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NAME PURGE, its about time...


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How hard is it to get a new name, my god, i just made four characters over the last two months and none of them had their names taken, two of them i was surprised by because they are decently well known characters at least among my friends.


However, im against a name purge, if i was gone for six months(which i will be due to a deployment, possibly longer if we get extended) i would be pissed to no end if i came back and my names of my characters, most of which ive written stories about, or created decently long backstories where suddenly changed.

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Wasn't due to inactivity, but I did have a case with Tera like this where I logged on a while after they started to merge servers and such. Names were locked to a server and not through the game itself.

Because the server I was in was merged with another that had my name, they added I think a number to the name.


It's a good thing I didn't care too much on the game as I haven't been back on it since.

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The beauty of GW is that it's buy once and play until the servers no longer exist. No sub and no required log in to keep access. Whether or not the OP agrees, that is the hook that's been moving this franchise since 2005. Considering that ANet themselves uses your ability to correctly name at least one of your characters as part of their security process if you lose access to your account, seems obvious what the OP wants is never going to happen, nor should it.


And as someone who's been playing the franchise on and off for more than a decade, I certainly have no interest in coming back after a break and seeing my carefully chosen names wiped because I took a break and ANet suddenly started catering to someone that lacked the imagination to make a unique name over a long time customer that's given them hundreds of dollars.

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Good things that could happen if the OP's suggestion were implemented:


1) A player who wants a specific name might get that name. That's one player per desirable name that gets freed up.


Bad things that could happen if the OP's suggestion were implemented:


1) People who want a specific name will get unhappy when the name they want is still unavailable. That's what would happen whether "their" desired name was not among those made available, or if someone else beats them to the punch. The more desirable the name, the more people are likely to be disappointed.

2) Anyone who does come back to find their name gone is going to be unhappy. Fwiw, I've seen a lot of posts from people who've returned for PoF.

3) Anytime people get unhappy, some of them get vocally unhappy. In this case, they would believe that ANet has gone back on a promise, and they'd be right.

4) Work would have to be done to implement the purge, and there is a likelihood bordering on certainty that implementing the purge is going to leave more people unhappy than it will leave people pleased.


I believe the potential downside outweighs the potential upside.

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The OP didn’t say how long someone needs to be gone. I’ve seen posts where people have been gone for 4 or 5 years and came back. If they had lost their char names because someone was too unimaginative to make a unique name or had so many restrictions on what name they consider good that they refused to use a last name, a nickname, a title, etc, the returnees would probably log back out again rather than sit there renaming all their chars.


And by the way, I just made a name (first and last) for a new char on an alt account. Went right through.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> There's no reason why the active players who play the game should be having to spend 30 minutes in character naming tab and then eventually give up because no names they can identify with are availble.


There was a name I really really really wanted but it was taken.


So I added a surname and logged in.




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A few people have touched on a point I always find interesting about these topics: the underlying assumption that whatever name/s the OP wants are taken by people who no longer play and have not done so for months/years.


How can you possibly know that? Even if you decided months or years ago that you wanted that name, added the person to your friends list and have been checking for them logging on it doesn't mean anything. I have a few people on my friends list who I almost never see online and at least one I think I've never seen online, but I know for a fact they still play. They're just in very different time zones, in one case literally on the other side of the world.


I think it's highly likely a lot of the people who make these requests would end up disappointed if Anet did purge names, because a lot of the names they want would still be taken.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There are two types of reasons people have trouble finding a name that isn’t already taken:

> * They hate inventing character names.

> * They have imposed a set of requirements that limits the choice of names.


> In the first case, the OP’s solution won’t be of much help; they still will hate inventing names. In the second case, I don’t understand why ANet or especially other players need to indulge one player’s personal preference for names.


> ****


> This topic comes up every so often. ANet's made the same comment multiple times:

> * _There is no such thing as an "inactive account" -- players might come back at any time. We'd hate for people to return only to find out that we took those from them._

> * _Nor does it make sense to release names on banned accounts -- we don't want players to start a new account and avoid some of their punishment by having access to their old names._


> That's even without talking about the expense of identifying which accounts would count for a purge or the effort spent explaining to people why they lost their names or fixing mistakes.


> Finally, why should ANet do this? The only reason any of us wants these names freed up is if we lack the creativity to create other names. Releasing more names isn't going to make that job easier: it will still be first-come, first-served, so only a few people will benefit from this undertaking.


> In short, this is too much work to cater to the minority of players who don't want to work a little harder to figure out how to name their own character(s).



By the Six...er... Five. Something we can agree on completely.



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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > We should have a grumpy player purge -- you know, bounce the ones that constantly complain on the forums about not getting their way.

> > >

> > > That would be like half of the topics.

> > > Like hard bosses, no free mounts, the "orientation" people, etc etc etc

> > And? I don't see the problem here...

> >


> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > > We should have a grumpy player purge -- you know, bounce the ones that constantly complain on the forums about not getting their way.

> > >

> > > That would be like half of the topics.

> > > Like hard bosses, no free mounts, the "orientation" people, etc etc etc

> > And? I don't see the problem here...

> >


> But... where would I get my laughs... I need my laughs.


I do just fine browsing Know Your Meme. :v

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Bad things that could happen if the OP's suggestion were implemented:


> 1) People who want a specific name will get unhappy when the name they want is still unavailable. That's what would happen whether "their" desired name was not among those made available, or if someone else beats them to the punch. The more desirable the name, the more people are likely to be disappointed.


That's a good point and wish I'd thought of it. In the absolute best case scenario, you make a single individual happy for every old name that's released, but, if it's a commonly desired name, the number of people still unhappy they wanted that name and can't get it is effectivelythe same as before, the population has only been reduced by 1. And since that scenario requires that no one ever comes back to find out that all their characters are now named something like PLACEHOLDER4VQY78BZ1, even that "rosy" view of how it could work is unrealistic.


