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Death Magic Balance fix.


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The new Death Magic we got some time ago is a big step in the right direction compared to predecessor.

Introducing Death's Carapace spec mechanic shifted player "choice" of mandatory traits for the goal to real choice of selecting a method of stacking, then being free to build whatever the player wants. Not to mention far more engaging combat experience.


That being said, not all is perfect and goal has not been fully achieved with aches of old (Corrupter's Fervor) rearing their head. This rework is to balance that and give players greater freedom of choice, while evening out the value of traits in death magic (*cough* corrupters vs unholy sanct *cough*).


#The changes.


**Adept tier:**



This tier is critical. It is here (and only here) that methods for stacking carapace should be chosen. Other two tiers (master and grandmaster) should not have an impact on the matter (hello Corrupter's Fervor). This change allows for each of the choices to be equally good, and allow players to reliably stack high amounts of Carapace as long as they play to chosen trait's strengths.


**Armored Shroud** - Gain carapace while in shroud and when leaving shroud. (5 stacks)


**Flesh of the Master** - 50% extra health for minions (same as old). Now each minion you control pulses a stack of carapace every 3s. Using a minion's follow up skill grants 2 stacks of Carapace.

**Putrid Defense** - inflicting a condition on foes grants carapace (current corrupter's fervor functionality, without the protection part). Poison duration on you is decreased by 33%.

**Shrouded Removal** - Lose a condition when you enter shroud and gain Carapace every few seconds while you remain in shroud (1 condi, 3 carapace stacks). Gain carapace when removing conditions from yourself.


As you can see Putrid Defense gained Corrupter's fervor stacking method (which fits the name perfectly), and now makes poisons you take last less.

Flesh of the master will reward minion masters that want to keep their pets alive as long as possible, save maybe one exploding case that will provide some nice stacks on it's "exit".

Shrouded removal needed more reliability in it's Carapace generation. Now rewarding stacks for persisting in shroud and not just removing condies it is more potent.


**Master tier**



* **Soul Comprehension** - Kills grant carapace (1 stack). Gain Carapace passively when fighting a powerful enemy (champion or above) - 1 stack every 2s.


* **Necromantic Corruption, Dark Defiance, Deadly Strength** - no change.


**GrandMaster tier**



* **Beyond the Veil** - take reduced condition damage while at or above the threshold of carapace stacks. Protection on you lasts longer (50% duration).


* **Death Nova** - same as before + new functionality - your poisons deal 33% more damage and last 20% longer.

* **Corrupter's Fervor** - renamed to **Reaper's Protection (it's baaack!)** I have few ideas for it's possible effect:

1. When at 25 stacks of Death's Carapace or above pulse Protection to self and allies. Pulses every 3s. Self protection base duration: 3s. Allied protection duration: 2s.

2. When at 25 stacks of Death's Carapace or above pulse Protection to self and minions (3s base duration, 3s interval).

3. When gaining Death's Carapace stack, apply it to nearby allies as well.

* **Unholy Sanctuary** - no longer separated between pve and competitive (always 2% max hp).


Changes here serve to give each trait more meaning and a distinct role. From the top:


Beyond the veil gets passive protection duration on self. Reason for this change is to slightly boost corrupter's fervor solo use case (now you don't have to be at 30 stacks all the time), but most of all to boost other two choices. - with free 50% protection duration other sources of it will be competitive when going Death Nova or Unholy Sanctuary.


Death nova gets bonus damage and duration for poison - it's a clearly offensive trait that generates poison fields, and necro who is lacking behind in condi damage could use the buff to his poison output.


Corrupter's fervor lost it's unfair stacking carapace advantage it had over other two choices, now instead it shares it's protection with party. Other ideas I have is sharing it with minions instead like in old Beyond the Veil, or craziest of all - sharing Carapace with allies!


Unholy Sanctuary - the trait is good imho, it's was Corrupter's Fervor that destroyed it with carapace stacking and protection without much of an alternative. Now it should stand on it's own two feet, as long as it's not butchered in pvp by decreased effectiveness.





Corrupter's fervor is the biggest woe of Death Magic. One grandmaster that dominates them all in terms of stacking Carapace makes Unholy Sanctuary a noob trap as some forum flowers mentioned and lesser choices feel insignificant. Death Carapace stacking should be all about player choice of method for it with no one trait taking over the show.


