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is it possible to tank in raids with a sword/ dagger weaver?

Stand The Wall.6987

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As in survive a successful raid encounter? Probably, assuming tanky enough gear (aka toughness). The main thing would be to position properly. The chronotank provides alac+ quickness, and sometimes pulls + strong cc which can be a very important mechanic (or Samarog (though obviously Samarog doesn't use toughness for tanking purposes)). Since I don't play weaver, I'm not sure they have those. Might be worth a try if you have a guild/static that wants to experiment.

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I won't see so much trouble; with a tanky and some healing power (minstrel).

With mender amulet in pvp, auto-chain in Water heals for 700 in 2.5sec, + 3*320 from Signet of Restoration + regen boon + Soothing mist ... With more healing power, runes, sigils etc you have really strong regen/heal. + some evades (water #2 + Earth #2 + ToF ). You have also the signet for toughness + the 120 weaver bonus + Weave Self + some barriers, some condicleanse.

Big issue, your healing is very short range with sword/weaver and below tempest, and you give nothing more.


I'm not sure Aqua Stance is worth it, I tried it 2 years ago it was shit, I don't know in "healer" pve .scenario .


Edit* : You should tank with tempest, you'll be more useful.

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