I'm not terribly alt crazy, but in both GW1 & 2 have had one of each profession, and don't think I've ever had a name I wanted taken. The "problem" the OP wants to solve seems self inflicted :)

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That's great but what if the names you chose that, active players still use them, so you still couldn't give the character the name you wanted? So now arenanet purged everything and you still can't use the name you wanted. Just a waist of time. Just come up with unique names. Hebrew names. Greek names. Latin names etc. Use your imagination. Shoot I wanted to name my thief some type of stealer. So I named him guhneybuh. Hebrew for thief. If someone takes it. Work your away around it.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I am aware of their incorrect faulty reasoning. I dismantled it in the opening post.


> Can't wait for name purge. Clearly you changed their minds with your incredible insightful reasoning and flawless argumentation.


Yea... I think out of all the things arenanet actually said name purging and changing username will not happen.

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I was travelling and didn't have a constant internet connection for two years. I'm now back in the game.

Is have been sorely pissed, if my names had been stripped! I would have uninstalled immediately. ...instead. I've bought the xpacs.


Stop whining that you didn't get the name first and as others have said, add a surname.

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Whenever i see this point being brought up again i sigh. Mostly since this is an argument dating from gw1's days. A-net didn't do it then, won't do it now and if in some distant future we get gw3, we still won't get it.

Why? Because its player-unfriendly. The players that have that special name you want so badly, invested time and money in that character. And just because for whatever reason they didn't play for [insert time frame] doesn't mean they should return to having their names stolen. Yes, stolen! Not "wiped and redistributed" but stolen. Because somebody else was not creative enough to come up with an original name.


Wanna know when A-net will change the current naming system? When all possible combinations of valid characters have been taken. And then we get a raise in how many characters we can use for a name. But for now, we probably have only gotten to about 5 maybe 10% of possible combinations. So just put in a little more creativity when naming.

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Have some creativity and come up with a name that isn't in pop culture. More often than not the people who I see complaining are the ones who whine about "Harry Potter", "Jack Sparrow", "Spiderman" etc being taken.


I have 49 characters. There has **not been one single incident over making the 49 characters where I've had a name denied because it was taken.** Not one over **49 CHARACTERS**. I'd say you're not being creative enough.


And yes, I made some at release, but most of mine are *barely* 1 year old now.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I wonder what name you are trying to get.


> i tried a fev made up fantasy names along with changing a letter here and there to still make them sound like a normal name and they are all taken. I wanted to make a mesmer or a revenant for a couple of weeks now, i managed to make a sylvari that doesnt look completely craptastic with so fev non ugly faces to choose from it wasnt easy. i have about 10 nicknames allong with 4 possible variations in every ones name that are acceptable. none of them big fantasy or popular franchise names. Most of them from my pen and paper rpg days when we made up names that were both realistic and not a rip off from legolas etc. Fundamentally you know the situation is bad you jsut dont want to admit it, because since you found a not realy as satisfactory as youd wish workarround that means theres no problem. You know there is a problem...


I'm kind of offended, my main is a sylvari ranger and I think she looks great. Also, while you may see a problem, it does not follow that everyone else does and won't admit it.

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Chances are good that after a supposed purge, the name you want is still not available. The first time you didnt got name, means someone else wants the same name. After a purge, Someone else took your name again. What then? Will you whine here for another purge until you got the names you want?

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There is a name solution, it's what should happen. If you pick a name already taken, there shouldn't be a problem for Anet to add a .number to the nameplate. So if there are two Laura Croft for instance one would have a .1 at the end of their name. Meaning Laura Croft and Laura Croft.1 would be easily separate. Now instead of the interface saying the name is already taken asking you if you're OK with .# added to name? If not then you'll have to rename the toon.

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Names for which I am probably too late from the top of my head in around 10 minutes:

*Flaming Moe

*Mr Moe(maybe not)

*Scorpion and Battery Show(too long anyway)

*Bites glows ayayay

*Colonel Hapablab

*Uichachauchi(the sound a transformer makes when he transform)

*All Hail Megatron

*Seagull Kneepocker




*Homer Thompson


I was a little bit surprised that Grand(t) Theft Walruss was still available, I could not stop laughing when I saw it the first time.


When you wrack your brain long enough, you will either find something you like or something funny you can turtore your guildmates with. I do not see why there should be a distribution lottery so to say, there are already enough clouds and sephis in games.^^

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > Well yes, as more characters are created, more names are taken. This is natural way of game getting older. You are not entitled to any name in the game.

> Exaclty why they should be released from inactive accounts. "YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY NAME IN THE GAME." i win you loose can we do this then? since you agreed.


LOL. You seem upset by this.. how about we let you take the name you want, and then purge it second someone else wants that name.. that way.. everyone can have their favorite fantasy character name.. at least for a little while.


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> There are lots of names left if you use a first and last name/title. I’ve made several new chars in the last few months and each name went through with no problem.


Yep. All my characters are Athlon. Thief is Shadows Athlon, Mesmer is Kara Athlon, Etc. Works, people know my characters as the "Athlon family" and I don't have to worry about names being taken.

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> @EpicBanHammer.7521 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > There are lots of names left if you use a first and last name/title. I’ve made several new chars in the last few months and each name went through with no problem.


> Yep. All my characters are Athlon. Thief is Shadows Athlon, Mesmer is Kara Athlon, Etc. Works, people know my characters as the "Athlon family" and I don't have to worry about names being taken.


Same here, When PoF had their open Beta, I had no issues with getting names to run test with.

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