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Afks, Bots, PvE Reward Hunters, Win traders, and mach manipulators oh my


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The tale of a dying game well in the sense of pvp. Like Gw1 (the better of the pvp game versions) gw2 is on the road of just a pvp game mode meant for dyehard nobodies, pve reward hunters, bots with a small minority of actual pvp players who don't win trade and actually play to pvp. With Gw1 we at least had epic pvp scene like HoH which meant something and got you game wide resignation. With gw2 we have a voice chat AT teams vs random no body pugs put together lol, and a "Top" (lol hahaha) "leaderboard" filled with basement trolls who que together to toss games and play vs mostly bots a 2 am or so. We have people who are known to not be good but lightning strikes all of a sudden and they are near undefeated, as if someone else was on their account playing humm...


So since this game mode is now meant for pve pugs who ruin pvp for titles and rewards and gold loving bots that play 3k + games a season (Documented in forums). Should we ask anet for a new Gw3 or a 4k revamped GW1 Og with the best PVP and PVP around. If so i say stop buying gems, stop playing ranked and ATs. Go play wvw and unranked until they make a new game or stop spending 99.5 % of their time on pve skins and pve junk and at least attempt to improve pvp.


I have a few future pvp games I'm looking at in the next year ish with promising pvp. I for one as a vet since the days of early GW1 am saddened by the pathetic state that pvp is in and i don't want to leave. But with "season" 20 aka Wintrade wars season 16 coming around i hope its not just a copy paste wintrade wars season. If so ill keep to unranked where it's less toxic and enjoy this while it lasts which wont be long.

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Totally agree.


Unfortunately, all everyone cares about is balance. X Killed me so X is overpowered for X reasons.

Meanwhile people bot and farm Ranked games, while the "top" ? players farm those bots and farmers for free wins and leaderboard spots for however many alt accounts they have the time to boost, seeing as they have been given all the tools to do so.


I get that balance is important, but I think it takes a backseat to actually having a functional, accessible, and fair competitive mode. None of that is possible with all the problems you mentioned.

Plus; i'd add Metagaming and DuoQ, seeing as Metagaming has replaced match manipulation(unless you count them as the same thing, which they pretty much are) as the go-to way to fix the outcome of matches and cherry pick who goes on what team in Ranked games.

DuoQ because most of if not all the aforementioned Metagaming kitten would not be possible if DuoQ/teams were split from SoloQ, or if DuoQ were just gone in general. Modern GW2 match manipulation revolves around DuoQ.


The whole PvE reward hunters is worth a whole other discussion on its own. Why are those rewards given for losing in Ranked? Move them over to Unranked and/or only give them out for Ranked wins. There would go all incentive to bot and farm the Ranked mode.

It just screams "Hey this mode is broken and frustrating so here's some free gold to keep you playing." I've never encountered any other game that does this. It's essentially paying people to AFK and bot while discouraging any amount of actual effort to climb the Ranked ladder.

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How can there not be another game that has a dodge system, 1-9 skills, and tab targeting after 7 years. I can't wait for the gw2 game killer that I will move on to.

7 years and still only one game mode. 7 years and every balance/expansion just make one/few things to strong for to long.

Wintrading, really bad matchmaker coding, afks and bots all pushing me away. Idk if this game has a 2020 in me.


We'll see what they call a 2019 balance patch on the last day of 2019 will bring us......idk about you that it seems it's more of a 2020 balance patch. We get nothing for PvP in 2019 again. Go anet!

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> How can there not be another game that has a dodge system, 1-9 skills, and tab targeting after 7 years. I can't wait for the gw2 game killer that I will move on to.

> 7 years and still only one game mode. 7 years and every balance/expansion just make one/few things to strong for to long.

> Wintrading, really bad matchmaker coding, afks and bots all pushing me away. Idk if this game has a 2020 in me.


> We'll see what they call a 2019 balance patch on the last day of 2019 will bring us......idk about you that it seems it's more of a 2020 balance patch. We get nothing for PvP in 2019 again. Go anet!

Battlerite didn't go that well either, skill based combat in any game is dead by the looks of it. The good old days till the end of 2010 it was about how you can play better then the other guy, now everything is simplified to cater to broader audience that doesn't give 2 shits about the game, but that how publicly owned ventures work need more mulla and at the same time strangulate the competition so only their trash is left on the market.

That is what happened when gaming became big business, when art of crafting a game became finance everything went downhill. I wish gaming stayed niche and we got less games but with great quality and every new one was something to get excited about, then again i think we get the same number of great games a year like before you just have to dig through the mas produced trash to find them. So all in all we used to receive fancy restaurant service but more people came and now we get McDonalds .


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Waiting on more of Ashes of Creation to come out since it's free battle royal beta atm then plus there is a Magic the Gathering MMO on it's way out. Still project TL looked amazing but its been pushed back way too many times. For now unranked is fine away from the trash like tryhard pve streamers, pve reward hunters, afks, bots, and all that junk because they want the ranked awards. Some just play the noobiest spam or speed based build just because run speed & spam spam > skill in gw2 ranked Circlequest. I get a laugh knowing that there are people that desperate for human acceptance from their basements lol. Least my Real life isn't that pathetic and sad, i'd be depressed.


:) I can wait it out a bit more for a new GW game or new game away from GW. Just chilling in the less toxic wvw and unranked.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> Totally agree.


