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Gem Store item(s) that you have been waiting on


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Which gem store item or items have you been waiting to return and for how long?


I more recently finished collecting the foefire pieces. I waited a long time as the first time I saw them I didn't have the gold to purchase and the second time I missed the sale entirely! I try to purchase with gold as often as possible. Just curious what the rest of you are keeping an eye on and what items return more rarely.

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I've been waiting since I started playing for the Reading Glasses to come back, but they haven't returned while many items that were there have cycled in and out several times!! I would absolutely love it if they brought the Springer Kit Backpack skin to the gemstore, or at least put it back in the black lion heads, I never even knew it was a thing until I saw a Charr wearing it, and I want that so bad!!! I really dislike the fomo factor the store operates on and just wish things were cycled in and out more regularly. It seems like some items sit there forever while others blipped in once and were never seen again. I honestly wish they wouldn't put things in "the vault", artificial scarcity is just really frustrating for the customer.

There's so many cool items that I find on the wiki and acquisition is like "Historic- Gemstore" and hasn't been seen since 2017. (ノಠロಠ)ノ



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> @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

> I've been waiting since I started playing for the Reading Glasses to come back, but they haven't returned while many items that were there have cycled in and out several times!! I would absolutely love it if they brought the Springer Kit Backpack skin to the gemstore, or at least put it back in the black lion heads, I never even knew it was a thing until I saw a Charr wearing it, and I want that so bad!!! I really dislike the fomo factor the store operates on and just wish things were cycled in and out more regularly. It seems like some items sit there forever while others blipped in once and were never seen again. I honestly wish they wouldn't put things in "the vault", artificial scarcity is just really frustrating for the customer.

> There's so many cool items that I find on the wiki and acquisition is like "Historic- Gemstore" and hasn't been seen since 2017. (ノಠロಠ)ノ




That is funny you say that about the springer kit back item. I started playing almost a year ago to date and my first character was a warrior. I believe I played up to level 52 as F2P entirely. I got a key from doing my story back then and I wasnt even sure what they were in full. Pulled springer kit back out on my first key ever. Cant remember if it was an unlock or what that got it though.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> A lot of people use [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again#latest "this thread") for their requests for items to return to the gem store.


Hiya! I'm aware of the thread. I was more interested in the circumstances that led people to miss out and the time they'd waited as I had my own personal circumstances. Who knows maybe I can help someone get their item one day if theyre still missing out to circumstance. :tongue:

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

> Ooooh! I am envious!! Yeah it was an unlock in the chests in 2018 according to the Wiki! Lucky lucky! I didn't fully understand it all and was a little intimidated by the store at first, so some of the stuff I missed out on due to that initial trepidation, I've been playing a little less than a year I think though.


A bit of a necro but I thought back to your post here and wanted to make sure you didnt miss it.


The exclusive Roaring Dragon Glider, Mini Celestial Rooster, Watchwork Wings Package, and Springer Kit Backpack are currently available.


You can now get your springer kit backpack from black lion statuettes!



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