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Staff ideas


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Skill 1- Speed up the projectile and up the damage. 1,200 range.


Skill 2-5- These skills become fast moving targeted AoE “spectral energy” blasts, that hit 3 targets max. Up the damage and add some secondary effects from the current skills to make them unique. 1,200 range.




Skill 1- Speed up the projectile and up the direct damage. 1,200 range.


Skill 2- This skill become a fast moving targeted AoE “spectral energy” blast, that Bleeds enemies. 3 targets max. Up the direct damage. 1,200 range.


Skill 3- This skill becomes a ground target skill that moves the Necro. AoE “spectral energy” blast where the Necro lands. 3 targets max. 1,200 range.


Skill 4- This skill become a fast moving targeted AoE “spectral energy” blast, that Chills and Poisons enemies. Up the direct damage. 3 targets max. 1,200 range.


Skill 5- This skills become a PBAoE “spectral energy” blast that Fears enemies. 3 targets max. Up the direct damage.


These suggestions make for a better power based weapon, with fast offensive skills, a movement utility and doesn’t take away the aoe features of the weapon.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Skill 1- Speed up the projectile and up the damage. 1,200


> Skill 2-5- These skills become fast moving targeted AoE “spectral energy” blasts, that hit 3 targets max. Up the damage and add some secondary effects from the current skills to make them unique. 1,200 range.



> This becomes a better power based weapon, with faster offensive skills and doesn’t take away the aoe features of the weapon.


I would like the staff to have the trait integrated as default and the the new trait reduce cast times by half increase SE generate and the suggestions you made.

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ANET plz dont do this

You basically just swapped 3-4 but removed the condi transfer from 4, then you nerfed the the 5 range into melee for some reason then reduced everything from 5 targets down to 3 then you say it dosent affect the aoe features of the weapons.

Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfs

Get out

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> @"Avernus.6817" said:

> ANET plz dont do this

> You basically just swapped 3-4 but removed the condi transfer from 4, then you nerfed the the 5 range into melee for some reason then reduced everything from 5 targets down to 3 then you say it dosent affect the aoe features of the weapons.

> Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfs

> Get out


First, I’m not getting out. Second, this is a buff to the weapon buddy. Third, there is more to the game than mindless spam in most parts of the pve game.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Avernus.6817" said:

> > ANET plz dont do this

> > You basically just swapped 3-4 but removed the condi transfer from 4, then you nerfed the the 5 range into melee for some reason then reduced everything from 5 targets down to 3 then you say it dosent affect the aoe features of the weapons.

> > Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfs

> > Get out


> First, I’m not getting out. Second, this is a buff to the weapon buddy. Third, there is more to the game than mindless spam in most parts of the pve game.


Literally all you did was change some animations, swapped the skills around, reduced amounts of targets hit by 2 on every skill, removed condi transfer and made it so you can only fear if your right next to the enemy. That's a nerf to its ability to aoe, its ability to transfer own condis (self-inflicted,) reduced CC capabilities. You say its faster but the only thing slow about current staff is the auto, all the wells are basically instant, unless the porjectiles move at the speed of light the wells will be faster. It's a all round nerf

Get out

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I never said it was good, jus that you're 'buffs' are terrible. 'Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfs', is what i said, i know its great at WvW tagging and such, thats all its useful for, but what you do would nerf that and everything else, you're idea is awful, we need buffs, not some randoms dudes 'brilliant' idea on how to nerf a weapon that needs buffs, the only thing that looks good about your changes is the increased speed on the auto.

Do i really need to say it again...

Get out

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Maybe I'm in the minority here but I love staff precisely because it's all ground targeted; I just think the cooldowns are too long.


I'd like to see shorter CDs and a condition added to the auto attack even if it's something petty like Vulnerability. At least then it increases damage of the other attacks and now it also synergizes with the new Corruptor's Fervor.


Maybe guaranteed projectile combo so we can skillfully apply more conditions using fields.

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> @"Dagger.2035" said:

> I don’t think staff needs a complete rework since it is a good utility weapon and gets a ton of use in WvW. You can recharge your shroud from a safe range, apply hard/soft cc, and transfer conditions. The only skill which may need some help is the slow moving auto attack.


Especially for wvw a rework would be good to lessen the aoe spam/denial

Sure it's a nice weapon for tagging and bad players will stay on staff the whole time. But that's not how wvw should be played.

Placing all those marks, creating gigantic red floors of death. In order to remove this, rework staff.


If you don't think, that this is a problem in wvw. Leave it as it is

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I think what really needs to happen is for one either make the auto a auto chain with more effectiveness or just speed up the projectile in general.


The life force generation portion of **soul marks** gets moved to baseline


The new version of **soul marks** still makes marks unblockable and enhances staff marks as listed below


Skill 2 steals health on successful hits and inflicts torment in addition to bleed

Skill 3 pulses 2 times on successful trigger applying chill and poison

Skill 4 gains a 2nd charge but has a 4s minimum delay between each use

Skill 5 gains a 2nd charge but has a 4s minimum delay between each use


My issue with staff right now is that its outdated and its practically not even a good utility weapon without the trait which makes it semi useful only after the fact along with the fact that outside of the auto there is no natural life force generation in its kit without the trait.


