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Grind Wars: Bound by Blood


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > The only one of these I find even remotely grindy is the 500 fans and I would agree that 200-300 would have been enough. But otherwise these achievements are doable if you play the map at your own leisure for a while . Those achievements are not made for you to grind them but to get a bit of a reward if you repeat the map content. You only need 54 for the meta anyway if you're after that.

> >

> > I mean, the game also has a list of Slayer achievements under the General tab which are "Kill 1000 of Type X enemies" - doesn't mean that the game devs expect you to stand around in the desert and kill 1000 sand lions for a few weeks.


> Done all of the kill 1000 enemies by now except the giants, hope anet add more giants then the 3 champ/legendary in core + 1 event and the elon riverland camp sometime in the future.


Oh yeah, sure. Point being though it's something you complete while you're playing the game. I sure hope nobody put "Kill 1000 Minotaurs" on top of their to do list like "Aww yeah, this week I'm gonna grind that!" cause that would be dreadful.

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> @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > > The only one of these I find even remotely grindy is the 500 fans and I would agree that 200-300 would have been enough. But otherwise these achievements are doable if you play the map at your own leisure for a while . Those achievements are not made for you to grind them but to get a bit of a reward if you repeat the map content. You only need 54 for the meta anyway if you're after that.

> > >

> > > I mean, the game also has a list of Slayer achievements under the General tab which are "Kill 1000 of Type X enemies" - doesn't mean that the game devs expect you to stand around in the desert and kill 1000 sand lions for a few weeks.

> >

> > Done all of the kill 1000 enemies by now except the giants, hope anet add more giants then the 3 champ/legendary in core + 1 event and the elon riverland camp sometime in the future.


> Oh yeah, sure. Point being though it's something you complete while you're playing the game. I sure hope nobody put "Kill 1000 Minotaurs" on top of their to do list like "Aww yeah, this week I'm gonna grind that!" cause that would be dreadful.


People did just that when only core and later hot was released for said giants.

There were 3 champion/legendary giants in the game and the event in brisban wildlands that spawn 2-4 maybe 6 giants each time.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > > > The only one of these I find even remotely grindy is the 500 fans and I would agree that 200-300 would have been enough. But otherwise these achievements are doable if you play the map at your own leisure for a while . Those achievements are not made for you to grind them but to get a bit of a reward if you repeat the map content. You only need 54 for the meta anyway if you're after that.

> > > >

> > > > I mean, the game also has a list of Slayer achievements under the General tab which are "Kill 1000 of Type X enemies" - doesn't mean that the game devs expect you to stand around in the desert and kill 1000 sand lions for a few weeks.

> > >

> > > Done all of the kill 1000 enemies by now except the giants, hope anet add more giants then the 3 champ/legendary in core + 1 event and the elon riverland camp sometime in the future.

> >

> > Oh yeah, sure. Point being though it's something you complete while you're playing the game. I sure hope nobody put "Kill 1000 Minotaurs" on top of their to do list like "Aww yeah, this week I'm gonna grind that!" cause that would be dreadful.


> People did just that when only core and later hot was released for said giants.

> There were 3 champion/legendary giants in the game and the event in brisban wildlands that spawn 2-4 maybe 6 giants each time.


I remember and I thought that was nuts. I did those events a couple times and then left it at that. As of today, after 7+ years of playing GW2 I have slain only 23 giants and I'm fine with that. If I never finish this one achievement then you know, who cares? Life is too short, man. lol


But anyway, giants are an extreme exception and by no means comparable to those 500 fans at the concert.

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I got to, I believe it was the third tier of the main AP line. Than one day I logged in to continue the grind. As I started I took a quick pause and thought what I'm I doing , and why? It was than I realized i was doing the same thing over and over again for what? A title I don't care about as titles aren't the same, and an emote I'll mostly never use. It was than I logged out and won't log back in until new playable content is available.