> Unfortunately, all everyone cares about is balance. X Killed me so X is overpowered for X reasons.

> Meanwhile people bot and farm Ranked games, while the "top" ? players farm those bots and farmers for free wins and leaderboard spots for however many alt accounts they have the time to boost, seeing as they have been given all the tools to do so.


> I get that balance is important, but I think it takes a backseat to actually having a functional, accessible, and fair competitive mode. None of that is possible with all the problems you mentioned.

> Plus; i'd add Metagaming and DuoQ, seeing as Metagaming has replaced match manipulation(unless you count them as the same thing, which they pretty much are) as the go-to way to fix the outcome of matches and cherry pick who goes on what team in Ranked games.

> DuoQ because most of if not all the aforementioned Metagaming kitten would not be possible if DuoQ/teams were split from SoloQ, or if DuoQ were just gone in general. Modern GW2 match manipulation revolves around DuoQ.


> The whole PvE reward hunters is worth a whole other discussion on its own. Why are those rewards given for losing in Ranked? Move them over to Unranked and/or only give them out for Ranked wins. There would go all incentive to bot and farm the Ranked mode.

> It just screams "Hey this mode is broken and frustrating so here's some free gold to keep you playing." I've never encountered any other game that does this. It's essentially paying people to AFK and bot while discouraging any amount of actual effort to climb the Ranked ladder.


Then there's the few of you who believe in "illuminati" and every game is "wintraded" ??? or "soloq" would fix ranked ? when its the balance and tiresome to play the same broken/boring builds for 2+ years now without meta shifting ? match manipulation does not revolve around duoq and would work exactly the same with soloq but keep believing your own little theories since it makes you feel better ????

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Then there's the few of you who believe in "illuminati" and every game is "wintraded" ??? or "soloq" would fix ranked ? when its the balance and tiresome to play the same broken/boring builds for 2+ years now without meta shifting ? match manipulation does not revolve around duoq and would work exactly the same with soloq but keep believing your own little theories since it makes you feel better ????


That's why all the people responsible absolutely hate SoloQ to the point where they can't even accept it existing separately. I got my tinfoil hat on and I can see right through your face with tears of joy emojis. ????

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Well I love gw2 and how I know is how competative I feel and how i can own people.


Yeah this is a great game and Ive come to accept the game for what it is at the moment. The only reason i can really accept the game for what it is, is due to the fact i like a build that is strong and can carry. Zealbrand burnbrand thermitecoregaurd. Shoutout to thermite my guard sensie.


Now when i play a ranked match i go in and see how hard i can carry my team. Because thats all u can do. There may be bots there may be low skill players. But having a partner that can carry hard aswell and succeeding gives me the feel goods. And above all the player base is small every day there is huge variations in player quality so u may be show drastic difference in your results.


The leader boards in all honesty is the biggest motivating factor for me. And its fun to see who stacks up against who. Because gaming in all honesty for alot of use here on this forum loooove the competition weather we get angry or happy.


Game has alot of problems fow show. And the only instances i would get substantially upset is when a build i had higher success in starts to lose that success. Because of balance changes. This game has turned into adaptation wars. Can you adapt welll enough? Hohoho happy new year all.


We do need the complaints to foward the advance of balance.


Carry and adaptation wars 2


-Yours truly Hamtits



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  • 2 weeks later...

This game is rigged. I get the grind is supposed to elevate you to higher levels eventually but how is it that you score platinum for the past few seasons, then get ranked in mid gold.


Now i'm stuck there, with randoms who need to be carried. Afk's, bots, clueless players. I've spent days literally in the same spot. Back and forth, up and down. It's impossible to carry 4 others. Which means you have to duo-q to win. Playing at weird times to heavily dramatize your favor. None of this would be necessary if the system actually knew how to assess rank.


Now I get where all these complaints are coming from.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> This game is rigged. I get the grind is supposed to elevate you to higher levels eventually but how is it that you score platinum for the past few seasons, then get ranked in mid gold.


> Now i'm stuck there, with randoms who need to be carried. Afk's, bots, clueless players. I've spent days literally in the same spot. Back and forth, up and down. It's impossible to carry 4 others. Which means you have to duo-q to win. Playing at weird times to heavily dramatize your favor. None of this would be necessary if the system actually knew how to assess rank.


> Now I get where all these complaints are coming from.


Literally yes. Your rating really doesn't even matter at this stage. From the lowest of gold to plat3, you're likely to be matched with and against the same people over and over.


That is what ranked has devolved into, and it's what it will always be so long as the queues stay merged together with the quantity over quality matchmaking style GW2 has.


It's essentially just bots, pip-farmers, and brave new players one side, and the small; very top% in their collective safe space on the other, farming the bots and new players on the other side. The middle is next to barren, and it's dwindling because if you can't or don't want to DuoQ, you are doomed to sit in the middle of metagamers, bots, and new players.

It's incredibly frustrating and alienating for SoloQ players(Which has been stated as being the strong majority of how players queue anyway) because they're caught between two extremes that both feel shady, and for each actual SoloQ player that quits, the problem only becomes worse.


If the queues were split into Solos and Teams, this wouldn't happen.

The same could be said for removing DuoQ, but honestly if that joke gets tried again it's incredibly likely we'll be right back here a few seasons later. If they decide to go that route, it'd better be permanent.




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