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A rant: More and more players have not very fair behavior

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I run past mobs I do not intend to fight but try to lead them away from other players if I can. Usually the mobs get killed along the way in the end. Unfortunately many a time I see downed players or full dead which I go to rez only to find out they were AFK the entire time and proceed to die... yet again. I find myself less willing to help in that regard these days.

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> @kharmin.7683 said:

> Wish we could train mobs into other mobs. Used to do that in GW1. Was great watching AI fight other AI. I have seen this sometimes in PoF but it has been inconsistent.


I loved luring Vinetooth's toward Pocket Raptor and Smokescale mobs and having them fight. Even lured a Vinetooth into fight the Arrowhead HP.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > Wish we could train mobs into other mobs. Used to do that in GW1. Was great watching AI fight other AI. I have seen this sometimes in PoF but it has been inconsistent.


> I loved luring Vinetooth's toward Pocket Raptor and Smokescale mobs and having them fight. Even lured a Vinetooth into fight the Arrowhead HP.


Well played and creative I might add.




I to like watching and doing such things warthogs always fun to watch over randoms parts of all of tyria, such friendly lil neutrals but they don't like to be screwed with lol I can hear there squeals off anger ringing in my head as I type this. Most maps with with different mixes of factions (i'll call it this based on skyrim as each mob was in certain factions) You can train mobs into one another you can make most red name aggro fight yellow name aggro like oakenharts you start fight with one they do the aoe vines hits any mob round them long as player doesn't actually hit the ones they agroed they'll help u take the oakenhart down.


Anyways bit of topic but train mobs into others can be done just got to learn which faction is enemy to others.

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> @elrin.4750 said:

> This behavior is normal in Bitterfrost. BF is a very annoying map, hence the "unusual" player behavior :)


There used to be a whole bunch of friendly minionmancers spamming GS4 who never complained about dumping aggro on them in that map. Whatever happened to them?


> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> The other one is when you or someone else is fighting a hero point or event boss and someone comes in at the last second to get credit.


> Those are rage feeders :D


Those who show up right after a hero point is finished are far more obnoxious than those who make it in time to tag at the end, because then I have to stick around to fight the Hero Point boss AGAIN!

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> > Yeah it's just bad design. In WoW if you aggro lots of mobs and run past a player, they will ignore that player and when their aggro for the original is gone they run back to spawn point.


> As people have said in this post, if you don't damage them, they won't aggro on you because by that point they should leash and go back to their zone.


Nope. The way aggro is handled in GW2 has always been ... odd.

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Dears

> Sorry in advance for the bother, but I need to rant a bit.


> [rant]

> Since a while, there are more and more players who, when they have foes running after them (that they did aggro while farming or else), run by other players by, put those foes "on" the other players and happily leave without caring to help at the fight they have caused. This is getting worse since mounts are used. I find this behavior unfair and unacceptable. Maybe I am old fashion? Could be. But well, I do not like that and as I witness it more and more often, on a daily basis, I need to complain about. :3

> [/rant]


> I believe it is because now, there are many players who just want things to go fast, and don't watch anymore around. They just want to hurry ahead and don't care. Fortunately, there are still a lot of players who care, but how long will that be the majority? Anyhow, thanks for hearing (reading)! LOL


More goodies and exp for me then.


I can handle it so I don't care if I get trained by some tunnel visioned dolt. It's not personal. They're just daft. They gotta go fast. I generally don't run past downed or defeated players, unless I have somewhere I REALLY have to be. Which isn't very common. I'll jump into the fray and save you if I can. :)


People will be people. Not all people are alike though.

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The maps are so big that for basically the first time ever in this game, I set a personal waypoint (ctrl click map) the mount up and just move in the direction of the green star I made, ignoring everything on the way. If I was to stop and participate in everything I saw on the way there, I wouldn't even reach it by the end of my gaming time and I would never get anything done!

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I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not a hero. If I see a downed player, I can and will evaluate the risks - this is fair. I don't want to die with you, or spend 5 minutes clearing mob patrols because you got downed in an unfortunate area of the map. Exceptions will be made if you're more useful to me alive, or if you happen to be downed where I want to be.


That being said, if I can help, I will. Just don't be surprised if I pass you by while you're getting mowed down because you got downed by a Lab boss or are loafing around dead 30 seconds from a WP.

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I try to watch out that i dont stack mobs on afk people (even walk back if i see it, to kill the mobs), but its more difficult with the mounts, everything goes by so quickly, you might miss some. Next to that some Pof mobs have a large follow range (Sand Sharks, Hydras), before you know it theres no control over them :) like at the Hp just outside of Amnoon where all the Hydras and Sandsharks stack in great numbers.

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