Other then that things like defenses when fighting champs (so no easy kills to stack carapace), protection duration on self and proper, potent poison damage boosting trait are things that i feel need to find their place in Death Magic.


Numbers here are obviously subject to change. Some things may be overbuffed. But that's not my job, the overall gist of it is still pretty clear i hope.

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You're just moving the issue to the adept tier, with this there is absolutely no reason to take _flesh of the master_ and little reason to take _shrouded removal_.


Also, having incoming poison duration reduced doesn't fit the necromancer's philosophy. The necromancer's philosophy is built in such a way that he want to have conditions on him as long as possible in order to send them back for more damage.


At the moment there is 2 issues with death magic:

- _Unholy sanctuary_ isn't tied to the carapace system which make this badly designed trait a poor choice to take. Because, yes, a the trait is badly designed. It litterally force the special mechanism to have a baseline defensive shroud instead of giving a true layer of defense.

- Death magic is overloaded with minion traits while minions aren't even close to be a part of the necromancer's special mechanic. You can have 3-4 traits that boost a mechanism that is always available to your character, it's not an issue. However, minions aren't always available. They aren't tied to weapon skills (like mesmer's clones) nor are they tied to your special mechanism (like ranger's pet). They are just random utilities with poorly effective flip skill.


If ANet want to decently present a traitline with that many minion traits, they need to either incorporate the minion's spawn into one of the minor traits of the death magic traitline or move most of those traits into an elite specialization whose special mechanic is related to minions generation.


As for _unholy sanctuary_, the trait need to part from the shroud and be related to the death carapace mechanism if ANet want to make it into an healthy trait. It shouldn't be complicated to end up with something like:


> _Unholy sanctuary_: Regenerate your health for X amount every seconds for every 10 stacks of _death carapace_ on you. Whenever you'd take a lethal hit gain 3500 barrier and 20 stack of _death carapace_, ICD 30 seconds.

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I'm not "moving the issue" as the issue right now is that the only way to get reliably max Carapace is to slot grandmaster Corrupter's fervor.

If you're gonna say that adept version is more alluring then other two - that's your opinion, but in my solution all 3 adepts can net you high Carapace stacks and other choices down the road are not "get it or suck".


As for Unholy Sanctuary i strongly disagree with your vision. It should totally be coupled to shroud. You detach this into some sort of Adrenal Health type of regen - they will gut it's healing value to half of what is now. Necro does not have a shortage of ways to heal when he's in his base form. He has shortage of strong heals when he's shrouded (provided you're not a reaper with blighter's boon and spite). For that reason i prefer shroud-only sanctuary as long as it packs proper punch healing wise.


Also 3500 barrier on taking lethal hit? Hell no. There's a reason necro has 19.2k base health and 2nd healthbar. Flat amount of barrier (which is inferior to shroud's 50% damage reduction) is no saving grace. That's just delaying your death by 0.5-1s...

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> You're just moving the issue to the adept tier, with this there is absolutely no reason to take _flesh of the master_ and little reason to take _shrouded removal_.


> Also, having incoming poison duration reduced doesn't fit the necromancer's philosophy. The necromancer's philosophy is built in such a way that he want to have conditions on him as long as possible in order to send them back for more damage.


> At the moment there is 2 issues with death magic:

> - _Unholy sanctuary_ isn't tied to the carapace system which make this badly designed trait a poor choice to take. Because, yes, a the trait is badly designed. It litterally force the special mechanism to have a baseline defensive shroud instead of giving a true layer of defense.

> - Death magic is overloaded with minion traits while minions aren't even close to be a part of the necromancer's special mechanic. You can have 3-4 traits that boost a mechanism that is always available to your character, it's not an issue. However, minions aren't always available. They aren't tied to weapon skills (like mesmer's clones) nor are they tied to your special mechanism (like ranger's pet). They are just random utilities with poorly effective flip skill.


> If ANet want to decently present a traitline with that many minion traits, they need to either incorporate the minion's spawn into one of the minor traits of the death magic traitline or move most of those traits into an elite specialization whose special mechanic is related to minions generation.


> As for _unholy sanctuary_, the trait need to part from the shroud and be related to the death carapace mechanism if ANet want to make it into an healthy trait. It shouldn't be complicated to end up with something like:


> > _Unholy sanctuary_: Regenerate your health for X amount every seconds for every 10 stacks of _death carapace_ on you. Whenever you'd take a lethal hit gain 3500 barrier and 20 stack of _death carapace_, ICD 30 seconds.


