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NAME PURGE, its about time...


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Trust me, I can certainly see the issue with picking a name I like in this game. Probably one of the biggest lovers of short and simple names and never liked having to use last names or resorting to use umlauts myself and I am still against a name purge. Don't forget, the majority of popular names were taken instantly as soon as people got the chance. Names are not unique to your server, not even to your version as EU and NA share their character data. This means any of the currently popular names are going to be snatched away instantly just like before.

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> @chronometria.3708 said:

> Bit puzzled as to why people are defending those who have been absent for the game for literal years. Most games do a clearout of old names from time to time and if someone actually cared enough about their characters then maybe they should actually be playing them and supporting the game.


> Send them an email, say their names may be lost if they don't log in and if they still don't log in, then they are effectively consenting. That at least is fair and gives them a chance to save those names and they can then go inactive again if they really want to.


I don’t know where you are from, but in my country military troops can be deployed for as much as 18 months with no access to the internet and sometimes back to back deployments. The last time around this topic came up I saw a player comment that he had been on an extended deployment and had just returned to pick up where he left off. No matter what criteria you may lay out, A purge is going to end up hurting some legitimate players who have very reasonable excuses for not logging in, but who will be back at some point.


Another logical argument against that I haven’t seen yet, although I will admit to having skipped a couple pages due to the length of this thread, is looking to the future. If the OP were right (and I in no way believe that they are), all the reasonable, pronounceable, usable names are taken. How many names would a purge actually free up and what happens in a year or two years when those names have been snapped up? Does the game come grinding to a halt because no one can create a new name that meets the OP’s criteria? Does Anet do another purge with diminishing returns because so many people came back for POF? As a long term strategy purges do not make sense and addresses a problem that doesn’t truly exist.


The arguments against this idea that were given on the first page were sufficient, as if this hadn’t been beaten into the ground already in years past, of which the OP has already demonstrated awareness. The problem isn’t with the counter arguments, but with the OP’s willingness to acknowledge a failed premise.


There are plenty of options still available with just a small modicum of creativity. If you cannot think of something, grab a 5yr old and ask them to make up a name for you. It will probably be unique and more or less pronounceable. :-)


*Edited to correct autocorrect and minor clarification

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I share a _little_ of the OP's frustration. I prefer lore friendly names and can see how it might be difficult to create lore friendly single names for new Asura or possibly Sylvari. The naming conventions we are provided with mean that most of these are quite likely to be taken by now.


There are several more than acceptable solutions on offer in this thread and it should be quite possible to find a reasonable compromise if your desired name is already in use.


Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with releasing names from inactive accounts, provided the account holder's consent was gained or reasonable notice given. I also like the idea of allowing more than one character on the same account to share a single name.

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I have mixed feelings about this, on one hand I agree... there should be a name purge.. on the other hand.. being a long time player of both gw 1 and 2 I've taken frequent breaks from the game (up to 2 years) come back and play for a few years and.. take a break and come back... I always knew I can come back and my characters where in tact. maybe for accounts that's been inactive since like launch day they can add a 1 at the end of the name and have a item in there inventory for a free name change >only useable on said inactive character<

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If you can't think of a name on your own, go search a fantasy name generator and try one of those, I'm sure eventually one will come up that isn't taken...and they're logical with a first and last name...and using any combination of characters for a single name works for an Asura...not all of their names make sense.

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Another alternative: ask others for help naming. If you are willing to brave the forums to post a request that ANet change the name-reservation policy, then (I hope) you're also willing to look for assistance publicly. I'm sure there are more than a few in this thread willing to offer suggestions to anyone who makes a gracious request.

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I fully agree that a name purge would be bad. Core bad for this game, for all the reasons cogently stated in this thread (especially that this is meant to be a long-breaks game at need and that the desired name will either be snapped up quick or never taken again at all per the other game's experience so it's a waste to do it).


So what I'm about to point out is in no way advocating for the purge: I've seen a few comments that no games do this. I happen to know that WoW did it when Warlords came out, because I did get an email or other announcement and I did end up buying that expansion years after I'd quit just to lock in my names again. Played it a bit, hated it, canceled my sub and uninstalled again. If they do another purge so be it, my RP server can pounce on my two accounts worth of names. By now no one will think it's me and any of the names I want to use again in other games, I can. No one's going to RP them the same as me anyway.

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> @penelopehannibal.8947 said:

> > @penelopehannibal.8947 said:

> > I managed to make an Asura called 'Zlood' just now. No titles or accents in letters needed. Just need a bit of an imagination and patience.


> Just managed to make a Sylvari called Phenamori. First try succeeded and still no titles, accents or X's in the name needed.


I also recently found the name Manaurai is available, which is actually a reference to another game (although it's a fictional sea rather than a person which maybe helps). I'm thinking that will be the name of my next sylvari, a blue and green one of course.


If someone takes it before I get around to it? Manoalai from the US release of the game, or Manauri, Manauryi or any of the other things I keep trying when I forget the actual spelling.

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