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An idea to improve Dhuumfire


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Striking a target with Shroud skill #1 that is at or above the condition threshold will apply Burning x1. Striking a target with Shroud skill #1 that is Feared will apply Burning x2.


Condition threshold: 3

Internal cooldown: 1 seconds

Base Burning duration: 3 seconds


( If a target has 3 or more conditions and one of those conditions is Fear, 2 stacks of Burning will be applied instead of 1 or 3 ).


What are your thoughts? Do you have any of your own ideas that you would like to share?

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I rather would like to see it extended to have out of Shroud functionality, as Necro as is is just way too unbalanced when it comes to in and out of Shroud power levels.

Imo Necro Should feel something like 80% out of Shroud and 120% in Shroud, in comparative power level to other professions, while right now it feels more like 40% of a class out of Shroud and 140% in Shroud.

There should be a sizeable and satisfying power boost, but it shouldn't feel like a slog to play Necro while out of Shroud, to then suddenly spike to be way overkill levels of power for a short time.

At least to me, that has never felt particularly satisfying.


Reducing the in Shroud benefits of Traits like Reaper's Onslaught and Death Perception, while adding some out of Shroud functionality to them, as well as splitting Traits like Dhumfire would go a long way to make the profession more enjoyable and well rounded to play in my opinion.


Giving Dhuumfire the Guardians Justice treatment could be interesting, where every x attacks it inflicts Burning, with Shroud abilities counting double, similar to how the recently changed Symbolic Power is charging Justice faster.


Ideally it would be balanced in a way where the total damage levels go up a bit, as Necro is desperately lacking that in PvE, especially for a Condi DPS, while it isn't completely reliant on it's profession mechanic to do anything.

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I'd rather see _dhuumfire_ removed and replaced by a trait that add 3-4 second bleed on hit on weapons and shroud skills that naturally grant life force (without the help of a trait). Thus, affecting _Necrotic stab, necrotic bite, feast of corruption, ghastly claw, necrotic grasp, locust swarm, soul grasp, life transfer, all 3 GS auto attacks, death spiral, grasping darkness, Life reap and harroing wave._


After all, packing burn on shroud#1 use already proved to be a bad idea.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'd rather see _dhuumfire_ removed and replaced by a trait that add 3-4 second bleed on hit on weapons and shroud skills that naturally grant life force (without the help of a trait). Thus, affecting _Necrotic stab, necrotic bite, feast of corruption, ghastly claw, necrotic grasp, locust swarm, soul grasp, life transfer, all 3 GS auto attacks, death spiral, grasping darkness, Life reap and harroing wave._


> After all, packing burn on shroud#1 use already proved to be a bad idea.


this is a great idea.

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> My idea ; make dhuumfire's effect unique depending on your specialization.

> Core ; applies 2 stacks per hit, 4 seconds.

> Reaper ; 1 stack per hit, 3 seconds.

> Scourge ; 1 stack per hit, 4 seconds.


^ this is really what should be done to it and it would be perfectly fine across the board

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'd rather see _dhuumfire_ removed and replaced by a trait that add 3-4 second bleed on hit on weapons and shroud skills that naturally grant life force (without the help of a trait). Thus, affecting _Necrotic stab, necrotic bite, feast of corruption, ghastly claw, necrotic grasp, locust swarm, soul grasp, life transfer, all 3 GS auto attacks, death spiral, grasping darkness, Life reap and harroing wave._


> After all, packing burn on shroud#1 use already proved to be a bad idea.


Nah no more bleeds bleed is boring its already the main condition focus of necormancer and its so slow ramping compared other conditions.

Necro actually needs more conditions than just bleed that can help them ramp faster which is what the burning is suppose to do in short burst. Lets not ruin another thematic trait by just making it bleed like they did with deathly chill (which in pvp and wvw should return to its former mechanic now that the modes are being split)

I also dont think its a good idea to have multiple on hit/crit bleed traits stacking with one another in 2 different trait-lines.


The issue with the trait overall is that

With core the stack application for a grandmaster is too low or the base duration is too short either make it 2 stacks pre shot or up the base duration to double what it is now.

With condi reaper its base attacking speed is too slow and the base kit speed needs to be updated slightly in general leave the trait as it is now on reaper with no cd.

With socurge leave the trait as it is now with the icd.


With core its too weak in general

With reaper, reapers autos are too weak in terms of base attack speed.

With scourge well you know how scourge is

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I'd rather Dhuumfire worked a bit like Guardians Virtue of Justice passive, applying the burn every few attacks while in Shroud. I'm inclined towards the every 3rd attack variation.


- For Scourge Dhuumfire would now apply during Desert Shroud, not on Shade summon/pulse. Which would just work better in every way IMO. Would also mean that when you are in Desert Shroud, your weapon/utility skills can now trigger Dhuumfire

- Reduces its effectiveness when vs multiple opponents because the burn only goes to 1 opponent every application

- Frees you from spamming the auto and you get to actually use your skills while still gaining a good benefit from it

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