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Returning Player- Can't Decide On a Profession

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I'm thinking of making a norn guardian and going dragonhunter, but I'm not sure how the're doing atm. My plain is probably to do a bit of everything, so if they're super bad and only viable for world content I'll likely go with something else.


tl;dr- How is dragonhunter at the moment, and should they be focused on power or condi?


Thanks guys :D

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I'm only able to comment on PvE, but Guardian is a fantastic class. Dragonhunter is a very strong power specialisation that excels in bursty encounters, making it one of the best in slot DPS classes for fractals, and organised groups in raids. It is good on numerous encounters when pugging raids too, although it has lower sustained damage than other options. Firebrand is a very strong, primarily condition specialisation, which excels in encounters with enemies to reset your tome so you can access you burst again, the sustained damage is also higher than Dragonhunter. In addition, there are numerous variants of quickness support builds on Firebrand, making is sought after in both fractals and raids. For open-world, both Dragonhunter and Firebrand are strong.

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If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.


Even Guardian...

> @"Alphonia.5731" said:

> Any build is "acceptable" but if you want to not get kicked from most raid groups then you should probably look on "snowcrows" to see what raid builds you should be running.


This is why you are best to ignore Raiding.

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> @"Archivist.8109" said:

> If I run DH with GS and LB would that be acceptable? The bow looks like a hell of a lot of fun, but sword looks more reliable for seriously encounters. I'd like to have both D:


I wouldn't advise LB for end-game content like high-level fractals and raids, it's worse than scepter and sword for your second weapon set after greatsword. You will quite possibly get kicked from the group for not pulling your own weight when it comes to damage. For dungeons, I don't think anyone will care

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Guardian is strong on any of his specializations be it as core build, dragonhunter or firebrand.


First off, you should differentiate between the different pve game modes. Open world, story and dungeons are far easier and more lenient on classes/builds versus high rank fractals or raids. The good news is, guardian (in any build be it core, DH or firebrand) is viable in any game mode, just requires different type of play.


> @"Dante.1508" said:

> If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.


> Even Guardian...


You from a thread yesterday:

> @"Dante.1508" said:

> I don't do WvW, PvP, Raids or Fractals i don't like dealing with those communities.. I 99% of the time do stories solo, unless its Zaitan or mordremoth etc.. Then i tend to ask for help from someone, mostly because zaitain mission is so broken, and mordremoth isn't soloable.


Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds.



If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here:

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Guardian is strong on any of his specializations be it as core build, dragonhunter or firebrand.


> First off, you should differentiate between the different pve game modes. Open world, story and dungeons are far easier and more lenient on classes/builds versus high rank fractals or raids. The good news is, guardian (in any build be it core, DH or firebrand) is viable in any game mode, just requires different type of play.


> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.

> >

> > Even Guardian...


> You from a thread yesterday:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > I don't do WvW, PvP, Raids or Fractals i don't like dealing with those communities.. I 99% of the time do stories solo, unless its Zaitan or mordremoth etc.. Then i tend to ask for help from someone, mostly because zaitain mission is so broken, and mordremoth isn't soloable.


> Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds.


> @Archivist.8109

> If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here:


Some of WP's open-world builds are decent, but this one is terrible. The damage is awful and you have plenty of sustain playing Dragonhunter or Condi Firebrand, with considerably higher damage

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Guardian is strong on any of his specializations be it as core build, dragonhunter or firebrand.


> First off, you should differentiate between the different pve game modes. Open world, story and dungeons are far easier and more lenient on classes/builds versus high rank fractals or raids. The good news is, guardian (in any build be it core, DH or firebrand) is viable in any game mode, just requires different type of play.


> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.

> >

> > Even Guardian...


> You from a thread yesterday:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > I don't do WvW, PvP, Raids or Fractals i don't like dealing with those communities.. I 99% of the time do stories solo, unless its Zaitan or mordremoth etc.. Then i tend to ask for help from someone, mostly because zaitain mission is so broken, and mordremoth isn't soloable.


> Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds.


> @Archivist.8109

> If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here:


No thanks, its not great and i don't use many WP builds, just because i mostly play solo pve doesn't mean i don't understand the game.. My skills are not great as i'm older and i'm Aussie so 600+ ping times don't help..


That said i use


Which works really well but isn't durable at all. Its basically squishy as as are most firebrande builds because everyone is obsessed with glass cannon specs these days. I did not say Guardian was bad i said its not very durable.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Guardian is strong on any of his specializations be it as core build, dragonhunter or firebrand.

> >

> > First off, you should differentiate between the different pve game modes. Open world, story and dungeons are far easier and more lenient on classes/builds versus high rank fractals or raids. The good news is, guardian (in any build be it core, DH or firebrand) is viable in any game mode, just requires different type of play.

> >

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.

> > >

> > > Even Guardian...

> >

> > You from a thread yesterday:

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > I don't do WvW, PvP, Raids or Fractals i don't like dealing with those communities.. I 99% of the time do stories solo, unless its Zaitan or mordremoth etc.. Then i tend to ask for help from someone, mostly because zaitain mission is so broken, and mordremoth isn't soloable.

> >

> > Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds.

