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Reaper AFK farming is allowed I think


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There are many player still do AFK farm at Domain of Istan / Sandswept Isles.

What I see is not just afk, but includes

1. using greatsword to auto cast "Nightfall", which is allowed by game design

2. auto casting other skills like "Gravedigger" almost on cooldown

3. afk there repeat 1 & 2 for like hours


This community provide 3 ways for players to report it.

1. mail to Exploits@arena.net

2. submit support tickets

3. reporting in game


Mailing to exploits@arena.net won't give you any feedback.

I do report in game every time I saw it, afk reapers basically afk everyday.

I submit support and they ask me to report in game,

even I provide evidence of hours recording how these reapers can really sit there over 10 hours,

auto cast skills on cooldown, doing same things over and over again 24-7,

and GM said:

![](https://i.imgur.com/uDsTSP1.png "")


Since afk against the rules, there is no way for us to report for it,

report in game only provide

![](https://i.imgur.com/qXKfsW2.png "")

And submit tickets are ignored as there are at least 10 players afk everyday.

I really don't understand why is against the rule and afkers can still do it?




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It's botting. Any time a character is using skills (for a period of time), the player is supposed to be there. If the player is AFK, they must be using automation to do it.


Report it as botting.


And, yes, they respond. I had one bot disappear while I was still looking at the situation. I don't think they can always respond so quickly, but this guy was blatantly botting.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Kinda strange that they have to clarify that players are useing the tools the game give them so not useing bots then still saying its against the rules.


> So what is the problem if its against the rules it dont matter if they are useing the ingame auto cast.


What tools are used to automate gameplay has no bearing - if gameplay is automated to the point that I leave the game unattended, it's botting. It doesn't matter if I'm using existing ingame methods, third-party software, or I build a LEGO machine to physically press buttons on my keyboard, *it's still botting*!


**Just report as botting and move on.**

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> @"Solon.1207" said:

> Its still an exploit... using third party app or not.... therefore it is against the rules...


No, it's not.


AFK farming (as in standing still and not pressing buttons, while your character auto-attacks) is perfectly acceptable, as long as you physically are present on your computer. You might get investigated by a GM (Game Master) in-game, but if you respond to their whispers and thus acknowledge you are in fact present, you will not get actioned for anything.


As stated by Game Security Lead, Chris Cleary:

"1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs


If **all 3 of these apply** to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."


He also mentions that "GMs have been trained to identify and handle these situations, it’s one of the first things they learn. GMs are overly generous on the amount of time that players are given to respond."


Thus, AFK farming may be frowned upon by others and can certainly spark a GM whispering to confirm you're not botting, but it is not against the rules, and it is not a bannable offense.


The discussion where I got my quotes from can be found [here](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/page/1).



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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > @"Solon.1207" said:

> > Its still an exploit... using third party app or not.... therefore it is against the rules...


> No, it's not.


> AFK farming (as in standing still and not pressing buttons, while your character auto-attacks) is perfectly acceptable, as long as you physically are present on your computer. You might get investigated by a GM (Game Master) in-game, but if you respond to their whispers and thus acknowledge you are in fact present, you will not get actioned for anything.


> As stated by Game Security Lead, Chris Cleary:

> "1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs


> If **all 3 of these apply** to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."


> He also mentions that "GMs have been trained to identify and handle these situations, it’s one of the first things they learn. GMs are overly generous on the amount of time that players are given to respond."


> Thus, AFK farming may be frowned upon by others and can certainly spark a GM whispering to confirm you're not botting, but it is not against the rules, and it is not a bannable offense.


> The discussion where I got my quotes from can be found [here](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/page/1).




That isn't AFK farming, that is idle farming.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > @"Solon.1207" said:

> > > Its still an exploit... using third party app or not.... therefore it is against the rules...

> >

> > No, it's not.

> >

> > AFK farming (as in standing still and not pressing buttons, while your character auto-attacks) is perfectly acceptable, as long as you physically are present on your computer. You might get investigated by a GM (Game Master) in-game, but if you respond to their whispers and thus acknowledge you are in fact present, you will not get actioned for anything.

> >

> > As stated by Game Security Lead, Chris Cleary:

> > "1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> > 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> > 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> >

> > If **all 3 of these apply** to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it."

> >

> > He also mentions that "GMs have been trained to identify and handle these situations, it’s one of the first things they learn. GMs are overly generous on the amount of time that players are given to respond."

> >

> > Thus, AFK farming may be frowned upon by others and can certainly spark a GM whispering to confirm you're not botting, but it is not against the rules, and it is not a bannable offense.

> >

> > The discussion where I got my quotes from can be found [here](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/page/1).

> >

> >


> That isn't AFK farming, that is idle farming.


