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Suggestions for 2020

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Ugh. More Cantha. I wish ANet would make GW3 in Cantha and then we wouldn't have to hear about it anymore.


I know you have a busy life, but if you get a chance to get Guildwars all the games and the expansion eye of the north. Give Factions a try first of course there is Prophecies and Nightfall to. In GW2 they are in the game already, Nightfall is basically POF where Prophecies is everything else with some eye of the north areas included too. The reason Cantha is so important is because its part of Factions which is not in GW2 yet because NcSoft thought it would upset some of its Asian neighbors since its a combination of several Asian designs rolled into one game. You can play Guildwars and GW2 all you want no sub fees. The complete collection with everything is $39.95 now which is a deal. I am telling you this because once you try what is in GW2 past in Guildwars its like something is missing in GW2.


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I have GW1 and have played it prior to GW2. I enjoyed EotN and Factions for the most part. I just don't want to see them in GW2, especially in light of how the story has changed in the 250 years between GW1 and GW2. Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake isn't always what it's cracked up to be.


I don't find GW2 to be missing anything because it doesn't include Cantha. I prefer looking forward rather than looking back.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I have GW1 and have played it prior to GW2. I enjoyed EotN and Factions for the most part. I just don't want to see them in GW2, especially in light of how the story has changed in the 250 years between GW1 and GW2. Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake isn't always what it's cracked up to be.


> I don't find GW2 to be missing anything because it doesn't include Cantha. I prefer looking forward rather than looking back.


I do want to see how it has changed in GW2. They need to make it completely different though more wild areas, but it needs to come in time not right away sometime in the future though. The reason some people ask for GW3 is graphic improvements through Direct x 12 which is nice but not needed



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > What's happened to the forest? the cities? the Jade Sea?

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha)



If that's all we get for Cantha, ANET could have just given a bunch of wiki articles for all of GW2.

I don't want to read about it, I'm looking to interact, role-play, and spend hundreds of hours exploring the territory.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Racial oriented Legendaries


> Anyone who has a Charr with The Predator and/or Rodgort or a Sylvari with Kudzu knows how those combos just look right.


Issue is their racial oriented legendaries are..not great, outside of the predator, Rodgort and Kudzu due to the other ones The Shining Blade, The Khan Urs Dagger goofing with the lore.


Are the duplicates? Clones? copies? it makes no sense for the player to be given those weapons if they are the original, so if they are duplicates what makes them legendary?


Im not opposed to new legendaries, but id rather have them not be attached to the races.


As to Cantha, i dont get whats so enthralling about it, after playing GW1 for 7 years, i hated that entire city by the time i was done, it was terrible to look at visually.


Other reasons i dont think Cantha will ever come; The fact that Canthans are incredibly xenophobic(see forcing the tengu out), the fact the jade sea is just that again, a sea. Thats 1/3 of the Canthan Map gone. Another 1/3 is now probably sunk back into the ocean if the changes that happened to Tyria do to the rising of Orr are anything to go by, that island wasnt that big, and we know that islands did get sunk(Battle Isles are -gone-). The fact that the emperor forced both the Kurzicks and Luxons under his banner and dissolved them as factions, they no longer exist. But the biggest reason it wont happen more than likely, is fear of offending of China.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > Racial oriented Legendaries

> >

> > Anyone who has a Charr with The Predator and/or Rodgort or a Sylvari with Kudzu knows how those combos just look right.


> Issue is their racial oriented legendaries are..not great, outside of the predator, Rodgort and Kudzu due to the other ones The Shining Blade, The Khan Urs Dagger goofing with the lore.


> Are the duplicates? Clones? copies? it makes no sense for the player to be given those weapons if they are the original, so if they are duplicates what makes them legendary?


> Im not opposed to new legendaries, but id rather have them not be attached to the races.


> As to Cantha, i dont get whats so enthralling about it, after playing GW1 for 7 years, i hated that entire city by the time i was done, it was terrible to look at visually.


> Other reasons i dont think Cantha will ever come; The fact that Canthans are incredibly xenophobic(see forcing the tengu out), the fact the jade sea is just that again, a sea. Thats 1/3 of the Canthan Map gone. Another 1/3 is now probably sunk back into the ocean if the changes that happened to Tyria do to the rising of Orr are anything to go by, that island wasnt that big, and we know that islands did get sunk(Battle Isles are -gone-). The fact that the emperor forced both the Kurzicks and Luxons under his banner and dissolved them as factions, they no longer exist. But the biggest reason it wont happen more than likely, is fear of offending of China.


I guess I should have explained better.


If the Legend behind the Legendary was steeped in racial lore. The crafting process could reflect that aspect.

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> @"BaconReaper.5719" said:

> 1) new races will likely never be implemented because think of every single armour in the game


I am sick and tired of that old argument. They could just make three sets of cultural armor per weight for those new races, and that would suffice. Then they could add those new races to future armor sets and outfits.


That would be a thousand times better than having no new race(s) at all.

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Bring back condition damage in pvp.

Bring back old chaotic offering.

Bring back team pvp.