So you have to take a trait to basically make it a utility weapon which is kind of bs.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Dagger.2035" said:

> > I don’t think staff needs a complete rework since it is a good utility weapon and gets a ton of use in WvW. You can recharge your shroud from a safe range, apply hard/soft cc, and transfer conditions. The only skill which may need some help is the slow moving auto attack.


> Especially for wvw a rework would be good to lessen the aoe spam/denial

> Sure it's a nice weapon for tagging and bad players will stay on staff the whole time. But that's not how wvw should be played.

> Placing all those marks, creating gigantic red floors of death. In order to remove this, rework staff.


> If you don't think, that this is a problem in wvw. Leave it as it is


keep in mind this is only wvw you are talking about in other modes with other play styles staff is very lackluster. In most cases its used because you either dont have anything better to use cause you are not playing reaper or you are a condi build and can make more use of the 2 and 3 and maybe 5 skills.


In pvp your life force wont constantly be topped off by constant deaths and you wont be able to just mindlessly throw out marks cause you need to be more tactical with them and forget trying to auto for LF when necro is always the main focus first in a team fight.


in pve you dont really need a staff if playing reaper and if you play other builds like core or scourge its more of the same above either you dont have anything better to use as your 2nd weapon or you can make minor use of the 2-3 condition marks.


Overall staff is not that great and while a total rework is not needed it could certainly use a nice update.

Overall im kinda upset that you need to take a trait to even make this weapon semi functional as a true utility weapon and that not a single mark generates life force on its own.

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Add the staff trait as baseline and make the staff 1 do condi damage. Or if you want to keep it a power range, remove the bleed from 2, poison from 3, and add more damage.


They just need to decide what damage type the staff is going to be. I think it should remain power. I'd love the following:


*Staff 1 does a small aoe on hit (radius 240) reduce LF gain to 2%, and increase the damage (or increase the rate of attack, the animation takes forever)

* Staff 2 remove the bleed, add life leach and more flat damage (Allow it to regen those at the location and allow the user to regain health through leech like the dagger)

* Staff 3 Remove poison and add blind and dark field instead. increase base damage.

* staff 4 is fine

* staff 5 is fine


*add staff trait as baseline so all marks gen LF and are unblockable or keep the unblockable on the trait and add something else as well but keep LF baseline.

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Staff is only bad if you camp it. Same idea as staff on power Revenant. It has valuable utility but most times you want to swap out of it as soon as you can ( with some exceptions ).


IMO, the only thing that needs a bit of a buff is Mark Of Blood ( skill #2 ).

Currently: "Mark. Inscribe a mark that bleeds foes when they trigger it, and grants regeneration to allies."

Maybe change it so it does something like this: "Mark. Inscribe a mark that bleeds foes when they trigger it, and grants regeneration to allies, and Retaliation ( 3s ) to yourself."


Though it is only one additional boon, the cooldown means it has potential for a rather high uptime and punishes attackers while it's active. It isn't so strong it makes the skill ridiculous and it can easily be stripped or corrupted to counter it's effect. The only downside is that it doesn't do much to benefit a condition build nor does it do much in PvE. In PvP and WvW however, it would be quite nice.

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Staff has the same issues like scourge. It has insane aoe and area denial.


Like scourge the staff is a balanced large scale pick. While the skill effects itself are quite poor, they scale to oppressive levels in large scale fights.


If you speed up the autoattack then the 20 scourges in the zerg will spam staff autos and nuke other groups like no tomorrow. We will see flying black claws all over the place.


And also like scourge's aoe the staff would either need a rework or the marks should only hit 3 targets if you plan to make it stronger. I would support that as staff is 100% useless in anything else than zergs or mob tagging (the latter isn't even gameplay but exploiting).

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The problem of the staff is just related to the mcm!

It is enough to reduce the targets from 5 to 3 for Marks and to make the projectile disappear after having touched X people or that the projectile to each person it touches it loses 30% of its damage.


But the weapon is very bad in pve, it is just used to tag mobs it is supposed to be a weapon with which we fight here, but we only do brushed them.

We need a massive increase in PVE damage and increase speed to 1.

The trait merges with the current skills.

And they really have to choose whether this weapon is power or condi.

Then we could have a line in "the Soul Reaping" harvest that does for example :

If they make the staff become power, the new line would reduce the damage of all your staff skills by X% but adds different conditions to your staff skills (which would allow you to play it in power or condition and better manage the balancing)

Or added a new mechanical support like on the Revenant staff with new trait.


PS: In general I think that GW2 should put a system that makes the more a skill affects targets, the less it has an effect whether it is aggressive or offensive.

It would make for a more interesting gameplay, less buff, less conditions, less death by aoe bomb.

Even siege weapons in MCM, for example, it would avoid always having weapons on the double spots, if you touch 2 walls you make 50% damage on each of them,...

if you want to open faster you type only 1 wall ...

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