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Guild Wars 1 remake or remaster

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> Jumping in GW1, imo would be unecessary. There is nothing there that you could possibly use jumping for.

> Dodging however... is always useful.

> Especially when you get stuck behing the djinn when you touch the 'Don't touch' warning treasure in Vabbi.


> I'd like to see mounts in GW1 though.

> Just think how cool it would be, you and your entire hero party having mounts.

> The only time you "mount" something, is in the Desolation.

> You have to navigate the Sulfur flats with the Junundu wurms.

> Quite boring to be honest, imo.


> I would definitely like to see new content for GW1.

> I don't think the graphics need touching much.

> I think they're fine as they are.

> Dalada uplands is beautiful. Just to give an example. The asura areas are also pretty neat.

> I would just add some stuff from GW2, like the extra classes.


> Perhaps do HoM both ways?

> For instance, your GW2 achievements and mastery points unlocks goodies to use in GW1?

> Just a thought.


You forgot Siege Devourers.

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I would not want this at all. Current Anet would monetize every other aspect of the original game (Skills, heroes, build templates, etc.). Also it doesn't seem economically strategic at all, since both GW1 and GW2 are still currently running so players can play whichever one they want, so will likely not be done.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > Jumping in GW1, imo would be unecessary. There is nothing there that you could possibly use jumping for.

> > Dodging however... is always useful.

> > Especially when you get stuck behing the djinn when you touch the 'Don't touch' warning treasure in Vabbi.

> >

> > I'd like to see mounts in GW1 though.

> > Just think how cool it would be, you and your entire hero party having mounts.

> > The only time you "mount" something, is in the Desolation.

> > You have to navigate the Sulfur flats with the Junundu wurms.

> > Quite boring to be honest, imo.

> >

> > I would definitely like to see new content for GW1.

> > I don't think the graphics need touching much.

> > I think they're fine as they are.

> > Dalada uplands is beautiful. Just to give an example. The asura areas are also pretty neat.

> > I would just add some stuff from GW2, like the extra classes.

> >

> > Perhaps do HoM both ways?

> > For instance, your GW2 achievements and mastery points unlocks goodies to use in GW1?

> > Just a thought.


> You forgot Siege Devourers.


Oh yeah. Yes I did forgot the siege devourers in Charr Homelands.

Now they're quite fun... and useful. Especially against bosses, such as Rocktlail Molotov.

Good for HM clearing.

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> @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> I'm curious. For all those that say Guild Wars 1 is still alive, how many of you actually still play it? I've was fortunately able to get some RA matches but it doesn't to poppin population wise.


I play it during the festival times, especially Wintersay and Halloween. Plus, I go in once in awhile to work on HoM titles.

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> @"Gryphon.2875" said:

> > @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> > I'm curious. For all those that say Guild Wars 1 is still alive, how many of you actually still play it? I've was fortunately able to get some RA matches but it doesn't to poppin population wise.


> I play it during the festival times, especially Wintersay and Halloween. Plus, I go in once in awhile to work on HoM titles.



Exactly what Gryphon said.

There are events around festivals in which you have a chance to get ultra rare items.

I forgot now, so I might be editing this, but I think about now, there is an event to collect 4 elemental stones; Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth.

Then trade them in EotN and get a chance for very rare weapons.

Besides, you get all the drops too.


There are weeks that you get double chance for lock pics.


Jade Quary is still active.

Good for many things, including titles, Zaishen Keys, and farming Jade or Amber.

Their price dropped a bit, but still a good way to trade for gold, if you want to eventually get that elite armor or weps for HoM.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> just add jumps and dodges to that game and its going to stand the test of time. assign party leaders and open up the instanced pve maps to the modding community. BAM.


I thought GW2 was gonna be like this. I was not expecting weapons to contain skills. They teased the hell out of GW2 and made it look and feel much like GW1. Their website even showcased skills from GW1 which even made it more believable. I really miss dual professions and being able to customize either of them.

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  • 2 months later...

And I miss being able to use my BRAIN for a change in a game...

