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What do you spend your gold on?


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So i got to this point personally where i spend my gold doing ecto-gambling constantly to make more gold. Simply for the thrill and addiction? i guess to gambling. I have no other reasons or things at this point where i spend my gold on. I currently find myself back to 2k gold. But now comes my question, since i tossed my ecto-gamble items out of the inventory. What do you folks spend your gold on? Aside of legendary / armor crafting.


Being free from the whole ecto madness, it really just gave me a big wallet with nothing to spend it on. It is a nice feeling obviously, but since i don't play too much i was wondering as to the question above! perhaps to make some inspiration for myself.

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Every now and then with some extra gold, I will make some “newbie kits.” Bags, weapons, armor etc... (low level stuff, except the bags) and head off to the starter zones. Look for some new players that need “a welcome to the game”!


It helps them get started and gives them a good experience. I’ve actually made a few good in game friends this way.

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I seldom have much gold to spare, but when I do manage to save up a good extra chunk of change I splurge on a nice Black Lion weapon skin from the Trading Post, or else an actual Exotic weapon that happens to have a cool skin to unlock.

When I can, I'll convert gold to Gems, but I almost always have to supplement that with real-world money. Although, I'm catching up on my Living Story S4, and I was missing one chapter unlock which I was able to grab in this way! Say what you will about the Gem Store and some of the more shady paid-gambling boxes on offer, I still think it's a pretty great system in the grand scheme of things.

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Currently I've been spending it all on home instance nodes to finally push toward completing mine. I've nearly finished getting all of the S4 nodes, the big stopping point is obviously the volatile magic but it's been bleeding my gold dry as well. I only have one node left and it's the least important one (Kralkatite) so I'm less worried about it. I also have 7 regular nodes left to collect, and after that just some of the gem store stuff before I'm done, which I may or may not purchase (still on the fence about garden plots). Ultimately it will be a while before I'm finished, but it's nice to have a goal to work toward and the tradeable nodes are all fairly reasonably priced so I can usually get one every few days.


Aside from that, I like to buy up complete sets of Black Lion weapon skins from the trading post when I see the entire set can be acquired for less than 300-400g. I prefer to get the entire set at once so I can complete the collection, as this is the fastest way to acquire a lot of weapon tickets quickly. I then use those tickets to purchase skin sets with the intent of holding onto them for long term investment in the hopes that they'll become rare after a couple of years. It's a speculation game and admittedly, it doesn't usually pay off-- but if I've held onto a set for a long time and it still hasn't really spiked in value, then I can unlock them all personally and I've got a new shiny set of weapons to play with, plus another 7 tickets which continues the cycle.

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I don't like spending too much gold, especially if I could go below my 3k gold treshold, but I spend it mostly on:

* Outfits, mount packs.

* Weapon skins from TP.

* Bank tabs.

* Crafting materials if I need them (I'm too lazy to gather everything). Includes mats for legendary weapons.

* New eq (mostly insignias to flush asc items in Mystic Forge), sigils and runes for my characters.

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It is kind of a little frustrating. Gold is one of the main rewards, but there's really nothing to spend it on that makes the game any more fun. I just make arbitrary goals and put my gold into those, like rn I'm buying up all the cheap weapon skins. Once I finish that there's a fairly good chance I'll just redefine what 'cheap' is and keep going :p


But given gold's limited usefulness, I think ecto gambling is a good a use as any. Just do what you like . . .

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