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Forum Update: Images!!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm happy we have a way to allow images. We've progressed from "absolutely none, ever" to two hosts, and now four. I tend to be a "glass half full" kind of person, anyway, but I'd ask that this not become a "But I want more" or "But I want it *my* way." It is what it is, and progress has been made. Will more be made in the future? Perhaps. But for now, we are where we are and you can have confidence that I will be advocating for more in the future, on the behalf of all of us, if and when it is feasible.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I'm happy we have a way to allow images. We've progressed from "absolutely none, ever" to two hosts, and now four. I tend to be a "glass half full" kind of person, anyway, but I'd ask that this not become a "But I want more" or "But I want it *my* way." It is what it is, and progress has been made. Will more be made in the future? Perhaps. But for now, we are where we are and you can have confidence that I will be advocating for more in the future, on the behalf of all of us, if and when it is feasible.



Thanks for the reply! I am grateful to have any ability, and was inquiring about that method, especially since it was present on the old forums

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> ... I'm gonna have to start using Imgur, aren't I. All my zillions of saved shots on TinyPic won't cut it here :(


> Glad there will be visuals again, though, I hated clicking to outside links to see pics!


Imgur isn't a bad site. I only recently signed up after Photobucket (which I'd been using for over 10 years) finally got so utterly useless even I gave up on it. It actually took me less time to create an account on Imgur, set it up so my pictures aren't public and no one can see them unless I provide a link and upload my first image than it took to upload the same image to my existing Photobucket account.


You can also drag and drop to upload multiple images, so you could possibly copy them over in batches. Although I opted for a fresh start - 10 years of every random thing I wanted online was kind of cool for nostalgia but not really useful.

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> @Alga.6498 said:

> It wont work :disappointed:

> I am clicking on the photo icon next to the smiley icon and write in my image's link but nothing happens after that! :disappointed_relieved:


Read this and see if it helps


[Guide: How to Upload & Post your own images on these Forums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/193136#Comment_193136)

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> @Shikigami.4013 said:

> What is the reason for letting people include images in their actual post but being scared of allowing people to use images for their avatars? I cannot find any justification for keeping the "no image upload allowed" policy for your avatar when you can include any image into any of your posts.


Considering you cant delete posts and we couldn't even do thumbnails in the text like on the old forums cause it was "a security threat"....


Well I'm sure the answer isn't incompetence. for suuuuuuure

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> @folk.8190 said:

> dk how it work. but it doesn't work for me. follow the instructions but the picture is not inserted

> https://imgur.com/a/NHpHw


Here’s the format with no image yet: (do a quote to see the format) ![imgur](https://imgur.com/m.jpg)


So add ![imgur] to the front, add parentheses (https://imgur.com/a/NHpHw and add m.jpg) or .jpg) (the m makes the picture smaller)


(There’s still something wrong with your code. It might be the /a/ part. Try getting a new code. Sometimes it takes a few tries before it works)

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