> >

> > @Archivist.8109

> > If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here:


> No thanks, its not great and i don't use many WP builds, just because i mostly play solo pve doesn't mean i don't understand the game.. My skills are not great as i'm older and i'm Aussie so 600+ ping times don't help..


> That said i use

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Burning_Tome

> Which works really well but isn't durable at all. Its basically squishy as as are most firebrande builds because everyone is obsessed with glass cannon specs these days. I did not say Guardian was bad i said its not very durable.


Yet Firebrand is considered the tankiest class in the game with insane support (beside maybe warrior). The literal backbone of any WvW team composition.


Dragonhunter at the same time is considered one of the tankiest high damage outputting builds, with almodt unrivaled selfsustain if properly utilizing its utilities and heal skill (only outperformed by thief or engineer).


I'm sorry, but maybe you should start using other people's builds, especially of players who do not struggle with content which gives you trouble.


Metabattle builds usually have good explanations how and when to use skills.


Also your 600 ping is your issue and should get mentioned when giving advice since it directly affects how this game sees play. Given this game is built on active defences and reactions, which are required in more challenging content, obviously you might see issues on any class which requires skill uses for survival. Face tanking or sponging enemy damage does not work past open world content.

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> @"Archivist.8109" said:

> What about an engineer build that allows for use of dual pistols? I really like that charr image with the two guns :D


Would work for open world, story and dungeon content. As would anyything to be honest.


Your choice of class should be around what you think you would enjoy playing (visual appeal can be one reason). Once settled in the game, you can decide if you want to tackle more challenging content.

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I would really not bother to much with what is viable and what is not and play what I find fun. All the professions are viable in most plays, some more, some less. If your goal is a little bit of everything, you will be fine in any case.

It is really easy to lvl up and gear multiple professions in GW2 so by the time you will want a very specific build for a specific goal you will have so many tomes of knowledge you will be able to get insta lvl 80 several times over (especially if you also play WvW).

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > Guardian is strong on any of his specializations be it as core build, dragonhunter or firebrand.

> > >

> > > First off, you should differentiate between the different pve game modes. Open world, story and dungeons are far easier and more lenient on classes/builds versus high rank fractals or raids. The good news is, guardian (in any build be it core, DH or firebrand) is viable in any game mode, just requires different type of play.

> > >

> > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > If i knew when i returned what i know now i would have focused on Revenant, Necro and Engineer.. The rest are just not durable to play.

> > > >

> > > > Even Guardian...

> > >

> > > You from a thread yesterday:

> > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > I don't do WvW, PvP, Raids or Fractals i don't like dealing with those communities.. I 99% of the time do stories solo, unless its Zaitan or mordremoth etc.. Then i tend to ask for help from someone, mostly because zaitain mission is so broken, and mordremoth isn't soloable.

> > >

> > > Which leads me to wonder, why are coming here giving questionable advice to new players when you are struggling with even the most basic content of this game? Guardian is among the strongest picks in the game currently while being viable in all game modes and on multiple builds.

> > >

> > > @Archivist.8109

> > > If you are interested, Woodenpotatoes already made his video on his recommended open world build for guardian (he went with firebrand). Feel free to watch his guide video here:

> >

> > No thanks, its not great and i don't use many WP builds, just because i mostly play solo pve doesn't mean i don't understand the game.. My skills are not great as i'm older and i'm Aussie so 600+ ping times don't help..

> >

> > That said i use

> > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Burning_Tome

> > Which works really well but isn't durable at all. Its basically squishy as as are most firebrande builds because everyone is obsessed with glass cannon specs these days. I did not say Guardian was bad i said its not very durable.


> Yet Firebrand is considered the tankiest class in the game with insane support (beside maybe warrior). The literal backbone of any WvW team composition.


> Dragonhunter at the same time is considered one of the tankiest high damage outputting builds, with almodt unrivaled selfsustain if properly utilizing its utilities and heal skill (only outperformed by thief or engineer).


> I'm sorry, but maybe you should start using other people's builds, especially of players who do not struggle with content which gives you trouble.


> Metabattle builds usually have good explanations how and when to use skills.


> Also your 600 ping is your issue and should get mentioned when giving advice since it directly affects how this game sees play. Given this game is built on active defences and reactions, which are required in more challenging content, obviously you might see issues on any class which requires skill uses for survival. Face tanking or sponging enemy damage does not work past open world content.


Revenant, Necro and Engi is far far far tankier than any Guardian.

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Honestly, I'm sure you've seen this in a million other similar threads before, but you should pick your class based on your personal enjoyment rather than what's "meta" or what other people think is good.


I spent years playing a banner slave warrior in raids because it was an easy spot to fill, and I thought I enjoyed it. I mostly then dabbled with guardian and revenant as off classes because, hey I had the heavy legendary armor, so why not just use that on everything.


It was only a few weeks ago that out of the blue I picked up an Engineer and realised what a blast scrapper is in PvP/WvW, and how uniquely cool the Holosmith is in events. I now have a new favourite class and am enjoying the game more than ever before.


That's really just a long winded way of saying if you play what others recommend, or what you think you should be playing, you won't necessarily enjoy it as much as you could by simply choosing what you personally find the most fun.

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