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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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Perhaps I've just not understood the system so far, but is swapping out a weapon ment to remove all its sigils?


Every time I want to swap my weapons I'm useing I seem to have to reapply them to the weapon.


For example swapping P/P for SB. It just seems like alot of faffing about when all I want to do is swap out a single peice of gear.


Hopefully this is just a bug! Keep up the good work.

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Nothing so far seemed out of line when it comes to gem store and its prices. I'm someone who would regularly buy stuff be it skins or account upgrades both out of convenience and support for game I love.

Here we are in 2019, you are introducing feature that should of been there long time ago, that is fundamental part of game and you are shamelessly blowing its price out of water, limiting to only 6? It's shame ANet it really is. Instead of advocating and encouraging people to explore how diverse each profession can be with almost limitless builds around you are gating it behind such harsh pricing its sad honestly.

In my eyes there is nothing that can justify putting price on this specific feature. I'm very well aware what ANet is and how its making its money, yet there is 0 justification to do this when you have so many other sources which are selling like cakes anyway.

Shame really.

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I mean this is all PR at this point right? We been giving feedback since they were announced and nothing was done.


Something needs to be done with Legendary gear. Either, release a merchant that lets us have copies of it so we can take advantage of build templates by being able to populate them over mulitiple characters and easily swappable fashion, or make a build storage that we can load gear from and have actual gear templates instead of just a place to put gear.


At thier current price and current state. Legendary gear is not worth it anymore. Buying character slots and ascended gear is the most cost effective option to take advantage of this system.


For as much as they are priced, even if you don't have tomes to level it, it's still alot of money to save.

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Unnamed third-party program was usable this one is not.



1. No save function. Makes switching gear in impractical and flat out frustrating. Sometimes you need to have a one weapon for certain situation and that is it. Now you can't do that.

2. Storage function makes sharing equipment with your other characters hard if not just impossible without third-party source (yes i count notebad as i need to tab out of the game for that) making the system feel more clunky.

3. Equipment and Skills are not saved to a template. The point for having this system is to have quick switch. Adding more steps to the progress of changing gear via template is not what this system should have been doing.


That is what i have so far. Unfortunately the comparison point didn't give this system any good points, there was nothing that was improved from Third-party apps.


Well this shit is only thing we have now as Anet demanded and started banning people for having the superior app.

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I was so pumped for this addition to the game, to find out that Legendary equipment is NOT saved someplace and usable by any char that could use it, or not account unlocked!

Why did you bother with this at all?

I already had chars setup to do the different jobs I needed, and the hassle I had was having to remove the equipment from one char to another sometimes, to test stuff. So I figure wow, this will be great, preset legendary armor on all my light chars, and build them accordingly, just need proper runes and sigils on each char.

Now I have never done raids, but can see that a person who raids and does WvW or fractals might use this, because the builds vary greatly.

I can't speak to others, but myself I WvW and I have just learned to Pve with those builds and for the most part a WvW build eats Pve up anyways, so no changes needed.

I had thought that legendary equipment was to be account unlocked, and that alot of players would have started to work towards legendary because of this change, so this was the way Anet would reap monetary rewards in the long run.

As this whole endeavor was to make our lives easier I think legendary equipment needs be account wide unlock.


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@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 sorry to add that but i saw that you only answer to one person that said something good , while all other (us), remain without any answer.

Why build templates are so expensive? 1.1k gold or 2.9k gems per alt is really odd.

Why they are only 6?

Why they are not split from pvp and wvw?





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The game should remember the selected templates for each game mode.


E.g. I select template 2 when I am in WvW and then I switch back to PvE where I select template 1. When entering WvW again it should automatically switch to template 2. If template 2 has been deleted or changed in the meantime it should stay on template 1.


Alternatively just offer different templates for different game modes.


Besides that I like the general implementation.

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WAY WAY too expensive.


Should really be a minimum of 3 templates across all of the types, as how it is currently just feels like a shitty cash grab to get people to buy a 3rd gear slot.


Super clunky and requires a lot more clicks compared to arc templates, where gear, skills, traits are selectable all at once.

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First I want to give Arenanet a sincere **Thank You** because we've been asking for this for a very long time. The template system is great.


Secondly I want to say to the player base _Calm Down._ Right now everyone is logging in and freaking out after the first 30 seconds that they view the new system. I've heard a lot of comments that pretty much add up to: "It's not what I expected!" Well what did you guys expect? Do you even know?


At any rate, I think that by the end of the week after everyone has grown accustomed to the new system, they'll be glad it was implemented.



