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Flesh Wurm


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Dunno what would be best for it but it could use some improving, only place I ever used it was PvP.. immobility in WvW and PvE kinda ruins it imo.


Making it mobile could have negative effects on the teleport too so it's going to be a trade off one way or another.


Perhaps it would be best to make it an instant cast shadowstep..

Shadow step to the targeted location and summon a flesh wurm.


This would make more sense for the stunbreak element, it would also free up the Wurms active skill for something else.

Perhaps an attack that makes the wurm burrow and tunnel to a enemy and attack from below launching them but sacrificing the minion.


This way you'd have a choice of keeping the minion active and benefitting from it's regular damage and 100% projectile finishers at the cost of a stunbreak or you can sacrifice it for some good CC and damage and get your stunbreak back after the CD expires.

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I would just say make it a instant backwards version of shadow step but thats a pipe dream lol. Instant break stun and move to location leaving a wurm in your previous location that you can port back to with a 2nd activation.


But if its gonna stay as is it should at least hide in the ground when its not in range/agro'ed to attack anything so people cant attack it or so its not so obvious where its been placed.


Wurm works good as it is now but its just a bit out of date for my taste personally.


I honestly dont see wurm changing any time soon though.

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I'd rather see it work or be replaced with the skill from lunatic inquisition. This skill feels smoother and more impactful.




1.5 second cast time

auto attacks

32 second cooldown

1200 range



1/4 second cast time

aoe fear

15/30 second CD depending if you shadowstep or not

1400 range


You could easily retain the wurm skin and move the functionality over if appearance and theme matter to you.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Dunno what would be best for it but it could use some improving, only place I ever used it was PvP.. immobility in WvW and PvE kinda ruins it imo.


> Making it mobile could have negative effects on the teleport too so it's going to be a trade off one way or another.


> Perhaps it would be best to make it an instant cast shadowstep..

> Shadow step to the targeted location and summon a flesh wurm.


> This would make more sense for the stunbreak element, it would also free up the Wurms active skill for something else.

> Perhaps an attack that makes the wurm burrow and tunnel to a enemy and attack from below launching them but sacrificing the minion.


> This way you'd have a choice of keeping the minion active and benefitting from it's regular damage and 100% projectile finishers at the cost of a stunbreak or you can sacrifice it for some good CC and damage and get your stunbreak back after the CD expires.


Having it summon wurm on the spot we instant teleport to would be awesome and then may be re teleport destroying the wurm one last time for an increased cd of 50s if second tp is used.


This utilitie alone would improve the whole class alot imo

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Wurm should still work even if you place it on no-teleport spots. Just say the necro makes like the wurm and burrows underground to get there. And reduce the CD/make it a faster cast, yeah. Necro really shouldn't have any cast time over 3/4, maybe 1 sec, considering its total lack of stability and...well, its lack of a lot of things.

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Overpowered when instant cast.


spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.


If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Overpowered when instant cast.


> spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


> A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.


> If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.


There are worst things in wvw. And a stun break is suposed to be instant cast. Reaper would be good for roaming but not OP. Other classes can do the same for years and nothing has been done about it.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Overpowered when instant cast.


> spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


> A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.


> If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.


No it wont lol. I dont even need to explain. If you think about the weakness of necro builds you will understand yourself. A 1/2sec cast with 30sec cd is appropriate and not even that game changing.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Overpowered when instant cast.


> spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


> A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.


> If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.


I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.


IMO, it's okay as it is, but it could use an additional effect of some sort. Being able to use it _while in Shroud_ would be an interesting mechanic. Not being able to summon it, but being able to teleport to it while in Shroud.

Or having it apply AOE Fear in a 240 radius when teleporting to it.

Or giving it some kind of stronger offensive capability so it's semi-dangerous to be near since it's immobile and would discourage people from lingering near it.


It's general effect, being a stunbreak and teleport with unlimited range ( in the sense that it will teleport you in it's direction regardless of how far from it you are ) is still good and I'm happy with it. You can use it with some degree of finesse if you're creative.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Overpowered when instant cast.

> >

> > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> >

> > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> >

> > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.


> I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.


> IMO, it's okay as it is, but it could use an additional effect of some sort. Being able to use it _while in Shroud_ would be an interesting mechanic. Not being able to summon it, but being able to teleport to it while in Shroud.

> Or having it apply AOE Fear in a 240 radius when teleporting to it.