Lets get 1 thing right though the whole line Death magic is badly designed imo. Even if at its best its slightly better than it was its still designed kind of poorly.


I would value unholy over most of the way anet designed the other traits to work around the carapace mini game system. Overall they could have just inserted tools that are always reliable or missing critical tools and simple traits that other light armor professions have that necro did not and death magci would have been properly adding a true layer of defense to the profession but you cant do that with a mini game thats worse than the old version was when its at low stack count.


It still holds way too many traits that hold no value to in combat situations or traits that are basically enforce corruptors fervor.

The unholy change that happened yesterday is ideally how the rest of the line should have been redesigned from the start. Simple but direct and reliable its fixed but works scales on something relatable to necromancer which is high vitality.


Now that the whole line has been reworked to carapace it theoretically could have been tied so that it scaled with carapace but then again carapace is kind of iffy if you dont run Putrid + lots of poison application or C.Fervor.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> The unholy change that happened yesterday is ideally how the rest of the line should have been redesigned from the start. Simple but direct and reliable its fixed but works scales on something relatable to necromancer which is high vitality.


I'll disagree, healing should depend on healing power, healing by a percentage of anything else is bad design. The unholy change isn't ideal, it's another one of those steps in the wrong direction that is pleasing to the players' eyes.


The game have a stat dedicated to sustain, yet ANet barely make use of it. If ANet were to make use of it, the players would have to make sacrifice for their sustain and thus we would have less of those abominations with both high survivability and high damage.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > The unholy change that happened yesterday is ideally how the rest of the line should have been redesigned from the start. Simple but direct and reliable its fixed but works scales on something relatable to necromancer which is high vitality.


> I'll disagree, healing should depend on healing power, healing by a percentage of anything else is bad design. The unholy change isn't ideal, it's another one of those steps in the wrong direction that is pleasing to the players' eyes.


This is fine until your healing value base is lower than boon regen as grand master trait which is not acceptable. In a line thats suppose to improve self sustain.



> The game have a stat dedicated to sustain, yet ANet barely make use of it. If ANet were to make use of it, the players would have to make sacrifice for their sustain and thus we would have less of those abominations with both high survivability and high damage.


Because most builds dont need to invest in healing power to get modest / average and in some cases generous use out of their sustaining or self healing traits. Unholy was at base so low as a grand master that it was just joke. Unless every other form of self healing sustain in other professions defensive lines also required healing power for them to work i would agree but considering the rest of the game didnt go in that direction i dont see why necormancer should have to either.


Healing power is only really worth it if you want to heal others in great amounts not yourself. Outside of maybe ele very few professions make use of self sustain on offensive builds that require them to take healing power to make it work.


I prefer something that just works without me having to play a mini game thats not anymore effective for professions that dont have such a system for their sustain lines and the lines work much more effectively.


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> I'll disagree, healing should depend on healing power, healing by a percentage of anything else is bad design. The unholy change isn't ideal, it's another one of those steps in the wrong direction that is pleasing to the players' eyes.


> The game have a stat dedicated to sustain, yet ANet barely make use of it. If ANet were to make use of it, the players would have to make sacrifice for their sustain and thus we would have less of those abominations with both high survivability and high damage.


And then we go into competitive modes where the necro abomination with high damage and sustain is the 2nd profession to drop dead under pressure bested only by a thief that got caught out. Unless he walks around with support firebrand strapped to his rear end, but that's not longer a necro issue.


That aside, necro is not like other professions and standard rules don't apply. Take for example parasitic contagion. healing based on % of condi damage dealt.

Vitality is similar case - for everyone else vitality is more max hp, case closed. Easily the weakest defensive stat except squishers that need that extra hp to survive burst.


But for necro the story is different - more vitality = more Life Force and unlike health, life force is restored by max LF %, not flat values boosted by stats. So more vitality = more healing for necro's 2nd life bar. Now another push was made with unholy sanctuary giving such feature to his regular health. And i approve. This is one of necro's unique perks (he profits off vitality more then others, due to his facetank nature), and makes Unholy Sanctuary a worthwhile trait compared to previous version.


Only thing is that Corruter's fervor still overshadows it, because of Carapace stacking...



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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> idk dudes. I think shrouded removal is already pretty amazing. In PvP I take death magic over spite on reaper and it feels really tanky. It makes for my primary condi clear.


