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Balance team changes could be good for necro


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I just read the latest post from Anet about their balance team changes (for those that know me I still do keep up on this game a plenty, the game (necro my main) is not in a healthy state in PVE so I refuse to play on principle since WvW is boring and PvP, I don't see much point to it in MY OPINION). I am not gonna get my hopes up that much, but change in the balance team might be a sign that necro will FINALLY get some good changes to make it better (specially PVE wise). in my opinion I feel like it needs a full rework to not only improve the class but make it easier to balance. but I will make sure to keep up on the balance notes and hope they improve for necro instead of being more of the same of "just nerf necro".

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That's the links btw.


But honestly. I don't know what I should think about it. It might be a chance, but we keep the old team for pve balance. And I don't know, if that's positive, if I look at the last few pve balance changes.


It's basically still the same


Necro isn't good for pve but it's also not bad, but isn't anywhere near being good for fast kills - and to me and a lot of other players, that's the only thing that matters. Right now we are on farming state. All wings are old, nothing new comes out. Raid content is something you just farm for the loot. The real fun in it is long gone.

So you just want to go through all wings as fast as possible, to be able to do something else afterwards.


For that, you spam Dragonhunters on power bosses

Mirages, firebrands and renegades on condi bosses


Supports are: firebrand, renegade, druid, Chrono (which is kinda nice)


Engi got basically deleted and is only played by real good players, but you don't see them often


Rangers aren't played often as DPS, you only see 1 druid per raidgroup


Eles are also not played often even though they can do insane dps and be very good supports (other classes are just easier to play, or give even better support)


Thief can be an insane support at certain bosses I even consider it overpowered, while it's support on other bosses is non-existant. Dps wise it's in a very good spot, but only played at certain bosses, that don't need much cleave.

And on quadim peerless it's an absolute overpowered pylon-"kiter" doing almost more dmg than people standing at the boss, while having insane amount of self sustain and an instant teleport+recall


Warrior is still mandatory in ever raid group, because of banners that boost dmg of the group by a pretty large amount, but also warrior does really good dps.


Revenants: well they became a staple of every good raid group. Everyone is running at least one renegade to give alacrity (yeah maybe not largos, but that's one boss). The problem here is, that only renegade is real good. It can be played as heal/buff, as power/buff as condi/buff or just as condi dps, while herold comes short here


Mesmers: there's still one mesmer in all raid groups, except for maybe one or two encounters. Its still a pretty good support, with good utility as well (cc, focus pull to name two things). Can still be played as power dps and gets even better if you stack those power chronos (kindly reminder, you almost killed necro stacking cause it boosted dmg, it's the exact same thing here!)

Mirage is still dmg King on most condi bosses . Mainly due to confusion and torment.


Guard: most overpowered class in the game right now. Can be everything:

dh - very good power dmg, firebrand - heal/buff, condi/buff, power/buff, pure condi dps. BTW: guard also has an insane dps increase for killing minions at some bosses (resets f1) and that gives insane cleave as well, this also got hardnerfed for necro (minions spawns from deathmagic trait) + epi nerfs.


Necro: only really played on 2 maybe 3 or 4 bosses.

On soulless horror it's the epi bot.

On quadim peerless it can be played as pylon-"kite" but is insanely outclassed by thief, that has way more dmg and sustain than necro does have.

Sometimes played as second heal for quadim 1.

And only okayish for mursaat overseer, also as epi bot (but isn't very good if the necro is the only condi dps).

Main problem is, that the dmg potential of condi necro is a lot lower than the one of other classes and in addition, necros dmg also ramps up the slowest of all condi builds.

Reaper is okayish but only playable at some bosses due to the mechanics (while still not being as good as other classes)



Will this change, if the same team continues to do pve balance? Well it's still the same team, but I really hope it will.


What needs to be done?


We need: other supports than druids, that are also able to easily give perma 25 might to 10 people.

And then druid still has it's spirits that give pretty good offensive buffs, so either remove those or give other support similar buffs


Same goes for warrior in my opinion. Banners are just too strong and they have been meta since the first raid came out.


Significant nerfs to the guard class. To open up space for other classes, that are good right now, but outshined by guard.


Buffs to engi and necro.


Remove unique passive stat buffs completely (spotter, assassin's presence,...)


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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> I just read the latest post from Anet about their balance team changes (for those that know me I still do keep up on this game a plenty, the game (necro my main) is not in a healthy state in PVE so I refuse to play on principle since WvW is boring and PvP, I don't see much point to it in MY OPINION). I am not gonna get my hopes up that much, but change in the balance team might be a sign that necro will FINALLY get some good changes to make it better (specially PVE wise). in my opinion I feel like it needs a full rework to not only improve the class but make it easier to balance. but I will make sure to keep up on the balance notes and hope they improve for necro instead of being more of the same of "just nerf necro".