> Or giving it some kind of stronger offensive capability so it's semi-dangerous to be near since it's immobile and would discourage people from lingering near it.


> It's general effect, being a stunbreak and teleport with unlimited range ( in the sense that it will teleport you in it's direction regardless of how far from it you are ) is still good and I'm happy with it. You can use it with some degree of finesse if you're creative.


actually, ATM necro needs all the sustain it can get, even a little bit helps because it is too weak in core.


Even reaper can be farmed by good players who can kite because just kite reaper and reaper gets out of shroud target necro outside of shroud and BOOM dead.


Having something like Wurm burrows and thus invisible and teleports you with the same cd same stun break and maybe insta cast time would help a lot.


That and the other classes need some severe nerf to mobility sustain and dmg. Having not 1 but multiple who can stealth teleport throw things like aegis or invulns is overpowered to the extreme, and it happened due to how power crept damage was, and if you aren't on their level, you are as good as dead.


Either that or our carapace needs to be modified so it works in 1v1 situations to give the edge, even then, i think stuff needs to be nerfed down a lot.


Doing 20k with a single attack is pure insanity, and doing anything more than that is excess.


Doing these is required for necromancers not to be trash in SPVP and have a chance for reaper to be a good brawler spec and for core which is a lot weaker to be not one shotted.


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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Overpowered when instant cast.

> >

> > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> >

> > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> >

> > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.


> I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.



The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such bullshit. That's beyond any sense for balance.


Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.


And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Overpowered when instant cast.

> > >

> > > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> > >

> > > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> > >

> > > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

> >

> > I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.

> True!


> The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such kitten. That's beyond any sense for balance.


> Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.


> And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.


I would probably be a bit happier if at least they made it burrow under ground with current cd and keep the cd maybe invis to get away faster or ability to tell the wurm to teleport us to a location even if you move it to 20 sec

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Overpowered when instant cast.

> > >

> > > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> > >

> > > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> > >

> > > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

> >

> > I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.

> True!


> The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such kitten. That's beyond any sense for balance.


> Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.


> And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.


So its terrible now and if you make it useful then its OP? the only way wurm get decent usage is if it becomes instant as it should for a stun break. they can nerf damage if they want but that utility should be instant as may other classes have it otherwise just remove if from the game.

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> @"miguelsil.6324" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > Overpowered when instant cast.

> > > >

> > > > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> > > >

> > > > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> > > >

> > > > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

> > >

> > > I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.

> > True!

> >

> > The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such kitten. That's beyond any sense for balance.

> >

> > Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.

> >

> > And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.


> So its terrible now and if you make it useful then its OP? the only way wurm get decent usage is if it becomes instant as it should for a stun break. they can nerf damage if they want but that utility should be instant as may other classes have it otherwise just remove if from the game.


It is instant. Just that it's the second half.


You have to think ahead when using it, not in the moment. Do you go in to a team fight without Wurm being summoned, or do you anticipate you'll be facing a lot of pressure and place it some where out of sight? If the former, you're doing it wrong.


I agree that the cast time on the summon is a little long, but functionally, it's a good skill. It saves me multiple times a day in WvW/PvP because I use it as a safety net the way it's intended. Sure, it can be destroyed, and yes, it sucks to need it when it hasn't been summoned yet, but you can do some pretty wicked tricks with it otherwise.


I don't know what to tell those of you who think it needs an instant cast. I understand the weaknesses of Necro, this isn't one. It has counters, as all things should, and is still strong if used correctly.

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> It is instant. Just that it's the second half.


> You have to think ahead when using it, not in the moment. Do you go in to a team fight without Wurm being summoned, or do you anticipate you'll be facing a lot of pressure and place it some where out of sight? If the former, you're doing it wrong.


> I agree that the cast time on the summon is a little long, but functionally, it's a good skill. It saves me multiple times a day in WvW/PvP because I use it as a safety net the way it's intended. Sure, it can be destroyed, and yes, it sucks to need it when it hasn't been summoned yet, but you can do some pretty wicked tricks with it otherwise.


> I don't know what to tell those of you who think it needs an instant cast. I understand the weaknesses of Necro, this isn't one. It has counters, as all things should, and is still strong if used correctly.


It is terrible if you get dismounted or if you caught off guard unlike all other classes with instant cast stunbreak. necro is the class that can be stun locked the most and having that instant skill would fix a lot of the problems the class has.


