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Upcoming Changes to Fall Damage and Revival

Robert Gee.9246

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> @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> People want to just pick on the jp arguement, but there is plenty of other exploration places that -- such as paths to vistas -- where being able to negate false damage is nice to have. It doesn't have to be an always used thing to be useful. Anet is probably going to make a potion and sell it for this. Maybe that is what they have in mind, nickle and diming us on all qol features.


Players don’t have access to gliders on enemy controlled maps, traits for fall damage are appreciated.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > People want to just pick on the jp arguement, but there is plenty of other exploration places that -- such as paths to vistas -- where being able to negate false damage is nice to have. It doesn't have to be an always used thing to be useful. Anet is probably going to make a potion and sell it for this. Maybe that is what they have in mind, nickle and diming us on all qol features.


> Players don’t have access to gliders on enemy controlled maps, traits for fall damage are appreciated.


Players with GW2 only do not have gliding or mounts period? They need HOT/POF or do without? JP's are going to be that much more difficult there. Removing Fall Protection only succeeds in feeding the egos of the Elitest players. Which honestly, if that is the trend, I'm out. I'm here to help players not point out their short comings. I never EVER thought Guild Wars would go that way. The community here was different. I've taken breaks from the game before but always found my way back. IF I leave this time, I'm deleting my characters. There will be no coming back. FWIW, please Anet, remember what this game was founded on. Don't abandon those ideals. Like Jeff Strain said long ago, "Don't worry about other games, make your game the best it can be. Focus on that".

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> @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > > People want to just pick on the jp arguement, but there is plenty of other exploration places that -- such as paths to vistas -- where being able to negate false damage is nice to have. It doesn't have to be an always used thing to be useful. Anet is probably going to make a potion and sell it for this. Maybe that is what they have in mind, nickle and diming us on all qol features.

> >

> > Players don’t have access to gliders on enemy controlled maps, traits for fall damage are appreciated.


> Players with only GW2 only do not have gliding or mounts period? They need HOT/POF or do without? JP's are going to be that much more difficult there. Removing Fall Protection only succeeds in feeding the egos of the Elitest players. Which honestly, if that is the trend, I'm out. I'm here to help players not point out their short comings. I never EVER thought Guild Wars would go that way. The community here was different. I've taken breaks from the game before but always found my way back. IF I leave this time, I'm deleting my characters. There will be no coming back. FWIW, please Anet, remember what this game was founded on. Don't abandon those ideals. Like Jeff Strain said long ago, "Don't worry about other games, make your game the best it can be. Focus on that".


Totally forgot about the f2p players....

They should abolish the no fall damage changes and focus on improving racial skills according to the game modes.



Just saying...

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Well, you should also think about F2P players and old Full game owner That do not have access to Mounts and Gliders, You actually are relegating them to an area unmanageable from the point of view of the game, they can't simply play, so from F2P point of view they will not experience the game and suddenly will leave before starting to be involved in the game, the others will simply be upset (and quit maybe) just because they paid money (hundreds of them for the collector's edition for example) to have an unplayable game just because You don't pay attention to details.

Giving them BASIC Glider or maybe a Warclaw mount (that anyway it's useless in PVE) since it is not related to HOT or PF in any way and useful (needed) only in WvW would be a great decision in my opinion, just to be able to survive all those changes in the game.

So without falling damage reduction I can't imagine what they will do in WvW or PVE without glider and basic mount, good luck :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We really need fall damage reduction traits to be back. I don't understand why Anet made that wrong step.

There is no reason to explain it. Even if some people say it is useless there are people using those traits.


I play mostly WvW, to not say only, and I miss that feature a lot, especially after been used to it for so many years.


I would be glad if you, Anet, change your mind and bring back damage reduction traits.


Also, sorry, but saying that fall damage reduction traits "are currently over-complicating trait descriptions in a

post-glider/mount world" sounds more like a joke...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

@"Robert Gee.9246" I know I am late to the party on this but I'm super disappointed with this change. My main interest in the game used to be jumping puzzles. I had a dedicated spec and gear designed around not only completing jumping puzzles but also porting others for them. Over the last couple of years literally every aspect of this has been nerfed, starting with the change to Snowfall Runes, with this being the final nail in its coffin. I've lost nearly all enjoyment for playing this game because of these changes.

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