Heal/Elite skills as well as maybe 2 more utility skills to chose from would provide the feeling of customization. On the other hand this would also put more stress on balancing issues giving the Revenant more skills to balance, but we also have Engineers and Elemantalists that face this challenge. As an addition, it would be nice, even just for completions sake, if Revs had acces to Racial Skills and more underwater options.

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1. I absolutely loathe the ground targeting system, especially in WvW. You often don't get a clear target on objects such as bridges or slightly curved hills simply because they are not completely flat. This needs a total rework.

2. Too much visual clutter.

3. Not a fan of weapon attack animations where you wildly wave your hands about. Looks silly.

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Tbh I like the combat system. When I first played GW2 it was a bit unique. Didn't see any other games like that before. Most MMORPG back then still had nothing like "dodge" or similar stuff. (I remember some boring asian grind MMORPG like TERA though.)


Since I play only open world PvE and personal story mostly (sometimes WvW and PvE though not that much) and have only played core game without expansions so far I can only talk about the fights there:


Most stuff seems boring and it is all about the dps. Which I don't like. The champs have that nice defiance bar. But upscaled that one won't get reduced often - since it is all about the dps. Same for Shatterer. It's nice in small groups (1 champ and me + 2-3 other players neraby) engineer rifle skill 4 almost completely breaks a full defiance bar. :D Also defend events like the one in Dry Top at the maintenance station where you have to use the CC skills to prevent skritt from stealing (if you want the achievement which probably no one needs anymore now - except new players) are fun. Or stuff like the inquest capturing the crystals in Dry Top. (Which gets boring with tons of players that just can kill all the inquest instead of having to use CC as well.)


Maybe I really need to start to play dungeons he he. I doubt it would be possibel to make som "hard requirements" on CC or dodging. (Like making champs impossible to kill if not everyone CCs them - and then making them use a super strong ability to wipe everyone + reducing an event timer by -1 ... possibly making the event fail if there is a zerg of stupid players only caring about dps.) That would lead to complaints because nobody could finish stuff anymore then. :D (I doubt't the people would change their dps-focused style. They want it easy. They want farm/grind - easy kills and farming for gold.)

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> On the other hand this would also put more stress on balancing issues giving the Revenant more skills to balance


There's no such thing as perfect balance anyway.

An enjoyable gameplay, one that is both demanding and rewarding, as well as customizable and fun to play as and against, should be the goal of anyone in charge of class design. Then it's just a matter of tweaking numbers.


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Only three things?


1 - Many issues with AOE. Massive barrages that are impossible to avoid because they're so big and the warning delay is too short; often by the time the warning circles actually render on my screen, I'm already taking damage. Warning circles that are too hard to see; the lines need to be thicker and brighter, and there should be only two colors: red for bad get out, green for good get in. And for Steve's sake, stop making AOEs that are bigger than their visual cues!


2 - Conditions on me should drop as soon as the enemy that cast them dies, so I'm not still crippled for seemingly half an hour after killing a mob.


3 - Auto targeting that ignores the boss directly in front of you hitting you, to target out of range and obstructed trash mobs. Auto targeting should only target mobs that are both in range and not obstructed, and it should prioritize #1 mobs that are actually attacking you, #2 mobs in your front arc.


Heck with it, I'll add more.


4 - Camera views that auto zoom whenever objects like walls are too close behind you. That's a consequence of using a 2005 game engine in 2019. Whatever is not in your camera view should be "invisible" to the camera so that doesn't happen. My kingdom for a constant camera position!


5 - Visual and audio spam. I do not need to see my allies' damage circles; I only need to see their healing and boon circles. And I don't need to hear them constantly shouting with their skills either, especially since there is no variation in voices in this game to tell who's doing what.

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