Shrouded removal was already a decent trait for an adept in death magic before the rework ideally nothing changed much about it aside from the carapace stack mechanic. Traits that just work like that are fine its the traits like Soul comp, and Beyond the Veil that kind of initally dont do anything that bother me. Aslo how the system very much pushes people to C.Fervor and kind of forcing at least a hybrid or full condition build to make it work with C,Fervor.


Instead of just making decent traits that immediately do something and you know will always be doing that something. Without C.Fervor, deathmagic is more like half a traitline. with C.Fervor and carapace at high stacks it still feels lackluster to other defensive lines on other professions who dont have to play the stacking mini game to such an abysmal high count.


I would have just settled for traits that just did things without a mini game requirement. Shrouded removal and Unholy are good examples of traits that just do things even if they are not the strongest traits they just work no mini game required. If its gotta be made into a mini game make it worth.


I dont think all of death magic is bad but i dislike taking 1 or 2 good traits because they directly do things while the rest of the line feels lackluster while other lines feel more wholesome when used its why people perefered blood over death for a long time because it just felt more active and wholesome to use in terms of self sustain despite its main feature is suppose to be group support.


> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> That aside, necro is not like other professions and standard rules don't apply. Take for example parasitic contagion. healing based on % of condi damage dealt.

> Vitality is similar case - for everyone else vitality is more max hp, case closed. Easily the weakest defensive stat except squishers that need that extra hp to survive burst.


> But for necro the story is different - more vitality = more Life Force and unlike health, life force is restored by max LF %, not flat values boosted by stats. So more vitality = more healing for necro's 2nd life bar. Now another push was made with unholy sanctuary giving such feature to his regular health. And i approve. This is one of necro's unique perks (he profits off vitality more then others, due to his facetank nature), and makes Unholy Sanctuary a worthwhile trait compared to previous version.


> Only thing is that Corruter's fervor still overshadows it, because of Carapace stacking...


Basically this ^ i agree


Now if only we could see blood magics life steal mechanic be based off of realistic damage dealt instead of healing power and power. Even if the percents are really low values or if it has a maximum cap on it etc. Cant heal more than x % of max hp in a single hit etc.

Would much rather see at least one of those vamp traits (the minor or the master) scale based off of my strike damage.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > idk dudes. I think shrouded removal is already pretty amazing. In PvP I take death magic over spite on reaper and it feels really tanky. It makes for my primary condi clear.


> Shrouded removal was already a decent trait for an adept in death magic before the rework ideally nothing changed much about it aside from the carapace stack mechanic. Traits that just work like that are fine its the traits like Soul comp, and Beyond the Veil that kind of initally dont do anything that bother me. Aslo how the system very much pushes people to C.Fervor and kind of forcing at least a hybrid or full condition build to make it work with C,Fervor.


well, I think unholy sanctuary is also good, at least when you're packing spectral skills. When shroud runs out, you can pop a spectral skill and get a whole bunch of life force and then shroud up again instead of getting burst down


and I think corruptor's fervor actually kinda sucks, since it's so unreliable. it won't help you out at all if you're on the losing end of a fight. seems like it just helps you win harder when already winning. But even more than that, the fact that the protection doesn't kick in when you hit the stack requirement makes it feel really lackluster. You can reach the required stacks, but if they fall off after 2 seconds, you end up with nothing to show for it

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > idk dudes. I think shrouded removal is already pretty amazing. In PvP I take death magic over spite on reaper and it feels really tanky. It makes for my primary condi clear.

> >

> > Shrouded removal was already a decent trait for an adept in death magic before the rework ideally nothing changed much about it aside from the carapace stack mechanic. Traits that just work like that are fine its the traits like Soul comp, and Beyond the Veil that kind of initally dont do anything that bother me. Aslo how the system very much pushes people to C.Fervor and kind of forcing at least a hybrid or full condition build to make it work with C,Fervor.


> well, I think unholy sanctuary is also good, at least when you're packing spectral skills. When shroud runs out, you can pop a spectral skill and get a whole bunch of life force and then shroud up again instead of getting burst down


> and I think corruptor's fervor actually kinda sucks, since it's so unreliable. it won't help you out at all if you're on the losing end of a fight. seems like it just helps you win harder when already winning. But even more than that, the fact that the protection doesn't kick in when you hit the stack requirement makes it feel really lackluster. You can reach the required stacks, but if they fall off after 2 seconds, you end up with nothing to show for it


I think you are missing what Corrupter's fervor does. It helps you stacking Carapace fast and keeping you above 25 carapace. Where it pulses protection on you, which is -33% damage. And combine it with bitter chill in Spite that adds vulnerability every time you chill, which means even more conditions to bump up carapace gain.