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There is only 1 achievement that requires ALOT of grind and it's even heavily based on RNG: the Merchandise Collector. I had to play in Dragonfall more than in Grothmar Valley. The 5 races is one of the easiest achievements, because it can be completed when the map will have less players, for example after the next chapter.

But the skins for the Merchandise Collector never drop. I'm doing the strike mission every day, but this is just boring and sad, like many other MMOs, where you have to repeat the same dungeon for 0.01% chance of a drop.


It's the only achievement that I need in the whole Story Journal tab, including migraine and hidden achiev. It's not the only achievement that requires RNG or 10k gold to be completed, but this kind of achiev are usually put in the Rare Collection tab, not under the Story Journal.


> @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> I remember and I thought that was nuts. I did those events a couple times and then left it at that. As of today, after 7+ years of playing GW2 I have slain only 23 giants and I'm fine with that. If I never finish this one achievement then you know, who cares? Life is too short, man. lol


I can only imagine how hard it was before, with only 4 giants in the core maps. But now you can find these giants also in PoF. I completed the achievement after 4 days of farming in Desert Highlands. Sure it was boring, but it's doable when you see the number slowly increasing (4 giants every 5 minutes). What really puts me down is the RNG, where you never see the end.

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> @"Syrus.2174" said:

> First of all, let me say that Grothmar Valley is a beautiful region, despite my dislike for Charr and their lore, I enjoy playing there. I can't say too much about the story yet, as we only got a glimpse into what's coming, from what I can tell. My gripe with this place though is how grindy everything is.


> I could understand many things, having to kill many enemies, requiring you to do events multiple times. Annoying, but not the worst. Even if some of the numbers are bit high.

> Next comes having to do the meta events many times over for achievements - again, it's annoying, but neither impossible nor something that one has to very much go out of their way for to finish, as meta events are usually what people are on a map for.

> Another step further - repeat the daily meta achievement 15 times. So, in other words, 15 days of doing dailies on the map. Still nothing one has to go out of their way for to finish, but it's really quite a long time. Half a month doing the dailies just for one achievement? I mean, with any halfway decent reward, people probably do that anyway. Maybe not grind per se, still an unnecessary long "wait time".


> Of course, there are also those achievements "Pest Control" and "Professional Bouncer", which just make me wonder, why so many? Couldn't 50 and 100 or maybe 200 have been fine as well?


> But the once that finally made me write this post were "Crater Circuit: Top Three" and "Grothmar Grand Tour: Pole Position".

> When I got top three in each race I was so happy to be done with the achievements ... only to realize some time later that: "nope, do it FOUR more times!" ... I apparently had missed that it wasn't just a

> I'm not a good racer, and I know I could still finish these achievements doing them during the concert or at night or something. But it just will make me hate other players if they participate as well and win instead of myself, and I'm trying to finally fix my screwed up sleep schedule due to how unhealthy it is and how it affects my life.

> If it had been "finish the race 5 times", I'd be fine with it. If there were two achievements, one with getting the top three finish ONCE, the other with having to do the race five times, fine.

> But finishing top three, FIVE times... I guess that's just the that one step too far.


> This is not the Guild Wars I remember, and I know of grindy stuff in the game, I do play WvW, I keep a constant eye on my progress towards the "Realm Avenger" achievement, but at least that is not depended as much on competing against players, ironically, despite me having to kill them for it - the races can only be completed at certain times and at most three people can get progress on the achievement each time.


> **Why are Bound by Blood's achievement such a massive grindfest?**


Do you remember the "Hungry Hal" achievement? (the achievement giving you the "Good Apple" title). You should give 50 apples to a certain NPC. When asked what is with such a horrible achievement, the developers told us that this is a mockery to the way the other MMO's understand to force the players into grinding. Nothing serious. Just a reminder that GW2 is different from other MMO's and we should enjoy this.


