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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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I honestly think that new races and new classes are extremely unlikely at this point, both because they would take a ton of work with fashion wars going on, and because while people definitely want them, I don't think they would really "sell" an expansion to the degree that gliding and mounts did. I think it would be better that they put their efforts into making the core elements great, and having some flashy, but *affordable* new elements, than to try and do something that would be such a massive undertaking, with minimal payoff.


I did vote for player housing because I don't like voting "other," but definitely a feature that I think would be a massive success for them is unifying armor skins, so that you can mix and match any light, medium, or heavy pieces however you like. Not only is this inherently awesome, but it would make it easier to offer quality clothing items on the Gem Store that are NOT Outfits. It would take work though migrating all existing armors to work in the new system.

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> "Player Housing: Replacement for home instances, includes activities like growing your own farm, feeding livestock, and more."

> This. Definitely this.

> I could have so much fun with this. I love housing in Wildstar. It would add a lot to endgame.


But what would you grow stuff for?

They wouldn't let you grow anything of value, presumably they would just stick and nodes you have in them and let you maybe decorate and that would be it.


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I think i'd enjoy some guild wars farmville sims. Though, i'd like to see an underwater expansion with it's own masteries and a complete rework of how underwater traversal and combat works. Something like gliding and mounts did but for underwater. Maybe utilize currents to get places, swim faster (way faster, swim speed is so slow), or something. Maybe underwater meta events. Could be good.

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I enjoy playing the game so I will buy the expansion when it comes out. The only way I may not is if something else comes along that I might try that I may like better. But since that hasn't happened since the original Guild Wars I doubt very seriously that I will "jump ship" to another game. I enjoy it all and I will continue to buy gems if I want to and will continue to buy any of the expansions when they come out.

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I bought the initial gW2 because the game promised much I missed in other MMOs. And it was free and had wvw.


I can only speak for myself of course, but neither gliding or mounts sold anything to me. To be honest, I have no idea why I bought either HoT or PoF beside the idea that I want to see how the story makes me sad, confused and angry at the same time. Especially toothkicking was for example ls3, with several plot twists just for the heck of it as it seemed and the seemingly handpicked solution which I find the most inacceptable. Maybe I am stupid or a masochist or something, or its like a traffic accident you just can´t stop watching.


Stuff that always makes me curious are new races, defendable guild turf like in eve online, upgraded lore, new equipment, new maps.


My money what the next expansion is all about is housing. Like in DAOC, it would be completely irrelevant and basically invisible for the largest part, but still people would buy it like sliced bread I guess. I proably too, see above why.^^

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After quitting FF14 I had many problems fiddling myself into another game, but just like a sober alcoholic, I feel so much better in this game.

If I'd know this franchise before, I'd saved myself a lot of frustration (in badly designed games).


GW2 in itself is already a super awesome title, both expansions panned to each side (Maguma Jungle vs Desert, Huge Meta Events vs Smaller Squads and Solo-playability, Heavily layer-based map design vs flat(ter) map design, Daredevil vs Deadeye), the German dubbing has increased in quality so much in PoF it's insane, my most favourite voice is still in charge (male German Asura), the story is fine enough to keep even me entertained (not so much a fan of MMO stories) and the tone for it is nice, our characters are actually someone and not just mute, dumb contract workers (FF14 anyone, just nodding and then not even getting credits for killing a super duper monster that threatened the whole continent), and so on. Deadeye becomes more and more beautiful the more I play around with it, my Asura is by far the most perfect alternative ego that I created in _any_ video game so far and the community rocks with many mature and old people, and an overall lore and story behind the GW franchise it's amazing.


So, the only thing I would want is proper optimization. Having cores idling (Ryzen 7 1700X here) and a GTX1080 that has a Direct3D usage of 60% while running around at 40fps is terrible. The engine can handle a lot (still lovely to camera pan around the Raptor when the sun shines on his shards) but as said, it's poorly optimized. RAM usage is very low, but everything else is odd. So gameplay-wise, nothing should change in my opinion, the game is beautiful and it's the first MMO from the U.S. that I enjoy so much.