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > > idk dudes. I think shrouded removal is already pretty amazing. In PvP I take death magic over spite on reaper and it feels really tanky. It makes for my primary condi clear.

> >

> > Shrouded removal was already a decent trait for an adept in death magic before the rework ideally nothing changed much about it aside from the carapace stack mechanic. Traits that just work like that are fine its the traits like Soul comp, and Beyond the Veil that kind of initally dont do anything that bother me. Aslo how the system very much pushes people to C.Fervor and kind of forcing at least a hybrid or full condition build to make it work with C,Fervor.


> well, I think unholy sanctuary is also good, at least when you're packing spectral skills. When shroud runs out, you can pop a spectral skill and get a whole bunch of life force and then shroud up again instead of getting burst down


> and I think corruptor's fervor actually kinda sucks, since it's so unreliable. it won't help you out at all if you're on the losing end of a fight. seems like it just helps you win harder when already winning. But even more than that, the fact that the protection doesn't kick in when you hit the stack requirement makes it feel really lackluster. You can reach the required stacks, but if they fall off after 2 seconds, you end up with nothing to show for it


C.Fervor is the best grandmaster still in the idea of working around stacks to the max or a high stack count IF your goal is just aimed at condition removal and hp recovery then you can forgo it for Unholy though you need to invest in vitality here or its not worth it imo. Still even at base vitality its current heal value is still better than it was when it was based on healing power. Right now with no bonus vitality you can recover 191 hp in pvp where as the old version was something like 130 ish or some insanely joke of a number. I ran a bunker build that was able to net 311 hp per second back along side vamp sigetnet which when triggered was restoring about 560 hp or something like that. Ideally i could have possibly been more bunker if i was running blood magic but was not Ideally Unholy is better than it was but its still not going to out class C Fervor just because everything else in the line depends on stacking that one effect.


Im just happy they changed Unholy at all because it was so underpowered for a self sustain grandmaster trait.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I think you are missing what Corrupter's fervor does. It helps you stacking Carapace fast and keeping you above 25 carapace. Where it pulses protection on you, which is -33% damage. And combine it with bitter chill in Spite that adds vulnerability every time you chill, which means even more conditions to bump up carapace gain.


nah I know what it does. just saying that it's not always easy to maintain 25 stacks of carapace. basically impossible unless you're AoEing or no one dodges and you never get CC'd


I haven't tried running it with that spite trait though, since I'm always a bit hesitant to not run soul reaping

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Rolala, you went too far.

I will answer the main subject, personally ^^

I agree @"ZeftheWicked.3076" on:

>This tier is critical. It is here (and only here) that methods for stacking carapace should be chosen.

And agree with @"Dadnir.5038" on:

>You're just moving the issue to the adept tier, with this there is absolutely no reason to take flesh of the master and little reason to take shrouded removal.


>Also, having incoming poison duration reduced doesn't fit the necromancer's philosophy. The necromancer's philosophy is built in such a way that he want to have conditions on him as long as possible in order to send them back for more damage.


>At the moment there is 2 issues with death magic:


>Unholy sanctuary isn't tied to the carapace system which make this badly designed trait a poor choice to take. Because, yes, a the trait is badly designed. It litterally force the special mechanism to have a baseline defensive shroud instead of giving a true layer of defense.

>Death magic is overloaded with minion traits while minions aren't even close to be a part of the necromancer's special mechanic. You can have 3-4 traits that boost a mechanism that is always available to your character, it's not an issue. However, minions aren't always available. They aren't tied to weapon skills (like mesmer's clones) nor are they tied to your special mechanism (like ranger's pet). They are just random utilities with poorly effective flip skill.

>If ANet want to decently present a traitline with that many minion traits, they need to either incorporate the minion's spawn into one of the minor traits of the death magic traitline or move most of those traits into an elite specialization whose special mechanic is related to minions generation.


I found the idea that only one column assigned to how to have carapace mechanics is really the right direction.

"Daredevil" and "Mirage" have the same thing on their dodge mechanics on GrandMaster tier.


