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Edge of the Mists can improve overall WvW


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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > Wanting eotm back is wanting WvW & everything regarding it to inevitably die off and lose more players to casual, ez-mode reward mindset where everything is handed to you on a silver platter without ever facing consequences or incentive to get better at wvw pvp. And don't lie you know many of those eotm mu's were rigged for sole purpose of 3-way ktraining pve carebear time by certain guilds. Did those pugs really learn to fight other players? The state that WvW is in right now I would much rather development assets be funneled into proper WvW stuff than wasted on the rose tinted glasses of players milking the ez ktrain bonanza that was once eotm.


> to be fair i wouldnt mind if wvw died if eotm is up. why? there are no tournaments.


Plenty of pve maps for you to play and karma/meta train. Plus you seem to forget what happened after the last wvw tournament, for some reason

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > > Wanting eotm back is wanting WvW & everything regarding it to inevitably die off and lose more players to casual, ez-mode reward mindset where everything is handed to you on a silver platter without ever facing consequences or incentive to get better at wvw pvp. And don't lie you know many of those eotm mu's were rigged for sole purpose of 3-way ktraining pve carebear time by certain guilds. Did those pugs really learn to fight other players? The state that WvW is in right now I would much rather development assets be funneled into proper WvW stuff than wasted on the rose tinted glasses of players milking the ez ktrain bonanza that was once eotm.

> >

> > to be fair i wouldnt mind if wvw died if eotm is up. why? there are no tournaments.


> Plenty of pve maps for you to play and karma/meta train. Plus you seem to forget what happened after the last wvw tournament, for some reason


i don't do pve :) afte we won tournament? well.. anet stoped it :/ what's to remember?

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> I don't see how splitting the low population of WvW any further is considered an idea.


If you keep it seperate I agree it could reduce. If you used it to replace an ABL it might lead to more people in the other ABL and less people in EBG and DBL. Your mileage will vary server to server.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Wanting eotm back is wanting WvW & everything regarding it to inevitably die off and lose more players to casual, ez-mode reward mindset where everything is handed to you on a silver platter without ever facing consequences or incentive to get better at wvw pvp. And don't lie you know many of those eotm mu's were rigged for sole purpose of 3-way ktraining pve carebear time by certain guilds. Did those pugs really learn to fight other players? The state that WvW is in right now I would much rather development assets be funneled into proper WvW stuff than wasted on the rose tinted glasses of players milking the ez ktrain bonanza that was once eotm.


Wanting a new map has been out there for more than 5 years. But you are right there were people out there that tried to rig and create K-Trains. There were also people out there that looked for them and hunted them too. The same thing can occur today and even more so once we go to alliances. People and ANet need to be mindful of that. And for those that say K-Trains aren't in WvW, really? What do think happens every week on off hours time or when servers are relinked and out of balance?

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> And for those that say K-Trains aren't in WvW, really? What do think happens every week on off hours time or when servers are relinked and out of balance?


Yes we know it's there, we don't want it to get worse and kept to a minimum, that's why there's always fight back on ideas to revive eotm to full rewards, or giving wvw more rewards than it needs. We don't want wvw to devolve into mindless ktraining all the time, we want attacking and defending to be meaningful, we want fun random encounters and fights.


People will say but rewards will pull pve people into the maps!, then they're always asking for more rewards, always asking to get them faster, asking to get them easier, sure great it might, but at what cost to the game mode? mindless skill less ktrains? and then they get their rewards and go back to pve? then what? add bigger rewards?


If I want a mindless train I just hop on the pve champ/world boss/meta map trains.


P.S Also have to keep in mind that rewards are problematic for wvw because of how far players will go to try and cheat the system, like kill trading in OS for Ultimate Dominater title, or taking a map q around to roll everything. This is why they can't even do high personal rewards on kills because players would abuse it even with diminishing returns, the only thing they can base rewards on so players have little means to abuse it is by using time gating, this is why rewards track, participation, skirmish time gates "work" and drops don't. Rewards need to be highly controlled because players can't be trusted, just like they can't even be trusted to spread the population properly.


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