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HoT Rangers pets, I can't seem to get some


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If you're able to get online now, and you're on EU servers there's currently 6 groups advertising for the Tangled Depths meta, 2 specifically for the SCAR lane where one of the smokescales is.


Check when the meta is due to start and then use the LFG tool to find an organised map. (People used to recommend getting there 30 minutes before it was due to begin, but when I was doing Dragon's Stand earlier today no one started advertising until about 10 minutes before). They'll upgrade those areas as part of doing the meta, just look out for whichever one gets there first. And of course join in with as many events as you can to help the progress. (I'm not sure if one person can fully upgrade an area, because I've never tried, but it might work.)


Edit: Also in case it's unclear you can get the pet when the meta had progressed past the upgrading the outposts stage, if it was successful. I just checked on a map where the Chak Gerent is about to spawn and the juvenile smokescale is there.

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> @"ElGreco.6384" said:

> Thanks for the post, the 2 that are in locations under certain conditions are actually the ones i'm trying to get atm, i can't seem to get them due to the fact that no one is doing the areas.


Try to join map instances doing the metas on LFG. You may have difficulty until later this week as people are doing the new map.

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Ok, I don't think one player one would be able to fully upgrade a lane, but I didn't get a chance to try because 4-5 other people showed up and we completed the SCAR lane. Right now I'm on a map where both areas with smokescales are fully upgraded, so if you're online and on EU you could add me to your party to get into the map.


If not it looks like Tangled Depths is still quite active, at least on weekends, and I know people are still doing Dragon's Stand regularly. So if you use the LFG tool (and Wiki for timings) to find a map where the meta is being done you should be able to get both pets.

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> @"ElGreco.6384" said:

> Thanks for the post, the 2 that are in locations under certain conditions are actually the ones i'm trying to get atm, i can't seem to get them due to the fact that no one is doing the areas.


Its possible to solo the events to clear out the chakks at Teku. Try asking for help after the meta. Having a few to help with the first two, hatching and escorting the larvae would be a great help! The later on events are very much solo able at ease.

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