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Yet another housing topic


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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> This is thread nr idk how many about this.... But to be short, we already have home instances in this game which you can "decorate" with scavenger cats, story choices (like skritt or quaggan), gathering nodes... I like to keep things as it is knowing that any revamp would make this now fully free feature a paid feature with tons of bugs... So no to housing different than we have now. They could add furn placement like how they treat guild halls tho, but in these existing home instances as we have them atm.


As I said before, It's usualyl a 1 per month thread. It's not really that bad.

Secondly, home instances can't be decorated in any viable way to be considered even closely to a housing system. Far from it. You can only add things to a specific location predetermined by the devs.

The revamp wouldn't be that hard to pull off, considering, in the worst case scenario, they could mostly copy-paste a guild hall system but make it on a lower scale for individual use and individual decorating possibilities.


The main point of a housing system is the personalized, decorating options of your plot which is not possible inside a home instance. Just because that instance has home in it, it doesn't mean make it a viable (or good) housing system.

That's just pure fact. People don't go in their home instance to have fun and to decorate. They go there to farm their nodes.

Those who want to, need to practically use the whole guild system to get a whole guild hall and even then, it will be a hell of a problem to decorate it in a nice way (once again, I'm not talking about shoving random furniture on random locations, like snow piles and SAB clouds) since the actual decorations that could be used in a home instance, tends to be extremely expensive to make (since they are meant to be crafted with the whole guilds resources and not by the resources of an individual).

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Think about it, if the devs already is struggling to deliver the current content at a timely pace. Then adding housing on top would be worsening things, no, dont degrade it further than it already is.


You know there's a separate "team" that could work on that content don't you, from the 4 that already exist.

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Well we do have guild halls that you can decorate. You can get a personal guild hall (we even have 5 guild slots so). Yes it may be expensive alone yet a lot of players, myself incl, have a personal guild hall (I do have some friends in it but the upgrades mostly come from me). I have it about a year now and it's level 20. It does need either a lot of grinding or tp purchases aka lot of gold. And I do have some decoration in it (you can also purchase decoration pieces in lw maps). Even if they implemented housing as you like it would still be extremely expensive and mostly gem store only as well. So I still say no to it :)

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Think about it, if the devs already is struggling to deliver the current content at a timely pace. Then adding housing on top would be worsening things, no, dont degrade it further than it already is.


> You know there's a separate "team" that could work on that content don't you, from the 4 that already exist.


Or the team could work on somethng else...

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Think about it, if the devs already is struggling to deliver the current content at a timely pace. Then adding housing on top would be worsening things, no, dont degrade it further than it already is.

> >

> > You know there's a separate "team" that could work on that content don't you, from the 4 that already exist.


> Or the team could work on somethng else...


True, I was just mentioning that it wouldn't take away from them maintaining what ever pace of releases this Saga is going to be, but you're correct, there's far more important things they could work on....at least things that might interest others, me, I'm personally fine with the game as it is, but that's my play style.

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I like how SWTOR did housing. It's instances, but if set to public, it goes on message boards both at the central hubs for the factions and the planet the home is on, which teleport you inside. They make quite a bit selling decor on the cash shop, plus also having decor loot drops and in-game stores.

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