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Is this game going to die soon ?

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Well, I've read your comments. I agree with ppl whi say that this game is going to die eventually (soon), others seeme a little naive tbh. For years now gw2 has been releasing LW chapters and with it new maps and new metas, and that's been the only new content, that's what it takes to keep you happy with gw2? Really? There are tons of parts of this game (with potential) that anet totally abandoned, take WvW for instance, do you remember when anet announced the Alliances ? I mean where is that? All that is left for me to think is that anet just gave up with this game and started to focus on other things. Or are you really that naive to think that they are going to rellease that some day?

And for those who say "well you should just move on to another game". Why the kitten should I? I mean ... I paid for this, and have played for 2-3 years now.

Well whatever, thanks anet

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> anet is trying hard to bait people with pixels, through rng and fashion, game should be back alive soon


In my opinion, they dont do hard enough compare to "Black Desert Online". BDO 1 new class release and map expand every half year. also they have remastered mode improved graphic. you can see the effort.


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To kill the game (in your own experience of living), all you have to do is leave it. Uninstall and never login again. The game will be dead to you, and you never have to worry about it again.


To the collective population of gamers here, it will only be a drop in the bucket of death.


As long as the game caters to its paying population, it won't die.


Cha-Ching Anet. You have the data. Use it.


Merry Christmas to all!

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> @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > @"googel.3278" said:

> > anet is trying hard to bait people with pixels, through rng and fashion, game should be back alive soon


> In my opinion, they dont do hard enough compare to "Black Desert Online". BDO 1 new class release and map expand every half year. also they have remastered mode improved graphic. you can see the effort.



Totally agree, you can see that anet is not doing anything for the game. Is like they realease one new map and they're like "well, I've done all I could"

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> @"Chaarliee.2307" said:

> Well, I've read your comments. I agree with ppl whi say that this game is going to die eventually (soon), others seeme a little naive tbh. For years now gw2 has been releasing LW chapters and with it new maps and new metas, and that's been the only new content, that's what it takes to keep you happy with gw2? Really? There are tons of parts of this game (with potential) that anet totally abandoned, take WvW for instance, do you remember when anet announced the Alliances ? I mean where is that? All that is left for me to think is that anet just gave up with this game and started to focus on other things. Or are you really that naive to think that they are going to rellease that some day?

> And for those who say "well you should just move on to another game". Why the kitten should I? I mean ... I paid for this, and have played for 2-3 years now.

> Well whatever, thanks anet


well. i am a veteran. start play the game since release. also disappointed before. and took 3 yrs break.

if you really dont like the way anet operate. take a break play other MMO than comeback after, you will feel more interest.


for me i dont spend single dollar on gems. i dont think it worth it.

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> @"Chaarliee.2307" said:

> > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > anet is trying hard to bait people with pixels, through rng and fashion, game should be back alive soon

> >

> > In my opinion, they dont do hard enough compare to "Black Desert Online". BDO 1 new class release and map expand every half year. also they have remastered mode improved graphic. you can see the effort.

> >


> Totally agree, you can see that anet is not doing anything for the game. Is like they realease one new map and they're like "well, I've done all I could"


They will learn from their mistake. just like Blizzard. the immortal had been buried. lol



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> @"Chaarliee.2307" said:

> Well, I've read your comments. I agree with ppl whi say that this game is going to die eventually (soon), others seeme a little naive tbh. For years now gw2 has been releasing LW chapters and with it new maps and new metas, and that's been the only new content, that's what it takes to keep you happy with gw2? Really? There are tons of parts of this game (with potential) that anet totally abandoned, take WvW for instance, do you remember when anet announced the Alliances ? I mean where is that? All that is left for me to think is that anet just gave up with this game and started to focus on other things. Or are you really that naive to think that they are going to rellease that some day?

> And for those who say "well you should just move on to another game". Why the kitten should I? I mean ... I paid for this, and have played for 2-3 years now.

> Well whatever, thanks anet


I can't speak to what everyone wants, but I'm what you'd probably call a "casual" player. But I prefer the term "adult." I have a full time job, and a four year old daughter. I have no time to raid or bother with higher end guild stuff, and even I know better than to PUG things like that. I also dislike PvP, and prefer story driven content. Between Living World dumping a new episode on me every now and again, and the odd expansion, I'm happy. My wife and myself can pop in at night when our daughter is asleep and game the night away (assuming it isn't a school night). So yeah, for me what we've been getting is really all it takes.


