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About THAT plot point *Major Spoilers*


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > I think she went out with plenty of dignity. Sacrificed herself to try and help Jhavi get away, DEFINITELY fought back, but--as the PC discovered--she was totally outmatched and covered in lacerations. Plus she was outside in killing temperatures. Plus she was an elderly woman. Bleeding/freezing to death alone may not be "dignified" in the Cool-Badkitten-Military-Leader sense, but c'mon--she's still an old woman who got ambushed, severely beat up, and lost in a blizzard.


> Well if you follow the story its actualy Jhavi that distract ( putting up the sacrifice) the svanir so Almorra can get away and get help.


> So kinda odd that you see it the other way around just becouse she failed to do what she were supposed to do.


I disagree here. Almorra made it clear that she'd be the one creating distraction so Jhavi could escape (the "That's an order" line) so it's probable that Jhavi tried to escape but was recaptured, which is why she's tied up in the next vision.

And the distraction cost Almorra her life. I actually suspect she knew she wouldn't live through it and perhaps didn't really care.

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> @"anninke.7469" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > > I think she went out with plenty of dignity. Sacrificed herself to try and help Jhavi get away, DEFINITELY fought back, but--as the PC discovered--she was totally outmatched and covered in lacerations. Plus she was outside in killing temperatures. Plus she was an elderly woman. Bleeding/freezing to death alone may not be "dignified" in the Cool-Badkitten-Military-Leader sense, but c'mon--she's still an old woman who got ambushed, severely beat up, and lost in a blizzard.

> >

> > Well if you follow the story its actualy Jhavi that distract ( putting up the sacrifice) the svanir so Almorra can get away and get help.

> >

> > So kinda odd that you see it the other way around just becouse she failed to do what she were supposed to do.


> I disagree here. Almorra made it clear that she'd be the one creating distraction so Jhavi could escape (the "That's an order" line) so it's probable that Jhavi tried to escape but was recaptured, which is why she's tied up in the next vision.

> And the distraction cost Almorra her life. I actually suspect she knew she wouldn't live through it and perhaps didn't really care.


Your right after rereading the wiki, I see I mixed thinks up in my first playthrough.



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Just gonna make a point - one that I don't necessarily believe myself - but in an episode where we're literally told not to believe anything we see or hear... should we necessarily believe that Almorra is actually dead? The same goes for a few of the other concerns about the story telling in the first episode - if everything visually is manipulated, potentially any key piece of plot could be a falsehood.


Not that, again, I necessarily believe this, but... It's possible.

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> @"Khanco.1584" said:

> So Almorra kinda went out like a chump


> I'd been expecting her to die for a while now and, especially with the most recent trailer, I'd guessed it was going to be happening this patch. Now I get the idea that her not going out in a blaze of glory and instead dying alone is meant to be part of the tragedy, and I respect that, but she could at least have gone out with a shred of dignity. Show that she put up a fight, that she was defiant until the very end, even have her die to protect her soldiers. Instead she apparently just curled up in a cave and gave up, then someone came along and piled some rocks on her. It's a limp end to such an important character in Tyria's recent history


> The rest of the cast don't seem too phased by it either, mostly giving a vibe of "Well that sucks" before moving back to whatever they'd been arguing about before. The only person who seemed to really care was Jhavi, the character we've only just met, who has some nice dialogue lamenting the fact that Almorra was the only one who saw her for herself and not her ancestry


I kinda agree with this.

The fact that we didnt even know why Almorra left without telling us kind of makes this whole bit worse because i feel like as the pact commander and the vigil being part of the pact i think that we should have known she was going to go ahead. Basically this should not have happened the way it did in my opinion. I know in the strike mission Cre tells us that she is sending a scouting party ahead but still a nice chunk of the vigil and Almorra... like thats kind of important. IT made a massive plot hole for me.


I also want to know whats going to happen when the communicators that were taken and how Almorra got one back to make the call while she was animated by Jormag.


No one aside from Jhavi seemed to care all that much and i dont even care for her much because of how speedy it all happened it was more like we killed her Almorra just bring in a norn. Like Jhavi is cool and all but still her introduction was far too quick and it it was so fast that it made Almorra's death even more watered down. I get more feeling from the ambient chatter from the charr in the next room than i do from most of the direct members the commander is in constant contact with.


Her death was a major upset for me and not the good kind of upset.

To be clear I would have been fine with her biting the bullet regardless just that there is so much missing and the fact that Jhavi was shoved into our faces so fast that it felt a bit weaker. Finding the body was not the "awe" moment for me


Finding out that she had been dead for a while and that Jormag used her dead body to make the call was the "awe moment."

Had it not ended the way it did with finding out that jormag used her like that her death would feel very meaningless even if she managed to save Jhavi.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> I kinda agree with this.

> The fact that we didnt even know why Almorra left without telling us kind of makes this whole bit worse because i feel like as the pact commander and the vigil being part of the pact i think that we should have known she was going to go ahead. Basically this should not have happened the way it did in my opinion. I know in the strike mission Cre tells us that she is sending a scouting party ahead but still a nice chunk of the vigil and Almorra... like thats kind of important. IT made a massive plot hole for me.


