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Where can I find a Zerg Guild on my server?


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Hi, I am trying to get the Gift of Battle to make a legendary. I am not a WvW player so I don't know the most efficient way to complete the reward track. So far I've just been capturing camps but the track is building very slowly and I rarely see anyone else on the map from my server. (Stormbluff Isle - Maguuma Desert) I am thinking I should find a WvW guild that has a large zerg and captures keeps, towers, and castles but I never see anyone in LFG, no one answers in map chat, and I really have no idea where to look or ask to join a WvW guild.


Any help or tips would be really great thanks!

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Do the WvW dailies, each potion gives you 50% of a level of the reward track. Beyond that, getting your participation to T6 and keeping it there by killing guards, dolys, players and just capping Camps is the easiest way.


Zerging will only get you so far but won't make it any quicker per say. Don't forget you can get a 10% reward track boost from your GH and B'day boosters help with it too.

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> @"SerenNovah.2510" said:

> Hi, I am trying to get the Gift of Battle to make a legendary. I am not a WvW player so I don't know the most efficient way to complete the reward track. So far I've just been capturing camps but the track is building very slowly and I rarely see anyone else on the map from my server. (Stormbluff Isle - Maguuma Desert) I am thinking I should find a WvW guild that has a large zerg and captures keeps, towers, and castles but I never see anyone in LFG, no one answers in map chat, and I really have no idea where to look or ask to join a WvW guild.


> Any help or tips would be really great thanks!


My five cents on IT

Try to cap camps/sentry's to keep your participation up...participation is mostly timegated not XP gated (if its up) the moment you have maxed you need to afk 10 mins+the amount of buffer you build.


The mentioned buffer is basicly 'what' you participate in. If fluctuates from 2 mins (killing a guard/cap a bloodlust ruin) to 10 mins (kill a player/cap a keep)


You can max out participation this way:

1. Get it to t6

2. There's a wvw reward track infusion and gh bonus

3. Buy XP boosters from laurel vendors

4. Stay in a map (your first pip wont count if you enter a new map)

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If your on mags/sbi I wish you luck since it seems you only want the GOB and then out...I don't believe mag guilds unless they've changed will want to carry you just for that maybe sbi guilds more.

But on a more positive note...try to get into EBG "eternal battlegrounds" at 9pm EST this Friday 1hr before reset and stay later and you should hopefully see a tag to follow...


Well regards



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I know ppl are saying that a WvW guild won’t want to carry you only just for the gob. Do you think WvW is something you’d like to continue with? Maybe joining a WvW guild will help you enjoy the mode more. Make sure they’re ok with how many times you’re willing to raid with them per week.

Ditto to the dailies. They move your reward track the fastest with least amount of work.

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ask for the serverguild, and walking with tags is the best way acutally. as long as you'll acutally hit something - best with AoE dmg so many targets - during zerg battles, you'll be fine. guild has the benefits of seeing where your guildmates are and you can use "wxp" or "reward track+" boost in their guild halls onto your char, so it'd go even faster.


next, read chat to know where the action is going on.


i understand if people don't plan to carry u just for reward tracks, but as long as you help them nobody can be mad at you running with a zerg / blob. and reward tracks fill ratherfast doing that. i only do camp re/flipping when there is really nothing else going on anywhere.


i'd not recommend doing the "t6 participation and then afk" too much because you'll likely miss half of the action.


besides, wvw reward tracks kinda finish themselves if you really play; i have just the triumphant armor on autorego because it gives unlimited exotic armor with selectable stats + skins.

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Wow thanks for all the info and tips guys!! That helped me a lot. I just completed the Gift of Battle track. It took two days. What I did was do mostly the Eternal Battlegrounds because that map always had zerg battles going on and they would spend a long time trying to take or defend areas, so I kept getting points and reward track progress. I didn't have to join any guilds or even join the squad sometimes, I just stayed with the zerg from my color and helped any way I could.


This was A LOT of fun. I didn't think WvW would be like this because usually when I visit it was empty and I had no idea what I was doing lol. I was just running around aimlessly and it took forever to get anywhere. But now I have a good understanding of it. I will probably play it more often now to help my team. But first I need to finish my legendary! :D

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> @"SerenNovah.2510" said:

> Wow thanks for all the info and tips guys!! That helped me a lot. I just completed the Gift of Battle track. It took two days. What I did was do mostly the Eternal Battlegrounds because that map always had zerg battles going on and they would spend a long time trying to take or defend areas, so I kept getting points and reward track progress. I didn't have to join any guilds or even join the squad sometimes, I just stayed with the zerg from my color and helped any way I could.


> This was A LOT of fun. I didn't think WvW would be like this because usually when I visit it was empty and I had no idea what I was doing lol. I was just running around aimlessly and it took forever to get anywhere. But now I have a good understanding of it. I will probably play it more often now to help my team. But first I need to finish my legendary! :D


Seems I won this discussion page...:)… mag=ebg … tho there were fights all over the place tonight was a lot of fun...indeed.


Nice to see you liked it;)

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> @"SerenNovah.2510" said:

> Wow thanks for all the info and tips guys!! That helped me a lot. I just completed the Gift of Battle track. It took two days. What I did was do mostly the Eternal Battlegrounds because that map always had zerg battles going on and they would spend a long time trying to take or defend areas, so I kept getting points and reward track progress. I didn't have to join any guilds or even join the squad sometimes, I just stayed with the zerg from my color and helped any way I could.


> This was A LOT of fun. I didn't think WvW would be like this because usually when I visit it was empty and I had no idea what I was doing lol. I was just running around aimlessly and it took forever to get anywhere. But now I have a good understanding of it. I will probably play it more often now to help my team. But first I need to finish my legendary! :D


On your way to becoming a wvw vet. next you need to prepare 500gems/2months to travel all the different realms. don't forget that gvg chest piece, u just thump it real hard and you're now a wvw champion!

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> @"SerenNovah.2510" said:

> Hi, I am trying to get the Gift of Battle to make a legendary. I am not a WvW player so I don't know the most efficient way to complete the reward track. So far I've just been capturing camps but the track is building very slowly and I rarely see anyone else on the map from my server. (Stormbluff Isle - Maguuma Desert) I am thinking I should find a WvW guild that has a large zerg and captures keeps, towers, and castles but I never see anyone in LFG, no one answers in map chat, and I really have no idea where to look or ask to join a WvW guild.


> Any help or tips would be really great thanks!



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