I think you're absolutely right. Necro needs a full rework to make it easier to balance and to improve it

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > I just read the latest post from Anet about their balance team changes (for those that know me I still do keep up on this game a plenty, the game (necro my main) is not in a healthy state in PVE so I refuse to play on principle since WvW is boring and PvP, I don't see much point to it in MY OPINION). I am not gonna get my hopes up that much, but change in the balance team might be a sign that necro will FINALLY get some good changes to make it better (specially PVE wise). in my opinion I feel like it needs a full rework to not only improve the class but make it easier to balance. but I will make sure to keep up on the balance notes and hope they improve for necro instead of being more of the same of "just nerf necro".


> I think you're absolutely right. Necro needs a full rework to make it easier to balance and to improve it


that is why im a LITTLE hopefull of this balance team changes, if they got more manpower across the board they might be able to have enough resources now to do a rework of necro. because right now necro is just a joke in most gamemodes other than being a Boon corrupt bot. some parts of the rework I would like to see is maybe turning the death shroud mechanic into something sorta like the warriors rage meter, where we gain lifeforce like normal but we spend the life force on skills that apply condis/power dmg etc that these skills can be changed by traits and elite specs. it would require changes to reaper shroud ofc or maybe keep shroud but only for reaper. that is just a little bit of an idea of a route they can go.

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > I just read the latest post from Anet about their balance team changes (for those that know me I still do keep up on this game a plenty, the game (necro my main) is not in a healthy state in PVE so I refuse to play on principle since WvW is boring and PvP, I don't see much point to it in MY OPINION). I am not gonna get my hopes up that much, but change in the balance team might be a sign that necro will FINALLY get some good changes to make it better (specially PVE wise). in my opinion I feel like it needs a full rework to not only improve the class but make it easier to balance. but I will make sure to keep up on the balance notes and hope they improve for necro instead of being more of the same of "just nerf necro".

> >

> > I think you're absolutely right. Necro needs a full rework to make it easier to balance and to improve it


> that is why im a LITTLE hopefull of this balance team changes, if they got more manpower across the board they might be able to have enough resources now to do a rework of necro. because right now necro is just a joke in most gamemodes other than being a Boon corrupt bot. some parts of the rework I would like to see is maybe turning the death shroud mechanic into something sorta like the warriors rage meter, where we gain lifeforce like normal but we spend the life force on skills that apply condis/power dmg etc that these skills can be changed by traits and elite specs. it would require changes to reaper shroud ofc or maybe keep shroud but only for reaper. that is just a little bit of an idea of a route they can go.


I feel more the other way round. Keep death shroud and make reaper shroud work more like Holo forge. So we get something like: f1-5

F1 being a toggle skill that counts as going into shroud, but also improves autoattacks of weapons to make up for the loss of shroud autoattacks. And keep other reapershroud skills to f2-5.


But the work behind such a rework I would like to see, is just huge. Cause that would really need to rework necro completely. Getting rid of "second healthbar" add blocks or evades.

Increase group support... A lot to do here

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I doubt that it's good news for the necromancer. At least on the short term, with the few posts I bothered to read on the threads that the devs (cmc) opened, I'm pretty sure that it's bad news.


The first thing is that it seem that the focus is primarily on PvP and WvW. Which isn't a bad thing in itself but at the same time it's not necessarily good news for the necro since it's where the profession perform at 100%. To my knowledge (I could be wrong, thought), they didn't even bother to open a PvE thread.


The second thing is that their priority seem to be to redefine the limits of the professions in the context of a fight between players. And the main concerns in the player's feedback are the ability to self 25 might and the offending amount of boon corruption. 2 topics in which the necromancer can very well see himself taking deadly hits. I've even seen players specify that they want to see the number of corruption addressed first before ANet start to look at boons...


The third and last thing is that I've seen the dev say that the next balance patch will see less changes than the previous balance patchs and will mostly aim at leveling the power of the different professions.


Truly, I'm not expecting anything good even if I agree with the players concerns (Might stacking is indeed to easy and so is boon corruption), I don't trust that ANet will do anything good to answer them (Specifically, I don't think they will compensate wisely for the incoming losses. There is 90% chance that whatever they do to address those point in PvP/WvW will leave the necromancer in a sorry state in PvE. I don't trust PvP/WvW balance to not bleed on PvE and PvE balance to not bleed on PvP/WvW).

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Corruptions are currently way to important to be viable. If they are nerfed, then the necro class needs huge sustain boosts. Currently it's impossible to compete with holos, warriors, soulbeasts, guardians, revenants, elementalists ... fuck ANY damn class! ... on a smallscale level (1v1 to 5v5) without maximizing boon corruption.


Wee'll see how this will work out. I won't judge the balance team before they actually started, but I don't have high hopes.

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I agree. Without corruptions there is absolutely no purpose to Necro. It does everything else worse than other professions.


For a profession originally designed to be a debuffer, the introduction of Indomitable utterly destroyed it in PvE. The later condi cap increases and break bars in PvE and the focus on corruptions in competitive play never really made up for the huge nerf to functionality in PvE. Necro could not be buffed too much to compensate because of WvW and PvP balance. Fear, Dhuumfire, Chill, Weakness, Cripple, Blind, Bleed, Poison, Retaliation, Corruption, Epidemic; all of these things are so much stronger in competitive modes that balance is impossible. Of course all other professions would gain counters for them and better dps.


