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Which player character voice is your favourite?

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Fan of the asura race, have several characters of them.

One is a necromancer with several demonic traits, so I'd wish for a more gritty voice.

But other than that, all voices seem fine.

I kinda dislike the sylvari, but that's more caused by their dialogue than their voice.


I'm also very used to the human female voice. I made one as a gig when i started, but then it became my most developed character and never replaced it with a male character. So that one human female (elonian) is my main now, even keep her in gear fit whichever expansion she's in.

(Started wearing the Travellers Mask to mimic a large burn scar since the scene Balthazar 'killed' me)

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I voted sylvari female, but for me it's really a tie between the sylvari female & the asura female voices, with asura male and norn female a close second. Although, I will admit that a large portion of my love of the norn female voice is knowing that is Claudia Christian's voice. Claudia Christian and Jennifer Hale could read a phone book and I'd be willing to listen to them all day.


EDIT: Also, Felicia Day. She could read unfavorable court verdicts to me in Zojja's voice, & I'd still smile.

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