As far as direct feedback goes:

~ I'm not seeing anything wrong with this system. Everything about it seems really convenient for the way I play the game.

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Cant share legendary weapons, armor or accessories. i should be able to use anything i have unlocked in the wardrobe in my build load outs on any character. and why are they so expensive? 500 gems for build and 300 for traits? thats way to high. traits should be linked to each build. i can see myself changing the build and forgetting to change the traits.... grrr please fix!

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As expected extremely overpriced, over engineered, clunky and limiting in a way that its near unusable for anyone who actually **needs** build templates...


Gathering feedback for it over 2 weeks, while deciding to just completely ignoring pretty much all of it and change nothing to one of the most controverse additions to them game which are forced upon us.


Deciding to split the system, triple monetize it way to aggressively, making build templates not account bound but char bound, so you have to cash out for each of them, where you would need to **pay near $400 to max out 8-10 characters is in no way justifiable**, while still being in many ways inferior to what a big amount of the player base was used to for over 2 years...


There are still tons of people wo play multible game modes, which each mode you could easily use 3-5 builds, some classes like guard or mesmer can have up to 5-13 builds just for one game mode and we are not even talking how many you would need if you enjoy every game mode. On that note, the "free" build templates you get are actually not really free, you already had them before for WvW, PvE and PvP, which also could swap automatically as well.


None who constantly asked for build templates wanted it to be tied with additional storage, so it would be as limiting and monetized as it is now.


It wouldn't actually be so bad, but they forgot legendary gear exist...


The argument that equipment tabs frees up bag slots doesn't really count for legendary armor, yet we have to pay full premium and even then we are still heavily limited to only 6 builds.


Basically anet is selling the legendary feature, which many have worked hard for, via the gemstore for mere cash, devaluing legendary gear as an in game reward (and we really lack worthwhile endgame rewards with more and more put into the paywall of the gemstore) and the work many have put into them.


In some ways legendary gear is even worse now than asc gear since you can save different skins combinations with this system. Additionally the way they implanted this system with gear, makes it way to hard and cumbersome to switch account bound gear between different characters, since you actually have to remove every single piece of all builds to be able to use it for another char.


All of this gives legendary gear, one of the last remaining valuable endgame rewards, close to no reason to exist, when the cost of it is already so high thats its only worthwhile if you use more then 7-9 stats to begin with (most people invested money, time and effort for the stat swap feature of legendary armor and trinkets, not for their skins) and with how the system are limiting us with only allowing us to use only 6 builds from now on, you can go figure why many dislike it so much...


They could make a separate system where we could save only our stat configurations for legendary gear, separated from equipment templates (and their "bag slots for gear" none asked for), without limiting the amount you can save and all of this would feel much better... even with the current limit and implementation of equipment templates.


This would also give more incentive to get legendary gear and give us a bare minimum of freedom we would need, to make all of it more usable for us players who are not just running just with 1-2 builds in every game mode, but actually want to optimize themself for every encounter in the game effectively.

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I think it's a disappointing system when you got legendary armor/weapons/trinkets.

With legendary gear I can easily swap stats and runes/sigils.

But now I got only 2 equipment tabs. If you have legendary, I think it should be way more. And that's where I think the system design is flawed. I wish it would somehow recognise when you have legendary gear equipped, and then give you more equipment slots for the legendary gear you have.


Also, if I decide to buy new equipment slots because I want use more builds with different stats, they cost a lot and are only character bound. So if somewhere down the line I want to switch to another alt (for example different race, or a class within the same armor weight), I am back to having only 2 slots. Which I think is very alt-unfriendly. And not in line with how over the years we got several updates to make the game more alt-friendly (accountbound legendary weapons, account bound wxp, etc).


I really feel this system is very clunky and did not take legendary gear in consideration. For a system that is aiming at more convenience, there is no more convenience for legendary over ascended. :/

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> @"The Sabio.1309" said:

> The new template system is an insult to all the people who have the 3 sets of legendary armor. We have spent 10k gold to get the armor and now they are useless. And the same for any legendary object.

> Why can't we use legendary items in any character? I mean, if I link my heavy legendary armor with my revenant, why can't I use it with my warrior?

> We who have all the legendary objects are the ones who really need the templates.

> It is not fair or worth having any legendary object with the new system.

> I am very disappointed with you arenanet because with the current system it is better to have 3 ascended sets than a legendary armor. Much better.


