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Strictly pve solo


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Condi is a waste of time for "strictly PvE'. 80/20 Zerk/Maruder split and Power damage builds.


You must be asking yourself "what about weaver? its got condi". Weaver is Hybrid. Burn Holo, Firebrand, Condi Ranger, all hybrids. Vipers gear? Got power damage. Zerks anything will knock most enemies down in under 2 seconds. Anything that lives you just unload, kite then unload again on cool down. Simple, cheap, efficient, doesn't require constant upkeep- and nothing like full condi.


You know who went full Condi? Shortbow Renegade. Some of the Highest DPS in the game.... but only if the target stands around and lives longer then a minute. And you need a whole group built around you to be really effective. You go full condi, you go home empty handed.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Condi is a waste of time for "strictly PvE'. 80/20 Zerk/Maruder split and Power damage builds.


> You must be asking yourself "what about weaver? its got condi". Weaver is Hybrid. Burn Holo, Firebrand, Condi Ranger, all hybrids. Vipers gear? Got power damage. Zerks anything will knock most enemies down in under 2 seconds. Anything that lives you just unload, kite then unload again on cool down. Simple, cheap, efficient, doesn't require constant upkeep- and nothing like full condi.


> You know who went full Condi? Shortbow Renegade. Some of the Highest DPS in the game.... but only if the target stands around and lives longer then a minute. And you need a whole group built around you to be really effective. You go full condi, you go home empty handed.


I agree with this. For world events you want a power build. Something that does damage right now, with as many AoE as possible to tag as much stuff as possible. On the other hand, I like a strong condi build for soloing champs. Power is good but I find condi builds to be a little more forgiving when it comes to champs.

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Still just as simple an answer as ever:


Minion power reaper. It can tear through pretty much anything and the minions keep larger groups or strong mobs (ie champs) distracted. There are very few if any situations in open world where minions become detrimental (only if you go deeper into fractal/raid/bounty etc mechanics but you cant really solo anything of that decently unless you're really, really dedicated). You can build it full berserker if you want to be a little risky or you can build it insanely tanky - it'll still do decent enough damage in the latter case. There are classes that will be more effective in specific situations, but it's definetly one of the most flexible ones. Nothing should be able to "surprise" you when running a reaper.


My advice for finding your build regardless of class is just to pick a target such as a specific champion and go test with whatever you got.


Otherwise my secondary/shifting primary favorite for ease of running around open world is p/p critheal deadeye simply due to how fast paced fun it is to spam unload. You can literally just run forward and mark each target and kill it in one burst, then repeat. You become insanely single target focused though and to be effective you're going to need a glass cannon which may cause... issues... with some hardhitting champs. Critheal is enough to sustain slow burns (unload will heal you like 20-30% hp and you do that every other second) but that low hp means you can get instantly womped up the head.


I suppose that the common denominator to make it all good is perma quickness lol.

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I play condy Weaver and pretty much slaughter everything with no risk. To answer your question though op, play the build that you find most enjoyable and tweak it until it works for you - and resist copg pasting meta builds, it sucka the joy out of mmorp, and definately don't get in the trap that's its all about dps (raids are different), it's not. It's about fun.

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