Almorra told us in Bound by Blood that she was on her way to a Vigil outpost up north and she peached out of Grothmar Valley after her fight with Bangar cause his lackeys started ruffing up human Vigil members. At the end of the Prologue Rhytlock tells us that Almorra is already on her way to the camp and thus she's ahead of Bangar and his followers.

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> @"Thalimae.3406" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> >

> > I kinda agree with this.

> > The fact that we didnt even know why Almorra left without telling us kind of makes this whole bit worse because i feel like as the pact commander and the vigil being part of the pact i think that we should have known she was going to go ahead. Basically this should not have happened the way it did in my opinion. I know in the strike mission Cre tells us that she is sending a scouting party ahead but still a nice chunk of the vigil and Almorra... like thats kind of important. IT made a massive plot hole for me.


> Almorra told us in Bound by Blood that she was on her way to a Vigil outpost up north and she peached out of Grothmar Valley after her fight with Bangar cause his lackeys started ruffing up human Vigil members. At the end of the Prologue Rhytlock tells us that Almorra is already on her way to the camp and thus she's ahead of Bangar and his followers.


hmmm i must have forgoten this thanks for calling out... to be honest i only remember her wanting to knock Bangar's lights out

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I knew by the initial communicator call that Almorra was dead, and I spent the whole time dreading the point where we'd find her. And then we found her sword, carefully propped up instead of just discarded in the snow, and I had a brief flash of hope, immediately dashed by the next bit. And then I was sad, but also proud of her for fighting to the last. I can't help but pause a moment every time I'm in the keep and walk past her sword, and I keep wishing we had an interact there that would let us pay our respects or light a candle or something.


I thought it was really well done to pull that kind of complex reaction out of me, and I hope there's some kind of memorial later, but Almorra would want us to see the fight through to the finish before we looked to mourning the dead.

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The death is badly made. Jormag can't speak through Almora since the body isn't corrupted with ice like Fraetir. Have they already forgotten Necrobrand Emulation Lab? What if it is just an illusion?


Maybe the death of Almora is fake and make me think, what about the fallens and aberrant haunts? What if their are the illusions of the commander, what YOU see?


It is also stated by Jhavi that Bangar already saw dead Almora before us, so if Bangar is with Jormag, why Jormag killed her before, plus there is no vision of Bangar, footprints, nothing. Again, incoherent.


Almora has huge scars/slash so it make me think of Bangar but if so, it's a paradox, implying that Bangar came before Svanirs!


But we don't know how long work the lens. If the visions are recent, it's impossible that Almora was dead, and so making impossible the strange call.


I'm angry because they kill all the loved characters whereas characters stated to die soon are still alive: TAIMI


You kill Almora for NO REASONS whereas TAIMI which has a DIBILITATING DISEASE IN TERMINAL STAGE IS STILL HERE. It has been ONE SEASON NOW, stop the joke!

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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> I just came out disappointed that such a major character was killed off-screen.


It had to be so nothing else regarding upcoming story content would get revealed this early on. We will learn the truth of events soon enough, also about Bangar's involvement (after all, he's likely the one who buried her).

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> @"Urocyon.8239" said:

> Killing off Almorra was terrible writing and did not need to happen. I'm getting tired of these "shocking" plot points where favourite NPCs die. Enough already.


We dont know why it happened, or how it happened. One of the writers made a comment on twitter or reddit i forget which, but it hints that Almorra didnt die a bad death. Well see if they actually pull of a good writing bit there, but im gonna hold judgement until then.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Urocyon.8239" said:

> > Killing off Almorra was terrible writing and did not need to happen. I'm getting tired of these "shocking" plot points where favourite NPCs die. Enough already.


> We dont know why it happened, or how it happened. One of the writers made a comment on twitter or reddit i forget which, but it hints that Almorra didnt die a bad death. Well see if they actually pull of a good writing bit there, but im gonna hold judgement until then.


still doesnt change that atm its bad writing from what we see/experience/read/hear.

Welp not like it can get any worse... oh wait we see it getting worse each new LS release

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> @"Khanco.1584" said:

> So Almorra kinda went out like a chump


> I'd been expecting her to die for a while now and, especially with the most recent trailer, I'd guessed it was going to be happening this patch. Now I get the idea that her not going out in a blaze of glory and instead dying alone is meant to be part of the tragedy, and I respect that, but she could at least have gone out with a shred of dignity. Show that she put up a fight, that she was defiant until the very end, even have her die to protect her soldiers. Instead she apparently just curled up in a cave and gave up, then someone came along and piled some rocks on her. It's a limp end to such an important character in Tyria's recent history


> The rest of the cast don't seem too phased by it either, mostly giving a vibe of "Well that sucks" before moving back to whatever they'd been arguing about before. The only person who seemed to really care was Jhavi, the character we've only just met, who has some nice dialogue lamenting the fact that Almorra was the only one who saw her for herself and not her ancestry


This is more the issues with the GW2 writing in general imo.. Its just not that great, i felt the same way with Eirs death in Hot it was ham fisted and the characters just kinda seemed like it was nothing..


Just a shame it wasn't Braham.. I feel he deserves a cowards death.

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