It seems that the newer devs in the ANet team have no information about the intention to ironize the other MMO's. And took it seriously - because most of them are former members of other MMO's, having the exact behavior as the "criticized" behavior. And they took it to other levels: 500 instead of 50. Then 4x1000 (killed enemy) instead of 50. And then refining it: 100 torches. But how many you can do **depends** of the other players activity. Also - it seems that someone forgot that on a race you can have only 3 places for counting on the achievement. If you have **4** players, no matter how good they are (even aces of races), only 3 will receive credit for achievement.

And then adding a time gate - 15 days of opening a vault - but ONCE per day.


ANet management - please explain your devs, that the "Good Apple" was a mockery! It was not serious! Please teach your devs the spirit of your own Manifesto!.

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Just to add to this ... I went back and finally wanted to complete the achievements for War Eternal and All or Nothing. While the former was ok, there are also that annoying "Do the meta 25 (!) times" achievement, the three 1000 kills ones and so on, but currently working on the latter and the grind really shows there.


I mean, looking back at it, it's been quite grindy on many parts of the last Living World season, achievement-wise.


I'm not saying it's not doable overall - though the race achievement for me is quite undoable during normal hours if more than 3 halfway capable players join it because I just cannot get a good race going with the lower FPS during the fast roller beetle speeds I noticed - I'm saying this is what they said Guild Wars 2 should not be about. If I wanted to grind I'd go to the other MMOs which others mentioned. Let's be honest, a "kill 100 guys", "do this a few times" is fine. But the numbers seem to be growing larger and larger. It's just a slog to get through now, it feels like.


Maybe I just want to rather have more variety in the achievements than just stupidly repeating the same things until I feel like it's work instead of a game, and at the same time I also wish for the achievements to depend on myself, not on whether I'm "lucky enough that there are no other players around to compete against". I just prefer having to work WITH others, instead of AGAINST them, at least in PvE, for all else I play WvW (or PvP...).

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The achievements arent meant to rush through. Most (all?) of those achievements are just participation ones, so... just do the events, play on the map, enjoy... its a good map. You dont have to be finished with the achievements in a month, you can take years for them. No expiration date.


Grinding, re-visiting older content... all are parts of MMOs. If you dont like that kind of gameplay, then you are in the wrong game genre.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> The achievements arent meant to rush through. Most (all?) of those achievements are just participation ones, so... just do the events, play on the map, enjoy... its a good map. You dont have to be finished with the achievements in a month, you can take years for them. No expiration date.


> Grinding, re-visiting older content... all are parts of MMOs. If you dont like that kind of gameplay, then you are in the wrong game genre.

Not all the achievements will be easier with less players. The race will become easier, but if the skins don't drop now, it would be even more difficult when less players will play the strike mission. Unless ANet increases the drop rate or put them in the WvW reward track.

Speaking of reward tracks, with last episode they put 2 weapons in the WvW and PvP reward tracks. Usually you don't have to play WvW and PvP to complete an achievement for the Story Journal. I play them casually, so it wasn't a problem for me, but they are definitely shifting the trend.

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I close all Grothmar Valley achievements but not that https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merchandise_Collector

May be this is will be first non close achiv in living story from all years .. ??

Strange that these Shoulders of the Ebon Vanguard Choice Chest and Khan-Ur skins still no added in pvp/wvw track final chest.

May be they have some technical issues and it will be added soon.


for other achievements - no comments, all ok.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Syrus.2174" said:

> > First of all, let me say that Grothmar Valley is a beautiful region, despite my dislike for Charr and their lore, I enjoy playing there. I can't say too much about the story yet, as we only got a glimpse into what's coming, from what I can tell. My gripe with this place though is how grindy everything is.

> >

> > I could understand many things, having to kill many enemies, requiring you to do events multiple times. Annoying, but not the worst. Even if some of the numbers are bit high.

> > Next comes having to do the meta events many times over for achievements - again, it's annoying, but neither impossible nor something that one has to very much go out of their way for to finish, as meta events are usually what people are on a map for.