Ignore the losers with lack of vision and Imagination. I have predicted the fall of GW 2 and arenanet as a company for 3 years now and guild wars 1 will rise again and will be better than ever. Don't stress just trust and keep going. It's inevitable. Guild Wars has a soul and that is the most important thing. And It will be UPGRATED in the way it truly deserves with the storyline recreated and made anew.

It doesn't need a remake. It needs a major update.

Now for a question of jumping.

It won't be exactly that. Imagine having characters rise just slightly above the ground kind of like gliding enough to get off the ground but not enoguh to jump over somebody's head. It's not a technical jump but more of a cosmetic one if that makes sense. That could happen. Or the entire game would be recreated with the same game dynamic and there is nothing tideos about it. Guild Wars one is a game of the brain. You really have to think in this game and that's why it has so many loyal fans. It is a Sport not a game...it's a true sport.

A Competitive Online Multiplayer . In this game not only there is deep love and appreciation for the story, characters and scenery......but there is a real desire to achieve something great somehting intellectual...let's not forget Jeremy Soules unforgettable music that sets the tone for the entire game.

This game is not easy and people have gotten last as shit and only want pretty dresses and Zerg. This game isn't about that. It's about making the effort, studying truly studying all skills...creating brainfrying builds and going out there to battle with the whole package.

It's simply brilliant.


Now for the final say...Imagine all of that plus NPCS in the game becoming CONSCIOUS due to the power of Ai and new technology. Imagine characters coming to life and actually interesting in the game...moving aorund to different towns and place not hair standing still..

If you gonna ask for GW 1 to be alive again...you have got to think BIG or not at all...










> > @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> > ESL was shutdown, then layoffs, and 2 projects were canceled. There are rumors of Guild Wars 3 being canceled and of Guild Wars 2 shutdown.

> >

> > Can Arenet fans finally give the game we been hoping for since guild wars 2 teasers? Guild wars 1 model and project strategy, although very tedious, put Arenanet on the map. I understand that statistically, following the World of Warcraft model and trying to grab their population was a very good move in the short term, but Look at the state of the company now. You lost many of your Guild Wars 1 diehard fans simply because Guild Wars 2 is nothing like the first game. We can all argue that there are improvements in GW2 but the underlining dual profession system and the refreshing Magic the Gathering card like hex/enchantment system have been stripped away from the base game. Guild wars 2 lacks the customization and numerous skill building mechanics the first game had.

> >

> > This generation of game release strategy have been to rehash or revisit their roots by remastering and remaking the games that put them on the map. With that said, can we get a true to Guild Wars 1 remake?







> @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> ESL was shutdown, then layoffs, and 2 projects were canceled. There are rumors of Guild Wars 3 being canceled and of Guild Wars 2 shutdown.


> Can Arenet fans finally give the game we been hoping for since guild wars 2 teasers? Guild wars 1 model and project strategy, although very tedious, put Arenanet on the map. I understand that statistically, following the World of Warcraft model and trying to grab their population was a very good move in the short term, but Look at the state of the company now. You lost many of your Guild Wars 1 diehard fans simply because Guild Wars 2 is nothing like the first game. We can all argue that there are improvements in GW2 but the underlining dual profession system and the refreshing Magic the Gathering card like hex/enchantment system have been stripped away from the base game. Guild wars 2 lacks the customization and numerous skill building mechanics the first game had.


> This generation of game release strategy have been to rehash or revisit their roots by remastering and remaking the games that put them on the map. With that said, can we get a true to Guild Wars 1 remake?



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Nostalgia is a powerful force. That much has certainly been proven recently. However, all of the games in question are part of vastly more popular franchises with large audiences and a huge fan base. There is also the running cost to consider with MMORPGs and all that. I highly doubt this would work out for any company other than Blizzard in the west.

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> @"LianaEarthAngel.9687" said:


> Ignore the losers with lack of vision and Imagination. I have predicted the fall of GW 2 and arenanet as a company for 3 years now and guild wars 1 will rise again and will be better than ever.


Yea so have a lot of people who have become disgruntled with the direction of the game, but guess what we jut got a huge new announcement including an upcoming expansion, so...


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