Well, in this case it doesn't matter as the ones complaining think that idle farming = AFK farming. You can't enlighten them since they don't want to listen and understand or something related. In the german forums we had players complaining about "bots" because those were logging in directly on nodes. They meant it wouldn't be possible to start the game like that. Most of the complaining people also think you are making a tremendous amount of gold with that although the opposite was proven via videos and so on. This comes up every thread with that topic and never stops.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> That isn't AFK farming, that is idle farming.


Well, it *can* be, since Cleary's explanation pretty much gives the impression that one can simply glance at the game every ten minutes or so to make sure a GM hasn't whispered them.


Also, I'd imagine it takes a fair amount of reports for a GM to even bother investigating, as I'm sure they have other work to do. So if no one or very few people report the AFK farmer, they could continue to do it for as long as they desire.


Honestly I don't even get the complaints. I don't AFK farm myself because I find it useless, but AFK farmers have never bothered me in the slightest. Actually it's the opposite: I absolutely loved AFK minionmaster necros guarding the berry bushes in Bitterfrost back in the day and keeping them clean of annoying mobs. But this type of farming isn't honestly lucrative at all. A player who actively plays meta events/fractals/whatever for an hour makes more gold and mats than an AFK necro in 24 hours. It's not hurting the economy, it's not hurting any other players, and it's perfectly legal unless the player is botting or being AFK too long.

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This should end the discussion.


back when there was karma farming on bitterfrost frontier I was farming and missed a message from an Anet staff. Though I was there, granted I was reading up on doing a legendary I got a 3 day temp ban. I put in a ticket less than 5 minutes after I was logged out and soft banned they did not care so here is the rule.


If you are whispered by an anet employee and you don't respond in a period of time you are then Soft Banned and the bans start at 3 days and depending on past history it can go up to a month.


oh and I was farming on a reaper with greatsword 4 on auto attack.


If you have whispers turned off or not looking at that screen every 5 minutes you will get banned


Now that being said it was more than a year ago and frankly with the budget cutbacks and staff cutbacks I don't think they have the staff enough to really go through and enforce it.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> People are pretty insistent on doing this despite the 'worthlessness' of the activity. Curious.


Just try it yourself and you'll see that playing the game in a common manner (not even special world bosses or fractals) yields way more loot than this.

People are doing this to be online in the game and therefore being able to respond to friends & guild mates. I know some people that have static raid & fractal groups and idle in that way instead of just standing around at LA or at Mistlock Sanctuary.

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Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.


See it, report it. And if the minions are being a bother trying to tag the offender, turn off NPC nameplates.


AFK farming, even if you aren't macroing, is considered botting.

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

If you're parked and auto-skilling, but not AFK, then it isn't actionable. Not that I advocate doing so. I don't like seeing it either.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> If you're parked and auto-skilling, but not AFK, then it isn't actionable. Not that I advocate doing so. I don't like seeing it either.


~~If parked and autoskilling *unattended* it **is** still actionable.~~

Edit: brain failure!

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> > If you're parked and auto-skilling, but not AFK, then it isn't actionable. Not that I advocate doing so. I don't like seeing it either.


> If parked and autoskilling *unattended* it **is** still actionable.


Thus the term AFK, no? ;)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> > > > Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.

> > > If you're parked and auto-skilling, but not AFK, then it isn't actionable. Not that I advocate doing so. I don't like seeing it either.

> >

> > If parked and autoskilling *unattended* it **is** still actionable.


> Thus the term AFK, no? ;)


I'm so sorry! My eyes must have just skimmed right past that part of your sentence! :flushed:

You are absolutely right! Edited my previous post!

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> Parking yourself and auto-skilling in a location that is of great benefit (whether it be farming specific mats) falls under being actionable. Just because it looks like nothing is being done about it doesn't mean it's OK. And yes, I know about diminishing returns in a zone -- still, doing this is an actionable offense.


> See it, report it. And if the minions are being a bother trying to tag the offender, turn off NPC nameplates.


> AFK farming, even if you aren't macroing, is considered botting.



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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Sorry but If you are in the game (and you see the screen) and your character do something automaticaly because the game is programedthat way you are not braking any rule


And conversely, if you're *away* from the game but still gaining (loot, xp, whatever), you *are* breaking rules - even if you're using the game's auto-cast system or minions.


This isn't a argument against what you are saying, it is a complement to it.

The operative part here is *unattended* play.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Sorry but If you are in the game (and you see the screen) and your character do something automaticaly because the game is programedthat way you are not braking any rule


> And conversely, if you're *away* from the game but still gaining (loot, xp, whatever), you *are* breaking rules - even if you're using the game's auto-cast system or minions.


> This isn't a argument against what you are saying, it is a complement to it.

> The operative part here is *unattended* play.


Yes. And is unattended play having gw2 on one monitor and playing diferent game/watching a movie/working on other screen unattended play?

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