I know that's not everyone. Some people insist on raids, or claim the game is trash. Others start crying about it "dying" if WvW server population dips. And then there are other players who don't consider even a wealth of PvE updates as even counting; taking the stance that "Guild Wars is a PvP game! Where is the content for the CORE audience?!" So I kind of have to ask; what exactly do YOU want? I've seen in another thread someone say "I want updates for the other 80% of the population" but didn't actually give context for that, leading me to wonder what exactly he was talking about it.


Guild Wars caters to several different gamer demographics, and all of them egotistically think they are the "core" group, and that anything not specifically aimed at them is wasted. So if you want this discussion to be productive you need to answer my two questions to you: What do you consider dead? And what demographic are you in that you feel under served? Because my demographic is rather content, a bit bummed about no expansion announcement, but still...cautiously optimistic. Honestly if they start giving us new elite specs once a year along with the Living World seasons I'll be please; as no other updates mean jack to me personally. I don't raid, I don't PvP, I don't do fractals, and my guild is nothing more than a glorified private chat channel for my friend's list. So Living World is literally all I need or care about.

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> @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> Guild Wars caters to several different gamer demographics


They did in the past, yes. But not any longer!


> Because my demographic is rather content, a bit bummed about no expansion announcement, but still...cautiously optimistic.


And here we are. Momentarily they are only catering content to your demographic and that is what people are complaining about. LW always was the core direction in the last years - no one can doubt that in seriousness - but there has been influx of other stuff as well although the release cycles could have been shorter for everyone, of course. At the moment and this status lasts a bit now there's no other content coming in the near future nor do anyone knows if there are further plans and how much we can expect compared to earlier days.


> Honestly if they start giving us new elite specs once a year along with the Living World seasons I'll be please; as no other updates mean jack to me personally. I don't raid, I don't PvP, I don't do fractals, and my guild is nothing more than a glorified private chat channel for my friend's list. So Living World is literally all I need or care about.


I'm wondering that you really believe that they will ship out elite specs with the Living World. They have never done this before. The two we got so far came from the expacs and those weren't released per year. Nice to be optimistic but unfortunately I can't because I cannot spot any sign that is supporting such an optimistic view. There's really no indication at all, not even much stuff that could be called vague. An official statement about their further plans - some call it road map - would take away a lot of that uncertainty. Only claiming that there's a saga running and nothing else only says: "Yo, LW is what we care about (now).", which for sure is totally fine for your demographic but not for many others.



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Talking about road maps: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/


The future:

> The rune and sigil salvaging release last year was in anticipation of releasing legendary runes and sigils—the final components of legendary core equipment. **complete**

> Over the past few months, astute players have been noticing a trend of updates and improvements to how our skill-slotting system works and have accurately speculated that the long-requested feature of build templates is in the works. **complete**

> We’d like to increase the max cooking level from 400 to 500. This crafting profession needs a refresh to make lower-tier foods important to the ecosystem and help reinvigorate various resources throughout the game. **complete**

> We’ve mentioned in the past how important world restructuring is to our WvW initiatives, and that hasn’t changed. While the Programming Team is focused on this initiative, the team is also focusing on smaller updates that can temporarily change the game mode, like the No Downed State Week we’ve done in the past. We’re also talking about different types of reward structures for events. **nope**

> Swiss tournament support is the next major feature the sPvP team is working on. This feature will be utilized by our structured tournaments moving forward. **nope**


Further down the road:

> For WvW, we’ve talked about changing the matches so that scoring matters in 8-hour intervals. This allows us to address gameplay in off-peak hours in a way that doesn’t invalidate the work of the most active populations.

> After the cooking 500 update, jewel crafting is the last profession needing to be extended.

> The Competitive Team has been working on the idea of building a festival that highlights both sPvP and WvW. It’s a fun concept that would allow us to focus on those game types and try new things.


All the non-competitive things they've mentioned are already out with the exception of jewel crafting at 500.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Talking about road maps: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/

> ...

> All the non-competitive things they've mentioned are already out with the exception of jewel crafting at 500.


Yeah, but here's the thing. The above mentioned things are almost negligible. The only interesting thing with long-term involvement for PvE players were the templates and here I cannot buy all for the equivalent price of an expansion. Not even 5 times an expansion would cover the money I have to spent for templates.

Furthermore still no road mapping for other PvE content than LW, Drakkar as open world boss which will be uninteresting very soon as well (see Triple Trouble) and maybe a strike mission here and there per episode which also wouldn't satisfy me as non-casual. And let's be honest strikes aren't that kind of extraordinary stuff. They are there but almost nobody would miss them if they weren't.

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