Having to pre set that stun break on the class that can be cc the most is not balanced nor fair.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> I don't get stunlocked on necro. I am the one who corrupts stability and stunlocks.


> Besides that proper use of spectral walk makes it impossible for your target to stunlock you since you stunbreak, move and teleport out of range when eating a second stun.


Spectral walk is good but in no way prevents you from being stun locked more after its usage.

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> @"miguelsil.6324" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > I don't get stunlocked on necro. I am the one who corrupts stability and stunlocks.

> >

> > Besides that proper use of spectral walk makes it impossible for your target to stunlock you since you stunbreak, move and teleport out of range when eating a second stun.


> Spectral walk is good but in no way prevents you from being stun locked more after its usage.


That can be said about any stunbreak, not sure how's that an argument. And opposed to your claims, necro still has better stability access than some of the other classes.


> @"miguelsil.6324" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > Overpowered when instant cast.

> > > >

> > > > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> > > >

> > > > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> > > >

> > > > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

> > >

> > > I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.

> > True!

> >

> > The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such kitten. That's beyond any sense for balance.

> >

> > Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.

> >

> > And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.


> So its terrible now and if you make it useful then its OP? the only way wurm get decent usage is if it becomes instant as it should for a stun break.


Pretty sure the stunbreak IS instant though?


And if you like *whatever it is* about "other class" then you really should go play that "other class" instead of trying to change "yours" into something it's not. Luckily you're not locked into one character, so feel free to relog whenever you get bored of running into 5 enemies and bursting them down with aoes.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > Overpowered when instant cast.

> > >

> > > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)

> > >

> > > A 0.5s cast time on a 50s cooldown would be acceptable.

> > >

> > > If you think that's a nerf then think one second about how much sustain that skill grants you the moment the cast time is lowered. A 0.5/50 version would make berserker reaper viable overnight and even condi scourge would be a thing for smallscale again.

> >

> > I agree. Unfortunately most people are fine with their own class being OP as long as nothing else is.

> True!


> The amount of overpowered long range burst an instant cast teleport would grant reapers would be the worst thing anet would have added to the game for months. I can't believe how someone can vote for such kitten. That's beyond any sense for balance.


> Maybe some of you guys should fight more competent necros to get a feeling for what the class is capable of. Wurm is laughable now as a mobility skill, that's true. Encounters using it are basically wasting a utility skill. But removing the cast time entirely would be way too much.


> And everyone who has basic knowledge about the gw2 game mechanic and who knows how to set up combos will notice that immediately. The whole reaper mechanic is designed around high telegraph hard hitting aoe (!) skills. And these telegraphs could be bypassed with an instant cast teleport.


Rev says hi with their shiro ports, so does staff thief. Both of them played by decent players do the same damage while evading and dealing much more reliable damage. Im against the insta cast too because it wouldnt fit the flavour the skill was made for but in no sense would kill gw2 if they made it insta cast. Idk what kind of players you play against but shutting reapers down or atleast putting them out of shroud is never a problem, even if you dont expect it and you are outnumbered on any class.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Overpowered when instant cast.

What about mesmer blink?

What about ele lightening flash?

Why would wurm be over powered if it was instant movement?


Because the wurm can spit at you? or... Is it because the wurm can be killed if placed in a spot where it can be seen. Or is it cause omg 2nd hp bar?

Every other light armor and even a few medium and heavy armor professions have skills that allow instant movement why would wurm truely be op if it was the same i honestly want to hear it.



> spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


Lets break down your example.

The grave digger likely didnt hit more than 1 person cause wurm needs to be fairly close as GD is melee attack you will likely only hit 1 person with that alone. Could it hit more than 1 person sure but chances of that are kind of up in the air to think its gonna decimate anyone. Grave diggers damage in pvp before any might application is also not very impressive.


Moving on to the end of this you have now left the fight and now have no quick way back in. You now need to walk back to that point or to another point. You also blew 2 break stuns and utilities + shroud mechanic for that burst so if you failed you are now running on empty. Not only do you not have defensive utility you also dont have defensive shroud or high offense should your burst have failed. Should anything come at you you are a free target. Should you go back into the fight after failing to kill you are a free target. At best maybe you get 1 or 2 people down very doubtful you will get all 3 or 4 average people in one burst or 1 soul spiral.


Lets assume you downed 1 person but didnt have time to finish them because after all you need to spectral recall so you have a fixed time limit in which you can stay in the fight if you want to "profit."


