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Condition Berserker for WvW?


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Hello there. I am a real warrior noob. I have played every other profession yet I really (not joking) suck at warrior. Yesterday I was wondering about a condition berserker build with fire theme. I have tried several options, but I have failed on several occasions.


-I am kited easily

-Although my armor is 3.300, I cannot seem to handle a power spike well from some professions.

-My condition burst is really good, only if people decide to stay near me. Otherwise catching them and bursting them is not easy.

-Is it me or longbow really sucks vs players? (I swapped to mace after some point)


First of all I want to get your opinions on condi berserker in wvw. Is it viable? Can it be competitive enough to duel other professions? If it is, what stats/traits and utilities should be used?


Thanks for your help.

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> Hello there. I am a real warrior noob. I have played every other profession yet I really (not joking) suck at warrior. Yesterday I was wondering about a condition berserker build with fire theme. I have tried several options, but I have failed on several occasions.


> -I am kited easily


This is the case with warrior unless you run GS + sword/x. If you are running longbow, then you'll need swiftness from somewhere.


> -Although my armor is 3.300, I cannot seem to handle a power spike well from some professions.


Stacking toughness is generally a fools errand unless you have other sources of passive damage reduction like protection. That and power damage scales more quickly than toughness, so it is easy to overcome toughness with shear power unless passive damage reduction is added in.


> -My condition burst is really good, only if people decide to stay near me. Otherwise catching them and bursting them is not easy.


Use longbow.


> -Is it me or longbow really sucks vs players? (I swapped to mace after some point)


Longbow has a strong burst, and strong power AoE, and strong immob+bleed, and blind spam. It is generally solid, but you'll get more damage out of sword/torch.



> First of all I want to get your opinions on condi berserker in wvw. Is it viable? Can it be competitive enough to duel other professions? If it is, what stats/traits and utilities should be used?


Power zerker would be far easier to play as and enjoy in WvW. If you wanted to duel with it, you'd need a source of heavy CC in order to get the most out of your burst with LB, even then you'd be better served by using a harder hitting burst attack like Decapitate, Arc Divider, or Gunflame. Even Flaming Flurry is better in such a situation.


But if you want to play with condi some more then Bull's Charge followed by Wild Blow after they stunbreak or vice versa would set up your condi burst. You'd want to use Pin Down immediately afterword to lock them down in the fire field and to apply some cover condis over the burning. You'd also want some other cover condition sources, like sigil of doom, some source of cripple, some source of vulnerability, etc.


> Thanks for your help.



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Simply put condi warrior is weak because power warrior is **much, much** stronger. A zerker berserker can one-shot other zerkers. No condi can ever match that. Those that are viable rely on heavy evasion/kiting and stealth (well, or roflstomp revs that dump 20+ torment stacks in an instant thats more you killing yourself). Warrior has problems with that.

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Condi berserker is garbage, you get kited, you will be chased down, your dmg is meh and without berserker mode its almost impossible to pressure your enemy.


Imo berserker is only good in smallscale fights when he gets supported by a firebrand for example and where his animations are harder to see due to other skill effect distracting your enemies. Also for that id recommend power berserker and staying away from condis.


Solo its just a mostly frustrating experience, the enemies that you blow up with it would also most likely die to any other meta roaming warrior build.

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Yes unfortunately condi berserker is not good at wvw, power is morelikely to use as a burst damage. I am not sure on roaming but on zerg I can assure you using condi zerker vs most zerg is not a good idea, proper zerg has scrapper and firebrand to cleanse your condition, and even worse cleanse from scrapper turning your burning into aegis, which sort of giving them free aegis.

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