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PvE Discord


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Dear Arena Net,


I’m currently a guild leader of a WvW-centric guild, however I play with 3 static PvE raid groups as well. There is a new line of communication between the WvW dev team and us as the community in the form of a discord with WvW leaders. This has been incredible and I love what it’s done.


My question to you, as an active member of the raiding community, can we get something like this started for the PvE community? I would be more than happy to set up a discord and be the liaison between dev and player if needed. No flaming of dev decisions and no negativity on it. I simply want a place to interact respectfully with the team who makes our changes as well.


We can limit the number of people in it and it can be ranging from credible raiders like those from LN or Meta or SC and some amateur raiders like myself and my static group.


I think this could be extremely beneficial to the PvE community and to the Arena Net development team as it provides a streamlined place for balance discussions, ideas and requests, and various items of discussion.




A chronojail raider

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> > a l r e a d y e x i s t s


> What pve discord do we have were the developers are talking to us?

> And OP how are the wvw leaders elected and can the same process be done in pve?

> I mean I see no leaders in either wvw or pve just commanders.


Anet has multiple discords with players they often take feedback and fix bugs from. Previously SC had some Devs in their more private discord, not sure about anymore, same with sPvP and WvW.

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