Necro is a cancer on balance. I expect more splits between game modes and harder ones than simply timers and quantities. (Also, bugs; there will be more bugs as balance changes force more divergence.)

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Corruptions are currently way to important to be viable. If they are nerfed, then the necro class needs huge sustain boosts. Currently it's impossible to compete with holos, warriors, soulbeasts, guardians, revenants, elementalists ... kitten ANY kitten class! ... on a smallscale level (1v1 to 5v5) without maximizing boon corruption.


> Wee'll see how this will work out. I won't judge the balance team before they actually started, but I don't have high hopes.


that is why I haven't played this game for a long while now, they where starting to nerf necro into the ground to only make it a boon corrupt bot, that is where it is right now. only used as a boon corrupt bot and nothing else. it is no fun because you are then relying on others to buff themselves so you can corrupt them. boring as heck and that causes every other aspect of necro to be severely weakened and making it near useless in PVE since PVE boon corrupt is a joke tbh

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I agree. Without corruptions there is absolutely no purpose to Necro. It does everything else worse than other professions.


Without corruptions necro can only do one thing better or be one thing that no other class can be better.


- a punching bag that can't fight back




> For a profession originally designed to be a debuffer, the introduction of Indomitable utterly destroyed it in PvE. The later condi cap increases and break bars in PvE and the focus on corruptions in competitive play never really made up for the huge nerf to functionality in PvE. Necro could not be buffed too much to compensate because of WvW and PvP balance. Fear, Dhuumfire, Chill, Weakness, Cripple, Blind, Bleed, Poison, Retaliation, Corruption, Epidemic; all of these things are so much stronger in competitive modes that balance is impossible. Of course all other professions would gain counters for them and better dps.


> Necro is a cancer on balance. I expect more splits between game modes and harder ones than simply timers and quantities. (Also, bugs; there will be more bugs as balance changes force more divergence.)



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My main concern is for reaper and its RO trait. While im not opposed to the quickness being removed i am opposed to it being done without properly fixing the base reaper attacking speed which in 2019 is beyond too slow.


While reaper does not need to be base level quickness fast it certainly needs to be faster than what its current base is.

Here they have a chance to fix it in all game modes for the better however if they just rip the quickness off it and dont do any tune ups to its base reaper is gonna go back to being pretty iffy.


Considering out side of a few key aspects necro is on the bottom end of the food chain its quite reasonable to say they might over nerf it and under nerf alot of the real problematic professions.


Im almost betting this is what will happen which leaves all forms of necro out in open water for 2-3 balance patches in pvp and wvw


As someone else pointed out they are looking at classes that can self stack 25 might. Without a doubt this means Necro, Warrior, Ranger/ soulbeast, And Holo/ Engi, and Herald Rev.


The only issue between these classes is that necormancer is pretty limited on its range of boons while others are not so if necro takes a hard nerf to its might more than the others thats going to be pretty problematic.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> My main concern is for reaper and its RO trait. While im not opposed to the quickness being removed i am opposed to it being done without properly fixing the base reaper attacking speed which in 2019 is beyond too slow.


> While reaper does not need to be base level quickness fast it certainly needs to be faster than what its current base is.

> Here they have a chance to fix it in all game modes for the better however if they just rip the quickness off it and dont do any tune ups to its base reaper is gonna go back to being pretty iffy.


> Considering out side of a few key aspects necro is on the bottom end of the food chain its quite reasonable to say they might over nerf it and under nerf alot of the real problematic professions.


> Im almost betting this is what will happen which leaves all forms of necro out in open water for 2-3 balance patches in pvp and wvw


> As someone else pointed out they are looking at classes that can self stack 25 might. Without a doubt this means Necro, Warrior, Ranger/ soulbeast, And Holo/ Engi, and Herald Rev.


> The only issue between these classes is that necormancer is pretty limited on its range of boons while others are not so if necro takes a hard nerf to its might more than the others thats going to be pretty problematic.


going from the past on how they balance necro, they are just gonna hit it with the nerf sledgehammer, then give it a tickle with the buff feather. or the even better route! give it a surprise cake buff (but in secret it is a nerf bomb waiting to be set off the second you blow out the candles)

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> Condi necros should handle conditions at least half as good as other classes. I just met a condi mirage and wasn't able to be half as good with conditions (we all know that, except ANet). Necros are there for conditions!


kinda funny that the profession that deals with illusions and things that are fake is a better condi class than the profression THAT LITERALLY DEALS WITH DEATH/UNDEATH, SPREADING PLAGUE AND PESCILLENCE but hay, at least we are a boon corrupt bot, right? that fixes everything! (jk, especially in PVE)

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> "Balance team change could be good for the necromancer".


> A week after, the new balance team talk about their pet project for the necromancer.


> "Balance team change definitely isn't good for the necromancer".


Well, when they're not looking at improving anything about it, just to make it weaker...

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