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Flying mount


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> @"chicos.7165" said:

> Only way to get it is by Gems ?

> And is it enough or need any achievement to fly with it ?


The only way to get the Skyscale is to own all of Living World Season 4. It requires items from each of those 6 maps. If you didn't log in while each of the episodes were active, yes, you will need to spend some gems to purchase access to the appropriate episodes.


Once you have it all, you need to complete the story of Episode 6 (though I highly suggest playing all 6 episodes in order, as the story is pretty good). This will unlock a series of collections. The end reward is getting the Skyscale as a mount.

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Just to be clear: there are no mounts sold in the gem store, only skins for mounts which require you to have unlocked the mount already. But to unlock the roller beetle you must have Living World Season 4, Episode 3, and to unlock the skyscale you must have all of Season 4. If you didn't get the episodes when they were first released you will need to buy them from the gem store. (Buying the episodes does not give you the mount: it gives you access to the content you need to play to unlock them, via a series of collections - relatively quick for the roller bettle and much longer for the skyscale.)


As well as the skyscale the griffon is a flying mount, which is available in Path of Fire without needing any Living World episodes. Both will fly right from when you first get them, but neither is a "true" flying mount in the sense that other games have them - their ability to go up is limited and when flying they will gradually lose height over time. The skyscale can hover indefinitely, but the griffon must keep moving in the air. Masteries will not change this - it's done for game design reasons, to minimise the extent that they trivialise content by allowing players to just fly over everything to their destination.


The only mount which works in WvW is the Warclaw, which is also unlocked in WvW. Once you've got it all your characters can use it there, but you'll need to put 1 point into the warclaw ability track to enable it (but all characters start with at least 1 ability point and gain more as you rank up).

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Just to be clear: there are no mounts sold in the gem store, only skins for mounts which require you to have unlocked the mount already. But to unlock the roller beetle you must have Living World Season 4, Episode 3, and to unlock the skyscale you must have all of Season 4. If you didn't get the episodes when they were first released you will need to buy them from the gem store. (Buying the episodes does not give you the mount: it gives you access to the content you need to play to unlock them, via a series of collections - relatively quick for the roller bettle and much longer for the skyscale.)


> As well as the skyscale the griffon is a flying mount, which is available in Path of Fire without needing any Living World episodes. Both will fly right from when you first get them, but neither is a "true" flying mount in the sense that other games have them - their ability to go up is limited and when flying they will gradually lose height over time. The skyscale can hover indefinitely, but the griffon must keep moving in the air. Masteries will not change this - it's done for game design reasons, to minimise the extent that they trivialise content by allowing players to just fly over everything to their destination.


> The only mount which works in WvW is the Warclaw, which is also unlocked in WvW. Once you've got it all your characters can use it there, but you'll need to put 1 point into the warclaw ability track to enable it (but all characters start with at least 1 ability point and gain more as you rank up).


Thank you very much !!!!

I have just realized that for now the mount I need is the " up jumping mount " will i get it keeping doing the path of fire story like the raptor ?

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> @"chicos.7165" said:

> I have just realized that for now the mount I need is the " up jumping mount " will i get it keeping doing the path of fire story like the raptor ?


You need to unlock the third mastery skill (Canyon Jumping) for [Raptor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raptor_(mount)), then you will be able complete the appropriate heart and purchase the [springer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Springer). I don't remember if you get enough progress just by playing the story, so it's advisable to keep the overall goal in mind while you work on other stuff. (Springer's third mastery skill will be similarly required for the fourth mount, so once you unlock the Springer, I'd start working on it.)



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> @"tatte.5389" said:

> > @"chicos.7165" said:

> > I have just realized that for now the mount I need is the " up jumping mount " will i get it keeping doing the path of fire story like the raptor ?


> You need to unlock the third mastery skill (Canyon Jumping) for [Raptor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raptor_(mount)), then you will be able complete the appropriate heart and purchase the [springer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Springer). I don't remember if you get enough progress just by playing the story, so it's advisable to keep the overall goal in mind while you work on other stuff. (Springer's third mastery skill will be similarly required for the fourth mount, so once you unlock the Springer, I'd start working on it.)