My next point is questioning how this is any different from what already exsist. Technically speaking this can even be done already with the current version of wurm you would just sub out pre cast grave digger for something more juicy like chill to the bone and its not a problem right now.... Making wurm instant really wouldnt make things any different. The only thing that changes is the order in which you cast the skills wurm goes first then precast grave digger O_O.....


Should wurm be made instant? thats up for debate but what i will 100% not agree with is you far fetched ideals the above statement being just a thing because it wont be. Even if you perform something like that perfectly you certainly wont be decimating whole teams who have any sense of how to play. You could even replace pre cast grave digger with spectral grasp and burn all 3 utilities at the cost of almost promising that you will have enough life force to burst and that people will be in range of soul spiral and you still likely wont instantly decimate a whole team of average players.


Its not unlikely that you will be forced to recall early as you are focused even after the instant wurm. Generally speaking this strat you have proposed is a good idea but it wont be easy free op wins as you can technically already do this and no one complains about it BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT GENERALLY WASTE defensive resources like that)



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Overpowered when instant cast.

> What about mesmer blink?

> What about ele lightening flash?

> Why would wurm be over powered if it was instant movement?


> Because the wurm can spit at you? or... Is it because the wurm can be killed if placed in a spot where it can be seen. Or is it cause omg 2nd hp bar?

> Every other light armor and even a few medium and heavy armor professions have skills that allow instant movement why would wurm truely be op if it was the same i honestly want to hear it.


> >

> > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


> Lets break down your example.

> The grave digger likely didnt hit more than 1 person cause wurm needs to be fairly close as GD is melee attack you will likely only hit 1 person with that alone. Could it hit more than 1 person sure but chances of that are kind of up in the air to think its gonna decimate anyone. Grave diggers damage in pvp before any might application is also not very impressive.


> Moving on to the end of this you have now left the fight and now have no quick way back in. You now need to walk back to that point or to another point. You also blew 2 break stuns and utilities + shroud mechanic for that burst so if you failed you are now running on empty. Not only do you not have defensive utility you also dont have defensive shroud or high offense should your burst have failed. Should anything come at you you are a free target. Should you go back into the fight after failing to kill you are a free target. At best maybe you get 1 or 2 people down very doubtful you will get all 3 or 4 average people in one burst or 1 soul spiral.


> Lets assume you downed 1 person but didnt have time to finish them because after all you need to spectral recall so you have a fixed time limit in which you can stay in the fight if you want to "profit."


> My next point is questioning how this is any different from what already exsist. Technically speaking this can even be done already with the current version of wurm you would just sub out pre cast grave digger for something more juicy like chill to the bone and its not a problem right now.... Making wurm instant really wouldnt make things any different. The only thing that changes is the order in which you cast the skills wurm goes first then precast grave digger O_O.....


> Should wurm be made instant? thats up for debate but what i will 100% not agree with is you far fetched ideals the above statement being just a thing because it wont be. Even if you perform something like that perfectly you certainly wont be decimating whole teams who have any sense of how to play. You could even replace pre cast grave digger with spectral grasp and burn all 3 utilities at the cost of almost promising that you will have enough life force to burst and that people will be in range of soul spiral and you still likely wont instantly decimate a whole team of average players.


> Its not unlikely that you will be forced to recall early as you are focused even after the instant wurm. Generally speaking this strat you have proposed is a good idea but it wont be easy free op wins as you can technically already do this and no one complains about it BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT GENERALLY WASTE defensive resources like that)




It isn't the same because it won't be 1 v 1, but I'll do a little recording tonight to give a few examples of multi-ports and Reaper bursts in groups. Hopefully it will help to illustrate why an instant cast Flesh Wurm summon would be too strong.



Was going to share in this comment but decided to just post an entirely new comment to refresh the thread.

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Okay here you go. Now imagine 6 - 8 Reapers doing this in to a cluster of players. Instant cast remember. No fiddling around with that summon, just pop right in there with CttB pre-cast and mass stun a bunch of people.


Or if it's 1v1, there are a lot of other nasty combos you could do. Sure, Necro doesn't have blocks, invuln or high mobility, but that doesn't mean an instant teleport is necessary. I'm not saying better defense options wouldn't be nice, I just think this particular option has too much potential.


I apologize if it sounds like I'm being snide, I'm not trying to disrespect peoples wishes to see Necro improved where it's weak. I just wanted to provide an example to support my opinion.



Stupid link didn't work :x. Should be good now.

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