> > Another step further - repeat the daily meta achievement 15 times. So, in other words, 15 days of doing dailies on the map. Still nothing one has to go out of their way for to finish, but it's really quite a long time. Half a month doing the dailies just for one achievement? I mean, with any halfway decent reward, people probably do that anyway. Maybe not grind per se, still an unnecessary long "wait time".

> >

> > Of course, there are also those achievements "Pest Control" and "Professional Bouncer", which just make me wonder, why so many? Couldn't 50 and 100 or maybe 200 have been fine as well?

> >

> > But the once that finally made me write this post were "Crater Circuit: Top Three" and "Grothmar Grand Tour: Pole Position".

> > When I got top three in each race I was so happy to be done with the achievements ... only to realize some time later that: "nope, do it FOUR more times!" ... I apparently had missed that it wasn't just a

> > I'm not a good racer, and I know I could still finish these achievements doing them during the concert or at night or something. But it just will make me hate other players if they participate as well and win instead of myself, and I'm trying to finally fix my screwed up sleep schedule due to how unhealthy it is and how it affects my life.

> > If it had been "finish the race 5 times", I'd be fine with it. If there were two achievements, one with getting the top three finish ONCE, the other with having to do the race five times, fine.

> > But finishing top three, FIVE times... I guess that's just the that one step too far.

> >

> > This is not the Guild Wars I remember, and I know of grindy stuff in the game, I do play WvW, I keep a constant eye on my progress towards the "Realm Avenger" achievement, but at least that is not depended as much on competing against players, ironically, despite me having to kill them for it - the races can only be completed at certain times and at most three people can get progress on the achievement each time.

> >

> > **Why are Bound by Blood's achievement such a massive grindfest?**


> Do you remember the "Hungry Hal" achievement? (the achievement giving you the "Good Apple" title). You should give 50 apples to a certain NPC. When asked what is with such a horrible achievement, the developers told us that this is a mockery to the way the other MMO's understand to force the players into grinding. Nothing serious. Just a reminder that GW2 is different from other MMO's and we should enjoy this.


> It seems that the newer devs in the ANet team have no information about the intention to ironize the other MMO's. And took it seriously - because most of them are former members of other MMO's, having the exact behavior as the "criticized" behavior. And they took it to other levels: 500 instead of 50. Then 4x1000 (killed enemy) instead of 50. And then refining it: 100 torches. But how many you can do **depends** of the other players activity. Also - it seems that someone forgot that on a race you can have only 3 places for counting on the achievement. If you have **4** players, no matter how good they are (even aces of races), only 3 will receive credit for achievement.

> And then adding a time gate - 15 days of opening a vault - but ONCE per day.


> ANet management - please explain your devs, that the "Good Apple" was a mockery! It was not serious! Please teach your devs the spirit of your own Manifesto!.


In essence this is the old fetch quest system used. In GW2 today you still do the fetching. You just don't have an NPC asking you to fetch nor an NPC to give the fetched items to. so did they really change anything??? All it's done is stopped you from interacting with NPC's and much like the rest of the way the game plays pretty much keeps you from interacting with anyone. I have never played an MMORPG that has you doing so much Solo, not to mention the mundane Repetitiveness.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > The achievements arent meant to rush through. Most (all?) of those achievements are just participation ones, so... just do the events, play on the map, enjoy... its a good map. You dont have to be finished with the achievements in a month, you can take years for them. No expiration date.

> >

> > Grinding, re-visiting older content... all are parts of MMOs. If you dont like that kind of gameplay, then you are in the wrong game genre.

> Not all the achievements will be easier with less players. The race will become easier, but if the skins don't drop now, it would be even more difficult when less players will play the strike mission. Unless ANet increases the drop rate or put them in the WvW reward track.

> Speaking of reward tracks, with last episode they put 2 weapons in the WvW and PvP reward tracks. Usually you don't have to play WvW and PvP to complete an achievement for the Story Journal. I play them casually, so it wasn't a problem for me, but they are definitely shifting the trend.


I think the skins (and other rewards) make sure you always will be able to find other players for a strike mission during primetime.

