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1 vs. 1


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I have been organising roughly once a month 1 vs. 1 and similar (2 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2) battles in armistice bastion. However, always fighting my 5 guildies is becoming a bit tiring. I was therefore asking myself how to attract more players to such events.


Let me explain the whole idea: We are a guild focussing on roaming. My guildies started to complain that there is "nobody" to fight. So, we asked ourselves "how can we make sure that there will be someone to fight". Our solution was to fight each other. Basically, we can make sure that there is someone to fight. Moreover, we can create a fair fight in case it seems to be unfair or unequal. Thus, we can make it more enjoyable for everyone. My take on it was that such fights in armistice bastion are superior to fights on the wvw-maps.


I can forsee one question already: Why in armistice bastion and not in...

...the guild hall?

The guild hall has pve-balance. Definetly not!

...HoM (or similar maps)?

First of all, we wanted to keep the wvw-balance. Moreover, we would be independent of the limitations around us like time constrains or limited space.


My preference would be to find 1-2 more guilds with a similar idea/approach or who want to test such fights in armistice bastion. If we stand there with 10 players, we would have enough diversitiy. However, I would be open to other ideas how we can have the same outcome differently. If you want to send me a private message, feel free to message me ingame (gloflop.3510). We can switch to other communication forms if needed. I will be less frequent online until the beginning of January. From then on however I will be online daily again.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I got a pass some week back and have been spawning into armistice daily, by the arena. I've seen 3 people in total there over the week. There are more people in WvW in the middle of the night on desert.


That is the point of my post. If we agree to meet there, if we could get 5-10 players online, it might be enjoyable for all of us. We would be able to fight people we never fought before and we can even impose restrictions like "no condi mesmer".

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Maybe Anet will find time to create a "Game Mode" menu for the guild hall arena, so players can choose PvE, WvW or PvP rulesets. It's not likely. Who am I fooling, it'll never happen.


> Anyway, good luck with your event, I'm sure you'll have a good time.


They said that using PvP/WvW balance anywhere in PvE is not possible due to engine limitations, the separate game modes use completely different code paths, which is why the activities are sometimes buggy as they're PvE content simulated in the PvP game mode.


There's other limitations too, which is why we don't have guild hall battlezones, only small arenas.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > NA or EU?

> > > I'm interested

> >

> > plutt lee says leave your hacks and scripts out of it

> >

> >


> Am I seriously being called a scripter/hacker on the forums? HAHAHA


prob would get a warning and few points, but the overzealous mod loves me anyway


he was salty and wants a rematch

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"googel.3278" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > NA or EU?

> > > > I'm interested

> > >

> > > plutt lee says leave your hacks and scripts out of it

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Am I seriously being called a scripter/hacker on the forums? HAHAHA


> prob would get a warning and few points, but the overzealous mod loves me anyway


> he was salty and wants a rematch


Wait what are you talking about exactly?

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