I will !!! Thank you !!!

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> @"chicos.7165" said:

> > @"tatte.5389" said:

> > > @"chicos.7165" said:

> > > I have just realized that for now the mount I need is the " up jumping mount " will i get it keeping doing the path of fire story like the raptor ?

> >

> > You need to unlock the third mastery skill (Canyon Jumping) for [Raptor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Raptor_(mount)), then you will be able complete the appropriate heart and purchase the [springer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Springer). I don't remember if you get enough progress just by playing the story, so it's advisable to keep the overall goal in mind while you work on other stuff. (Springer's third mastery skill will be similarly required for the fourth mount, so once you unlock the Springer, I'd start working on it.)

> >

> >


> I will !!! Thank you !!!


For reference;


Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal are all straightforward unlocks from maps in PoF. The story is a useful guide to follow to get to them, but not essential in all cases. You will need some mastery lines unlocked as someone said above.


The Griffon (the first of the two flying mounts) requires completion of the PoF story and a series of collections, group events and 250g. It's a pretty decent quest series imo, but it's much tougher to get


The hyper fast Roller Beetle requires episode 3 of LS4 and completion of part of the story. Then a series of collections/quests


The Warclaw requires doing some WvW stuff and is really only useful there. It looks cool in pve, but has no real function beyond being a mount


The Skyscale (the second flying mount) requires a significant time investment, all of LS4, lots of collections and quests. It is very much an optional mount, but is a pretty useful flying mount for many of us, combining much of what the springer and the griffon do in a package. It takes a while to get since it is often thought of as a legendary mount. For a new player it takes a lot longer due to materials required farming for. Expect it to take many weeks


No mount unlocks with gems - they all unlock through gameplay. Only skins are bought with gem currency

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Minor point: the story won't direct you to unlock the jackal. It will take you through the area where you unlock it, but you won't be promoted to complete the heart like you are for the raptor, springer and skimmer. That threw me off at first, I didn't want to do it 'too early' so it was only when the story was moving on to the next map and I realised it wasn't going to involve unlocking the jackal that I went and got it.


The griffon was originally a surprise mount, it wasn't featured in any of the info about PoF before release and no one knew it existed until the first people started the process of unlocking it, so I think the jackal was designed to be the clearly optional mount, to let players know they didn't have to get all of them.

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Also there is no real flying mount in GW2.

Griffon can glide and dive in the air but apart from the initial flap of wings you will never gain altitude beyond your starting point.

Skyscale can gain altitude from the take of point but only to a certain degree and with horizontal movement that potential is slowly lost to a point where you have to land to gain altitude again. It has some skills that will add some additional altitude for a limited amount of time but again that is lost with horizontal movement and time.

There is currently no progress locked behind those 2 mounts. Everything story, achievement or event related can be reached with other mounts. But those 2 offer easier and faster movement across the landscape. They are also just plain cool and fun. Skyscale offers great convenience while climbing and just travelling across terrain and griffon is super fast if you start from a high point and can perform super fast air gliding and diving maneuvers.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> Also there is no real flying mount in GW2.

> Griffon can glide and dive in the air but apart from the initial flap of wings you will never gain altitude beyond your starting point.


Wrong. You can gain altitude with griffon with skill and practice. Beyond my level, but I haven't practiced either. lol




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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Minor point: the story won't direct you to unlock the jackal. It will take you through the area where you unlock it, but you won't be promoted to complete the heart like you are for the raptor, springer and skimmer. That threw me off at first, I didn't want to do it 'too early' so it was only when the story was moving on to the next map and I realised it wasn't going to involve unlocking the jackal that I went and got it.


> The griffon was originally a surprise mount, it wasn't featured in any of the info about PoF before release and no one knew it existed until the first people started the process of unlocking it, so I think the jackal was designed to be the clearly optional mount, to let players know they didn't have to get all of them.


You have to get the Jackal else you won't be able to complete a map since some areas are only accessible if you have the Jackal. IMO, the Jackal quest line got cut off before POF release to meet the deadline, which is a shame.

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