But whatever comes, I am most likely purchasing it anyways, to support this franchise. Except if you remove Asura, then not... ;-)

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To be honest with you and everyone else. The next seller for a new expansion is to support ArenaNet for making a great game that they poured their sweat and tears into (for some at least because there's always that one person that just doesn't care; that goes with every company you work for).

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > With the personal story, how would you begin to place a new race in the game without it getting all muddled an confusing?

> If it were race such as Tengu? Seems easy enough. They're already present in the story. The player character could be, for instance, a diplomat (or a trader) who's sent as an envoy to work with the other races. That'd give plenty of story opportunities. And if they've already been assisting the other races, it wouldn't seem so odd if they became the pact commander.


Yeah, this would be the optimal solution. There's already tengu and largos in the Pact. Only a very exotic race could have any problems at all, and in that case, the Personal Story would be disabled for them, or replaced by a substitute including the important parts like joining an order and such.


> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > Other, Easymode Raids, buffed Power Reaper, Elite Spec Minion Master with a Melee Hammer that offers Protection.


> Why would you need a minion master elite spec, it is already possible now with Reaper.

> Rise shout is your best friend as a minionmancer, I have this weird mesh of stats necro that gives me both condi and power on a minion build and she is practically unstoppable. Minion Elite Spec is soooooo not required.


A real minion master with pet-like controls for a swarm of minions would be pretty sick. I feel like that's what the necromancer should have been from the beginning.


> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> I honestly think that new races and new classes are extremely unlikely at this point, both because they would take a ton of work with fashion wars going on, and because while people definitely want them, I don't think they would really "sell" an expansion to the degree that gliding and mounts did. I think it would be better that they put their efforts into making the core elements great, and having some flashy, but *affordable* new elements, than to try and do something that would be such a massive undertaking, with minimal payoff.


> I did vote for player housing because I don't like voting "other," but definitely a feature that I think would be a massive success for them is unifying armor skins, so that you can mix and match any light, medium, or heavy pieces however you like. Not only is this inherently awesome, but it would make it easier to offer quality clothing items on the Gem Store that are NOT Outfits. It would take work though migrating all existing armors to work in the new system.


Just let people design their own outfits, and then equip them in any character, no matter the armor weight of the original set. Outfits already broke this rule anyway, and transmutation charges are a dried up well.

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately the choices we can vote are limited and I will elaborate a bit on that. I obviously want a new profession, but I am also certain that a new PVP mode like GvG for example, will bring back a ton of people to GW2.

GW1 had a lot of different PVP modes and had a huge PVP-only playerbase. HA, GVG, Codex, Hero Battles...


I've been reading and hearing very often from people complaining that GvG didn't make it to GW2 and therefore they are not interested in coming back. Our PVP in this game needs some love, seriously what happened to the good old GW1 days with Team Speak groups and organized guilds doing HA, GvG and so on? Now it feels so solo queue and really "anonymous". I don't even know 1 of the top PVPers in GW2, and I don't care because there is no team connected to it. It's just like with our PVE theorycrafters, we had people like Nemesis, Brazil, Nike making builds, but now open world PVE is idiot-proof and raids without hard mode are only for that 5% of the community.

Where I'm going with this is different modes for every game type. Hard/Easy modes for PVE and raids, different game modes for PVP and an obvious rework of many WvW aspects which apparently is already taking place.


Now you mention Player Housing, which is also very important for role players and for the female population, which is huge in GW2 compared to other MMOs. I've been hearing so much about the "perfect" housing system in ESO and how it is the best system in any MMO with housing.

I can guarantee you, if Anet decides to make housing, it can be 1000 times better than ESO's. Look at our Mounts and look at their mounts. ESO is a subpar MMO, it's basically a single-player game played online and worth it mostly for the story. So why shouldn't GW2 be the MMO with the "best Mounts", the "best housing", the "best Art" etc.

We are basically out of the competition right now, losing players to other games because of decisions like that. Look at Neverwinter when it launched its PS4 and Xbox One version.