And they are adding more focus on WvW and PvP because alliances and swiss will most likely be released during this living story season. So it makes sense to get people already re-aquainted with the concept. Personally, I like that. Doing wvw reward tracks is in no way demanding, and when alliances hit, most PvE players will be more inclined to give it a try.


Im usually someone that critizises a lot, but the prologue was well done all around. A good mix of everything. My only gripe left is missing difficulty settings, but thats not something to do with the prologue, but with the whole PvE content. Missing difficulty settings mean you always get this weird "common denominator" on world bosses and raids as difficulty. Too challenging for newbies, too easy for veterans. Too easy with lots of players, impossible with too few.

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I actually loved the 15 dailys achievement, I wish there were more achievements like that, and you do get a weapon worth 20 gold for free, you cannot sell it, but still a very nice reward.


I hope they continue with this on every episode of the saga!


One thing I'd prefer them to do tho is not requiring story achievements on the meta achievement, atleast not all of them. I still havent completed the meta of bound by blood because one of them is bonkers and feels impossible? Tried it 10ths of times.

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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> I actually loved the 15 dailys achievement, I wish there were more achievements like that, and you do get a weapon worth 20 gold for free, you cannot sell it, but still a very nice reward.


I'd rather have the daily achievements be worthwhile without this, like having a proper reward. Then there would be a point to doing them besides getting that 15 day achievement.

In that regard I also like the idea which others suggested elsewhere: you should get a greater choice of dailies for the "Daily Completionist" meta achievement, which would include living story maps (the ones you have accessed at least once or such).

Or mabye have a focus on a different LS map every day, giving people who want to complete those maps someone to play with and do the metas. I haven't checked, but I could imegine some of the older maps to probably be quite deserted most of the time - even the latter ones suffer from that at times.


But I'm going off topic here...



Often I feel like Anet just throws these achievements together even. Take Merchandise Collector for example, most items are achievable, though quite expensive for such a meager achievement. I assume they intended the T-Shirt to only be availble through this achievement. But then they through in the Khan-Ur things - and blew it out of all proportions, this might just be the one of the most expensive achievements in the game, and for what? 5 AP and a T-Shirt skin that - luckily - is also available from a trader for not too high of a cost, not to mention you can get it from the WvW reward track. I imagine Anet realized their mistake in the last second but couldn't (or wouldn't) change the achievement anymore, so they just made the T-Shirt available through other - more sane - ways, who knows.


We had a similar - though nowhere near as bad - case of miscalculation with the Requiem achievements. For those who came early it was a cheap endeavor, but the price for the limited commodity, the Sigils of Nullification - exploded in minutes to such high numbers, the whole set cost in the hundreds of gold all of a sudden. Was that Anets intention? I doubt it. So what was Anet's intention for how much "work" would be needed for those achievements? ... their way of "fixing" the issue was by making the craftable. Now the work needed could be gauged much more easily by the materials required for them, instead of the random drop chances and the leveling rewards.


But I do wonder, does Anet consider how much time an achievement takes to finish when they implement it? I mean, I guess, they must...

It might be a good idea for them to themselves try to finish some of the achievements they put in the game - yes, not everything should be easy, then it would not be an achievement, but "excessive grind" is not much of an "achievement", rather a question of "how long can I do the same thing before I get bored with it" or "when do I start asking myself whether I'm still enjoying what I'm doing?" - now, I know people will say "if you are not having fun, stop playing the game", of course they are right. But I do have fun. I just wish for Anet to not suck the fun out of the game with those monotonous grindy things, because if it goes too far it makes the game turn from fun to work, and that doesn't help anyone in the long run, neither the map's activity, nor the player's fun, nor Anet's purse. "Grind" just isn't content, it's an artificial way of extending content and time-gated things are even worse, they just mean you can't play the game as you have time ... imagine someone who can only play on the weekend ... quite unfortunate for them.


Maybe I'm too harsh on the race part, I guess there will always be people who enjoy competitions like that. It was just the point that made me stop and think.

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