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Is it time for 3 tiers in NA with next re-link


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* What is ANet's definition of "full" is different from players? This seems pretty obvious when you see everyone complaining that "full servers" are "empty" according to them. Perhaps they don't want to squish together so many people that maps gets queue'd all day long? (not that I think we have enough players for than any-longer)

* If the go from 4 to 3 tiers, some of the teams are likely going to get noticeably bigger than others, because those spare severs has to go "somewhere". And I think everyone can from experience realize how much players hate that. Each server link is too big a group to just move around without thinking about the consequences (the point of alliances)

* It also means it's much harder for everyone to escape BG :p You'll have one tier less to hide in!



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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> * What is ANet's definition of "full" is different from players? This seems pretty obvious when you see everyone complaining that "full servers" are "empty" according to them. Perhaps they don't want to squish together so many people that maps gets queue'd all day long? (not that I think we have enough players for than any-longer)

> * If the go from 4 to 3 tiers, some of the teams are likely going to get noticeably bigger than others, because those spare severs has to go "somewhere". And I think everyone can from experience realize how much players hate that. Each server link is too big a group to just move around without thinking about the consequences (the point of alliances)

> * It also means it's much harder for everyone to escape BG :p You'll have one tier less to hide in!




some teams are already noticeable bigger than others. lesser tiers means more people playing for all sides.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> I am in the SOS/JQ group ane we do que EBG or one BL at times outside of reset.. Voted 3 myself, but realize que could become issue.


I think it's important to recognize that having a queue might suggest a well populated game mode, but it is also a negative for some players. For those who only play WvW, they might decide to play on a borderland, or those who solo roam would rather stay away from the blob on blob action. But for a player like myself, who plays all content and would rather be where the action is, if there is a 30+ person queue (usually on EBG), I'll just go play other content or log off altogether. I'm not going to sit in queue to play a video game - I sit in enough queues in real life.

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Sometimes what the surviving majority wants is NOT good for the Long-Term health & viability of the game mode.


It's like asking a child how much candy do they want access to in your candy store & they vote for an unlimited supply.


ANet needs to be the parent & help guide the child into making the right decision...even if it means saying NO to their demands.




Mechanics need to be re-worked so that Long-Term population growth is made possible instead of chopping off toes.


Most patients that I'm aware of...want to try & keep their toes & only as a last resort do you amputate them, but we haven't even attempted any procedures that could save them.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> ---


> Sometimes what the surviving majority wants is NOT good for the Long-Term health & viability of the game mode.


> It's like asking a child how much candy do they want access to in your candy store & they vote for an unlimited supply.


> ANet needs to be the parent & help guide the child into making the right decision...even if it means saying NO to their demands.


> Mechanics need to be re-worked so that population growth is made possible instead of chopping off toes.


> Yours truly,

> Diku


> Credibility requires critical insight & time.


there's this theory also that your kids know best. :) it's a matter of perspective. and also - basic economic principle - demand x supply.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> there's this theory also that your kids know best. :) it's a matter of perspective. and also - basic economic principle - demand x supply.






[ Kids know best ] + [ Perspective ] + [ Basic economic principles ] = Listen to Kids - Players?


Toddlers are notorious for telling you what's best for them...even though that bright neon yellow pants with pink polka dot blouse looks fabulous to them.


Appreciate your advice...I'm sure you're an awesome parent. I'll have to digest your suggestion beyond the surface level to probably appreciate it better.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > there's this theory also that your kids know best. :) it's a matter of perspective. and also - basic economic principle - demand x supply.


> ---


> Hmmm...


> [ Kids know best ] + [ Perspective ] + [ Basic economic principles ] = Listen to Kids - Players?


> Toddlers are notorious for telling you what's best for them...even though that bright neon yellow pants with pink polka dot blouse looks fabulous to them.


> Appreciate your advice...I'm sure you're an awesome parent. I'll have to digest your suggestion beyond the surface level to probably appreciate it better.


> Yours truly,

> Diku


> Credibility requires critical insight & time.


its like this.


in business i prefer to sell this specialty food that is grade a highquality. but the demand of my clients is hamburger. i wont make money if i dont sell hamburgers. :p

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:


> its like this.


> in business i prefer to sell this specialty food that is grade a highquality. but the demand of my clients is hamburger. i wont make money if i dont sell hamburgers. :p






ANet needs to know what their Customers want & Supply it...once again...some things being demanded isn't good for the Long-Term Health & Viability of this game mode...imho


On the surface...yes...give your customers what they demand, but if it's not good for their health.


Hmm...even Fast Food businesses know it's better to give alternatives...so you can keep your customer alive longer so you can have a consumer that keeps on giving.


Keep them just healthy enough so they can continue to consume the un-healthy...gotcha...that makes sense...but in the Long-Term you don't expect the consumer to survive.


If that happens...I guess you have to keep a never ending stream of New Customers coming in...How do you propose ANet to do this?


I'd prefer to keep the Regular customers happy & fed a healthy diet for WvW & have them bring in New Customers just because the Regulars keep coming.


I'm looking at Long-Term Health & Viability...not short-term give your customer what they want.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Diku.2546" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> >

> > its like this.

> >

> > in business i prefer to sell this specialty food that is grade a highquality. but the demand of my clients is hamburger. i wont make money if i dont sell hamburgers. :p


> ---


> Oh!


> ANet needs to know what their Customers want & Supply it...once again...some things being demanded isn't good for the Long-Term Health & Viability of this game mode...imho


> On the surface...yes...give your customers what they demand, but if it's not good for their health.


> Hmm...even Fast Food businesses know it's better to give alternatives...so you can keep your customer alive longer so you can have a consumer that keeps on giving.


> Keep them just healthy enough so they can continue to consume the un-healthy...gotcha...that makes sense...but in the Long-Term you don't expect the consumer to survive.


> If that happens...I guess you have to keep a never ending stream of New Customers coming in...How do you propose ANet to do this?


> I'd prefer to keep the Regular customers happy & fed a healthy diet for WvW & have them bring in New Customers just because the Regulars keep coming.


> I'm looking at Long-Term Health & Viability...not short-term give your customer what they want.


> Yours truly,

> Diku


> Credibility requires critical insight & time.


regular customers went to games with hamburgers :/

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That's not true imho.


We had a vocal majority that wanted Server Linking.


We gave them Server Linking, but in giving them Server Linking...we un-intentionally killed off our Guest Server Communities.


Then, those vocal majority left to get hamburgers someplace else.


Sorry, I have to disagree that caving into the vocal majority's demands should not have been done. There's another alternative that would have met their demands concerning population in-balance given the lack of resources.


We gave the vocal majority what they wanted...they VOTED for Un-Healthy & Un-Sustainable Zerg parties; and the devastation of these Zerg parties are beginning to sink in.


We damaged the WvW ecosystem...and we're paying for it.


Do I want to take a VOTE by vocal majority again?


Short answer - No.


My true feelings is this:


When you damage an ecosystem...sometimes the right thing to do is to revert it back to what it was before...and hope nature takes hold & finds its course again


Careful planning & nurturing is what's needed afterwards...as a follow-up to ensure the health & viability of the ecosystem returns for the Long-Term.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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