1.6 MILLION players on the consoles after 4 weeks! Do you know why? Because the only other MMORPGs in consoles are ESO and FF14.

Pick one: the grind till your eyes bleed game, the sub-based asian MMO with 3 sec global skill CD, or the 15$ per DLC online version of Skyrim game?

Imagine if GW2 hit consoles. BOOM milions of players!


Anet has commented on that tho and said that it's most likely out of the question, due to unrewarding cost-profit analogy and more action keys than a console controller can handle.

They have also commented on Races and I agree completely with what they said:

New Races are most likely not going to happen, because they add nothing "new" to the game. No new skills, no build diversity, no specializations. You just repeat the same content with a different race on the SAME proffesion.

Imo we don't need new races. Instead of wasting resources on new races, spend them on content and classes and new game modes.


New Weapon Types is a cool idea and will add great diversity for every class.

Definitely voting for that, if I could..


*Return of Dungeons: we have Fractals for that, we don't need 3 PVE end game modes now. Raids and Dungeons (Fractals for us) are the standard in every game. Older Dungeons along with Minigames and Hardcore World Bosses (see triple wurm) become obsolete and dead very quick, after a few weeks of grind from the community.

That is a bad idea and I would never vote for that. Look at all those minigames that we have... Keg Brawl, Southsun Survival, Crab Toss.. empty all of them.

Do you want to waste resources on something that will end up dead after a few weeks?


*Vehicles would be an awesome idea, but would invalidate Mounts.


*Build Templates is a MUST have and has been demanded for years by the community.

In GW2 we have an insane amount of QOL features and I was incredibly surprised by how many Add-Ons games like WOW and ESO have. At first I thought this is just them being better and more popular than GW2, but it's not about that. ESO is anyway a less popular game. It's the fact that most of these Add-Ons in other games, are already implemented in GW2 by Anet themselves. They have things like Map Addons which show you were lore items and events are, which are basic things in GW2 that we have since years.


*Return of GW1 locations: yes absolutely a must!

Cantha, Underoworld, FoW, the Blood Legion maps from EotN, we want all of them and they are not only new content for the game and for future players, but they are also fan-service for the old players who are much more likely to come back with memories of say Cantha, than a new XYZ map.


*Upgrades to underwater:

This, right now is mostly a waste of development time. No one cares about UW combat atm and it's rarely used.

Instead, they should wait until the Deep Sea Dragon expansion and THEN they should revamp and expand on it.


I only replied to what I deemed important. Things like improved aesthetics options are really minor things and happen every month with each update anyway. I would remove them from the main post if I were you.


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I this point.. I have got to be honest, I have no idea what would sell me. At this point, I'll let Anet Guess and the worst that happens is that I don't like it, but I hated HoT, so that would not be a new thing for me either. I'd like to see an Underwater Combat Revamp, or a WvW Overhaul.. but neither of those are listed, and even then, with the WvW they have just as much a chance of spinning out gold as they do of making a train wreck... but.. I'd buy that just to find out.

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Water movement is more "3d" as it knows no boundaries regarding up and down if it is not made like in wow. So i see only one way for Anet to keep players from basically flying through the area, dark caves that are mazes and dimmly lit mazes that pose as caves. It was not fun in TD, it won´t be fun in a new addon.


The resistance of players against new races in the light of technosmurfs, walking and talking vegetables and grassroot militia catpeople with badly fitting clothes saddens me.


My interest in housing was always really slim, so it makes me only go meh instead of greedy for an opportunity to throw my money at Anet. Still I votedfor it because it is the option that makes me go mild the most and so it will surely be the important point of the add on.


Concluding that, I have no idea what beside a very good story would sell another addon to me.

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I voted housing since Im already a fan of crafting gh furniture.

Naval combat would be awesome like someone mentioned, especially in WvW.

A new race would be one of the worst possible additions imo. It would take an insane amount of work to make all existing armour skins fit + wouldnt add anything innovative gameplay wise.

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