**Minor Adept**

"Armoured Shroud" - Earn 5 carapaces when you enter the shroud and 5 when you leave it.

# Adept tier:

**How we choose to obtain these carapaces.**

* 1 generation carapaces trait on ??????

* 2nd generation carapaces trait on conditions application

* 3rd generation carapaces trait every time you generate life force and in shroud you generate X carapaces every seconds.


**Minor Master**

"Soul Comprehension" kill or CC grant X carapaces (champions and players bring back more carapaces) (with an icd)

# Master tier :

**How we survive with your carapaces.**

* 1 trait on out shroud power damage reduction (30% max) // in shroud 10+ carapaces gain protection every X second, if 20+ carapaces gain better protection.

* 2nd trait out shroud reduction of alteration (30% max) // in shroud 1 dispell every 3second if 10 + caparaces, 2 second if 20+, every second if 30 carapaces in shroud.

* 3rd trait out shroud regen de Lf (max 3%) // in shroud generation of % of life evry second.(max 3%)


**Minor Grandmaster**

When you kill or CC you invoked 1 horror and if your pets dies , it generates X carapaces. (with an icd)

# GrandMaster tier :

**How we inflicted more damage with our carapaces.**

* 1st "Deadly Strength" trait on power

* 2nd trait on the condition increases the duration and efficiency or generates an additional alteration depending on the number of carapaces. , poison if they want

* 3rd trait on "bombers pets" + transfer of the alterations that pets have on those to their victim when they attack.



On the minor master and minor grandmaster, I put CC for boss fights in pve.

+ in pvp ba if you killed your opponent you no longer need carapaces, so generated carapaces in battle with the CC, I find it interesting.

Master tier and GrandMaster tier scale according to the number of carapaces.

+ it would be necessary to redesign the "necro pets" to make them become more active, like "Flesh Wurm" and that they die as soon as we use their special actions so that the bomber line can really be used when we want it precisely.



Personally I find it more logical and clear and in addition the mechanics of pets is integrated in the minor trait of "Death magic".

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Unholy Sanctuary is really off in this traitline currently. I really dont like OPs solution, i think you should remove most minion traits. The general idea of adept traits defining on how you will get carapace is good, but these ways should be equally tied into the necromancers core values.


ADEPT: Focuses on how to get carapace, tied to the core values from the necromancer class:

Minor Adept: Gain carapace when entering shroud and every few seconds while in shroud.


1. Adept: Gain carapace when causing conditions. Poison Damage is increased.

2. Adept: Gain carapace when corrupting a boon. Corrupt a boon on nearby foes when you get protection (3s icd)

3. Adept: Gain carapace when you remove conditions from yourself. Gain additional stacks when transfering a condition to a foe. Remove conditions while in shroud.


MASTER: Focuses on protection as a second layer of defense and creates synergy:


Master Adept: Dark Defiance: Gain protection when you are disabled. When you gain protection gain retaliation.


1. Master: While having protection you cannot be critically hit. Gain Protection when above the carapace treshold. (10s icd)

2. Master: While having protection you periodicaly remove a condition. Gain 20% reduced condition damage while above the carapace treshold.

3. Master: While having protection foes striking you become poisoned and weakened (icd per attacker). When reaching max carapace stacks you detonate after 2 seconds.(15 second cooldown) Causing damage, poison and corrupting 2 boons. You lose all carapace in the process.


GRANDMASTER: Focuses on improving carapace. Also Minions (unwanted but mandatory)


Grandmaster Adept: While above the carapace treshold incoming condition damage and power damage is reduced. When gaining protection you summon a shambling horror, absorbing some of your damage (10s icd)


1. Grandmaster: Minions take conditions off you and transfer them to foes. (triggers adept 3). When reaching max carapace stacks you summon a deathsaint, pulsing protection to nearby allies and minions and all your minions trigger a deathnova. (15 second cooldown). You lose all carapace in the process.

2. Grandmaster: Carapace stacks also increase your expertise and power. When reaching max carapace stacks your attacks will crit for 5 seconds and you gain 20% condition damage for 5 seconds (15 second icd after expiration). During these 5 seconds you are at max carapace stacks but lose all carapace in the process

3. Grandmaster: Carapace stacks also increase healingpower and concentration. While in shroud you regenerate health based on your carapace stacks. When taking a lethal blow your shroud activates, healing you and granting protection based on the number of your carapace stacks. you lose all carapace in the process.

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