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Can't ride Skimmer in hazardous areas

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The whole point of skimmer is to avoid hazardous areas that hurt the player. But once you fall in and get hurt (while not on the mount), the game won't let you activate any mounts, including the skimmer, to escape the pain (then you die).


Solution: Obviously allow the player to mount the skimmer when they fall into the hazardous areas.

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I had this more often as well (especially when coming first to hot sand boiling me...). I guess because of the damage the game thinks, you're in a fight and then won't let you mount anything.


The game should separate if the damage comes from an enemy or from the environment. After all, within the dragonbrand in Vabbi you also can mount your companion.

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This is normal. Taking damage flags you into combat and it's not possible to mount whilst in combat. The solution, of course, is to pre-emptively ride your skimmer if you are in an area that will cause damage without it (ie. sulfur, branded crystals).


I don't see a problem with this. If the player doesn't have the foresight to enter a hazardous area upon the correct mount then that's on the player.

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> @Llethander.3972 said:

> Taking damage flags you into combat

Not in Vabbi when you're in the brand and getting hit by lightning then and when..


Actually you can survive endlessly in there. When your mount reached low health, just dismount. You will have full health. When you lost health yourself, just mount again, your mount will have full health again. And so on.



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Just went into Vabbi in the branded area and yes, even there, you get flagged for combat after lightning strikes. Any damage at all flags you for combat, but you're quickly taken out of combat right after a lightning strike in vabbi brand, which seems a drastic change from before since the lightning used to hit more often and would keep you in combat as long as you were struck by lightning. Also, even if you're mounted and take any damage, you're considered in combat after dismounting and can't remount.

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> @Llethander.3972 said:

> This is normal. Taking damage flags you into combat and it's not possible to mount whilst in combat. The solution, of course, is to pre-emptively ride your skimmer if you are in an area that will cause damage without it (ie. sulfur, branded crystals).


> I don't see a problem with this. If the player doesn't have the foresight to enter a hazardous area upon the correct mount then that's on the player.


Well except there are places with hostile creatures who deal damage appropriate for players but mounts are much squishier than players. Simplest thing is to skip most of those areas which most people are probably doing already anyway since there is generally not much in those places except for a few one time collection items.


Not a big deal but also seems like not very good design decision.

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Some things I've found that might help:

1. In the case of Vabbi, there's a brief window after every lightning strike where you're out of combat and can remount. Just spam your mount key after the lightning strike until it works. Or run to the nearest djinn bubble.

2. With the dangerous areas, it's worth training the jackal mastery to completion, because tier 4 gives all your mounts evasion when they use their special ability. Then you can hold your jump key on the skimmer when passing mobs and they can't hit you and hopefully won't knock you off.

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