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I miss the old Continuum Split


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Can we start a petition or something to bring it back? Like, seriously. What was the point of the chrono shatter rework? Someone explain it to me, because all it's done for the game in my experience is making it unfun to use your class mechanic as a Chrono.

Are there people that actually supported/enjoyed this change? Because all I've been hearing is complaints. Justifiably.


At the very least, revert the CS change. Being unable to use it out of combat is hurtful. All it did was remove fun combos that didn't hurt the game one bit.

Besides, what's with the tendency of overnerfing things, ANet? Whenever a skill/trait/class/whatever stands out as too strong, you bash it so hard with the nerf hammer that it gets pummeled into non-existence. What does the data say about Scourge's playrate/performance in PvP after the Sand Shade nerf? I don't have access to it, but the numbers can't be good.


Shape up, please. Yes, balancing is hard, but some changes are so obviously wrong that it's mind-boggling how they got green-lit.

Let me know if you think I'm wrong. I look forward to discussion.

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> @"Axelwarrior.9084" said:

> Can we start a petition or something to bring it back? Like, seriously. What was the point of the chrono shatter rework? Someone explain it to me, because all it's done for the game in my experience is making it unfun to use your class mechanic as a Chrono.

> Are there people that actually supported/enjoyed this change? Because all I've been hearing is complaints. Justifiably.


> At the very least, revert the CS change. Being unable to use it out of combat is hurtful. All it did was remove fun combos that didn't hurt the game one bit.

> Besides, what's with the tendency of overnerfing things, ANet? Whenever a skill/trait/class/whatever stands out as too strong, you bash it so hard with the nerf hammer that it gets pummeled into non-existence. What does the data say about Scourge's playrate/performance in PvP after the Sand Shade nerf? I don't have access to it, but the numbers can't be good.


> Shape up, please. Yes, balancing is hard, but some changes are so obviously wrong that it's mind-boggling how they got green-lit.

> Let me know if you think I'm wrong. I look forward to discussion.


the only thing entire rework did was make chrono less fun to play, make them bad supports in fractals ( prebuffing donzo ) and made them unplayable in pvp.

No reason to make them unfun so thats not the reason.

They werent all that awesome in fractals already, so nerfing them there doesnt matter all that much.

Only thing that remains is pvp they dont care about pvp.

They did the change for the sake of change, to introduce " TrAdEoFf ", they failed. They will never admit it so we are stuck with the new "improved" chrono.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> They did the change for the sake of change, to introduce " TrAdEoFf ", they failed. They will never admit it so we are stuck with the new "improved" chrono.


Basically this.


The long version is that although the loss of Distortion and the shatter split from core were already enough of a TrAdEoFf, there were a few more things they wanted to axe: 1) prestacking, although this only really applies to fracs (for assumed reasons such as promoting firebrigade) but perhaps more significantly, 2) chrono ‘burst’ in pvp - they probably wanted chrono to ‘wear down the opponent in time’, deleting a lot of burst options such as removing the ability to Csplit ooc and doubling up on the GS burst, and practically nerfing the ‘Mind Wrack’ component of this burst by 50%.


What confuses me is that anet didn’t alter the chrono-specific shatters very much from core to implement their trade off; they still have the same/weaker dmg, same CD (*maybe* besides Rewinder) same intended function... what if Split Second had its dmg scaled differently, but then gain a defensive/utility aspect so that it has use other than for dmg? Maybe lower base CDs so chrono can proc traits more frequently? You can do *anything* here, e.g. change confusion into burning, create a brief aoe with effects, make affected targets emote /dance, etc. No, instead they add a 1 clone requirement to ALL shatters, which really doesn’t make sense for chrono or its shatters at all.


So whilst a lot of players would actually give the green light to restoring the previous shatter functionality, it’s ultimately anet who chooses to refuse to revert, maybe because they don’t want to find a better way to deal with the aforementioned ‘issues’. But eventually, different issues such as clone survival will only show up at their door... in what strange ways might they fix these ones?

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So yeah, as expected, there _was_ no point to this rework. Nerfing prestacking? Really? That was a problem? PvP burst Chrono? _Really?_ I've seen maybe one person besides me use that combo in-game (I'm sure there were others, but it was probably negligible amount). It was never even an impactful build for sPvP. Not to mention that the core PU version of shatter Mesmer is probably better, or at least more practical.

Honestly, I'm aware of ANet's tendency to ignore their mistakes when it comes to balance (or anything, really). But I'm hoping the new balance team has better intentions and, judging from the recent potential changes thread, are more keen on listening to player feedback. So I'm putting this out there in case it's been forgotten that we're unhappy about it.


Speaking of the new balance team, anyone knows how the functionality updates will be handled in the future? The game modes have been split between different teams, but who gets to decide how to change skill functionality, since it needs to be the same over all game modes?

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > The chrono changes were the parting gift from the previous team. Hopefully this new team (new members?) can undo the shenanigans they did to chrono.

> Actually the new team has just said they are going to do the same to Mirage Cloak.

They didn’t say that but based off of previous changes I have to expect them to do the same.



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