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Opinions on the Balance Team PVP Updates

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

> Balance is important to the entire game. In the past, we’ve split skill changes between the three core game modes: PvP, PvE, and WvW. Previously, skills designers oversaw all balance changes with sign-off from designers working on competitive content. PvE balance will remain in the hands of skills designers, but PvP and WvW balance will now be handled by competitive designers. This will give our competitive-focused team members a bit more control over how players interact with their content, and it will allow the skills designers to focus on PvE balance and other Systems work.


Sounds good on paper. I will need to see it in practice. Skill splitting being limited to numerical values and maintaining mechanical functionality across the board has indeed led to some very frustrating matchups. As long as this is handled cautiously, in conjunction with the feedback threads pre-patch that have started happening before any major balance issues, It might be extremely beneficial.


>Let’s welcome Cal “cmc” Cohen as the new Systems Team competitive designer. Some of you know him from his work on competitive content in QA, or even as a competitive PvP player. Cal has displayed great aptitude for competitive balance and systems, making him a great new addition to the overall team.

>Ben Phongluangtham will transition to a new role as Design Manager for Guild Wars 2. We’ll always think of him as part of our team, but we look forward to seeing his continued success in his new role!


Ben, you have been extremely helpful in shedding some light on pvp behaviors, especially regarding MMR. Keep up the good work.

__Welcome to the shark tank, Cal. (Again? In another capacity?)__


>Balance changes for the different game modes are a type of content we feel comfortable discussing with the community before release. As a team, we want to increase our presence on the forums and be more open about upcoming changes to get feedback early. In the future, we’ll also begin calling out specific times when some of us will be present on the forums to collect feedback through targeted threads. Ultimately, we want to be more open and available to the community, and we ask that, in return, you help provide constructive feedback and respectful discussion.


Okay, but, again, this will need to be seen in practice. It sounds excellent on paper. It is my hope that, if the devs make themselves available through the forums often enough for this to impact balance changes significantly, pvp players keep a lid on the sardonic buildup -at least for that thread- so issues can be voiced and debated without the threads getting locked.


I take this with a grain of salt, admittedly. I've heard several announced plans of this nature before. Here's hoping it works out~



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I saw where they mentioned Ben's new role, but I don't really know what that is. Could/would someone explain it? I like that guy.


As for the overall question, it sounds like the teams are split where they need to be and linked where they need to be. That's probably better than being totally merged or separate.


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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> The balance split makes me worried a bit. So now PvE team designs the specs and PvP only does number tweaks on them? Not a good outlook for PvP players as their specs could be redesigned around another gamemode on a whim.


Iii think it actually means the opposite.


I read that as not only number tweaks, but functionality tweaks as well. Skills may be designed by PVE content creators, but competitively may have different functions that make counterplay possible for non AI opponents. The PVP and WVW teams can now balance the skills to fit their respective game modes, whereas before mechanics of the skills could not differ from one gamemode to another.


I could _definitely_ be wrong, though. That could use some clarification.

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probably the best thing they could of done for us. Hire someone with actual experience with game pvp/balance and someone who has an idea on how rank should be. This is 100% in the right direction however I'm concern with how much of a change they plan to do with things or how long it'll take for them to do anything.


This would be 100% easier/better if WE knew anything about the actual "team" that works for Spvp and WvW instead of just guessing or really assuming who does what.


Hoping next balance patch is going to be a "BIG" balance that needs to be done in order to make the game healthy again.

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