I have all 3 leggy sets and i don't feel insulted at all, the leggy armors on the characters that have them can switch to whatever i feel like when i need it, this template stuff wasn't going to unlock any equipment account wide and the fact you expected as much just shows how jaded some people really are. When i need my BS War to be condi i now can do that in a mere 2 seconds and go on, when i need it power, 2 sec and i can continue, that is the reason we got templates, it is for swapping spec on a character basis rather then account wide, which you should have known if you had any knowledge of how this game has been operating, yes there is account bound gear, but its still stored on a character which is on the server and you have to move it either through bank or shared slots between chars, Build Templates was never going to change that.


As for my feedback, yeah the swapping feels good, setting up took some doing but once it's there it seems to be working fine and dandy for now.

Pricing, yeah no this is way to expensive, i get that it is based per character as most people only really prefer to do their thing on their main, but it should be cheaper to do that. The Equipment template should be 250-300 gems, build templates 150-200 and storage 300.


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1. Each of the three pieces are separate in purchase, and each cost the same amount. Very cash grabby in the taste it gives~ (They do have a pack you can buy, but I mean... if you're looking for affordable its hardly there unless you have cash to burn.)

2. They invalidate legendaries and can't even utilize a lot of the features they come with, character slots and characters built around different builds offers much more value. (Clearing maps for mats, Black lion keys ...ect)

3. The only thing they do right is make it so gear is stored in the equipment slots, but once again seperate characters fix this issue anyhow.

4. Most of this is to "Lazily" change traits, which isn't even that hard nor does it take time to do.

5. It hasn't changed anything, hasn't done much if not open a new and probably lucrative monetization scheme. (Raiders and "Elite" players will shove money at it, I already know people trying to unlock all they can across 20 of their chars. Its for the whales.) But all and all I feel like Its wasted development time Id of preferred to be spent elsewhere, because this to me won't change or offer much... but since it will and probably has made money it will be worth-while for A-net.

6. Its character based, so its EXTREMELY cash grabby on that front.


I copy/pasted this from another thread, I don't feel the need to add onto it or change anything. But I will add as it stands this sets a DANGEROUS precedent for what may come, **DO NOT DO A FALLOUT 76**. This game was once praised for its accessibility and its friendly nature with how its monetization and its pay walls worked, Expansions are fine. Cosmetics are fine. Stuff like this which is made inherently to be an aggravation and a hindrance as well remove things that were in place specifically for QoL (The separation of WvW and PvE builds for example) Is a way to enforce payment. I do not, will not and shall never condone this and yes I know you must make money as you are a company. There are ways to do it without basically making it seem like your milking your players, and this to me tastes of that as other games have done similar things in the past. I also don't see a point in this since the meta hasn't changed, probably won't change since we likely will never see more E-specs. So this basically does absolutely nothing for anyone paying attention; Considering changing builds has become a waste of time as is.

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Sometimes its just better to stick to whats proven successful.


GW2 templates are inconsistent, clunky and restrictive.


## Inconsistent:

Why can I rename build templates, but not gear templates?

Why is my gear "template" changed when I change my build? So I dont actually have two gear templates, I have ONE template and my current equipped gear. Very shady naming practise there.


## Clunky:

Gear templates and build templates are split into two locations. Instead of one window to change everything, I have to click my way to different SUBmenus.


## Restrictive:

One huge selling point of legendary armor was that you can use the same armor set with different stats in different builds. Together with deltas arcdps buildtemplates, you could swap your one legendary items set to any stat preset with only a few clicks in the same window. Now Im restricted to ONE TO FIVE presets, when before I could have dozens. Thats such a _huge downgrade_.


And the pricing? Sheesh, Anet. If you wanted to milk that, just dont give so much away for free. Space out the income some instead of just going for the whales.


Sorry to be so harsh, but this could have been avoided with more communication. Instead of presenting us with this finished "feature", a bit of communication - lets say a questionnaire - would have saved you quite a lot of developement time AND the negative backlash for downgrading a beloved feature of GW1.

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Hey ArenaNet - thanks for your work on the templates. :) Quick note on Revenant specializations though:


Loading a template onto Revenant, Herald, or Renegade sets the utility skills back to the default placement, even if you've moved them and saved the template.


For example, when channeling Assassin (Shiro) I like my 7, 8, and 9 skills to be:

7) Phase Traversal

8) Riposting Shadows

9) Impossible odds


...in that order. However, my template always loads with the default arrangement:

7) Riposting Shadows

8) Phase Traversal

9) Impossible odds


Same thing on Dwarf, Demon, etc. Can you fix please? Thanks! :)

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