Raiding is fine.

Fotm is fine.

Open world is fine.

They just all need content.


Pvp is on life support cazy you devs keep hand holding everyone in a gameplay mode where no hand holding is supposed to be ALLOWED COME ON MAN.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Bring back condition damage in pvp.

> Bring back old chaotic offering.

> Bring back team pvp.


> Raiding is fine.

> Fotm is fine.

> Open world is fine.

> They just all need content.


> Pvp is on life support cazy you devs keep hand holding everyone in a gameplay mode where no hand holding is supposed to be ALLOWED COME ON MAN.



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I agree with everything except 4 and 5.


1. Marketing of GW2 sucks balls, and that makes me so much mad because INFERIOR GAMES like WoW with its completed outdated gameplay, TESO with the worst combat ever made and FFXIV with its boring although pretty TAB targeting piano combat gets more players simply because of how well it is marketed!

2. GUILD WARS : It made me interested because i thought i would get in a guild and try to dominate the others or the story would be a mature thing about intrigues with guilds. I got deceived! The story we have is decent but it could have been so much more than kill a dragon, kill a less meaningful chump, kill another dragon.

3. PvP should get a lot of focus now. PvE is fine and too much to do. PvP and WvW needs to be the main focus for now. Thats where it will atract new players. We love PvP, we just need a better system!

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Also a very much encouraging thing would be if players get mount skins, weapon and armor skins as good as those via BLT, in-game via achievements. Having Weapon Skins for PvP achievement, having Weapons for Fractals or Raids achievements (not loot), and for Open World, specially Mount Skins would get a lot more players interested

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> @"Eagelseye.6312" said:

> Also a very much encouraging thing would be if players get mount skins, weapon and armor skins as good as those via BLT, in-game via achievements. Having Weapon Skins for PvP achievement, having Weapons for Fractals or Raids achievements (not loot), and for Open World, specially Mount Skins would get a lot more players interested


That would lose them money. Anet is a business, they are only going to do what makes them _more_ money. That's releasing lots of the best stuff on the gem store and making it infinitely more convenient to buy than to earn.

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It might seem like a selfish request, but it would be nice to see more effort being put into balancing the ranger pets so that we might see some diversity in the ones that everyone always uses. Doesn't even really need to be anything great just something that would bolster the old and mostly base game pets into something that's while not the best, still effective at it's role(or really just fun to use works too).


Also why don't we have a Dolyak pet, and really just an assortment of other animals that area already in the game as options. Some of them could even have the same skills as the pets already in place, like with the different colored Moas wandering about.

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> @"Xenash.1245" said:

> It might seem like a selfish request, but it would be nice to see more effort being put into balancing the ranger pets so that we might see some diversity in the ones that everyone always uses. Doesn't even really need to be anything great just something that would bolster the old and mostly base game pets into something that's while not the best, still effective at it's role(or really just fun to use works too).


> Also why don't we have a Dolyak pet, and really just an assortment of other animals that area already in the game as options. Some of them could even have the same skills as the pets already in place, like with the different colored Moas wandering about.


This is a very valid point and actually Ranger needs a complete overhaul if we think from a true Range DPS prespective

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this game need a lot of change in 2020...POF released in 2017 and we haven't any changing in so, its been 3 years we just to the same activity... yes it comes many new land and new bosses and new event but what about classes ??

F.x there is no difference between my hunter in living world 3 and living world 4. maybe some stat changed but its just number. we need new ability to see something new in game. u can add a new weapon type or new race to player want to start new adventure again.

there are a billion idea can make this game prefectly good fx add skin pet(skeleton-awakened and ...) for necromancer or add skin for Mesmer pink butterfly to black bat or yellow leaf and a million other idea.


even u can add new Elite specializations for classes... off hand sword for thief as dual blade- Gs to revenant- dagger to Mesmer - staff as polearm to warrior and ....

we had 1 new class in 4 years and now we need something new to make our game perfect again.

we don't ask to give them freely. add them as DLC and we surly buy it. don't let this game die.

we need new motor for gw2. new boss or area isn't good idea at all when we haven't any changes in classes for 3 years.

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1. Pvp need serious balancing and far more attention and support! There are alot of op builds which make all other builds useless in most classes, instant kill builds shall be removed in pvp!

2. For god sake its 2020 give option to hide pets and minions names.

3. Give abiliy skins, like being able to change necro miniona to skeletons(or anything except deformed mouse and chickens!) Or power colors.

4. New weapon type and class and race is needed! Do u have any idea how much cash u can farm by doing this?! Its like valve of gold river! I do assure u its far more good investment compared to making only story! We already have alot of end game content but lack amount of replayability.


EDIT: u probably wont care but just for sake of gw2, im game designer and modder for more than 20games, i can provide u with complete and detailed idea for new classes, weapon type, new race or new elite specializations! Its not a big help i know but i will gladly provide it if u ever needed.

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> @"Eagelseye.6312" said:

> Passives won't implement a locking. It would just do a slight preference. It can rather add variety as well. But this is last priority even if thought by devs. There are a lot that needs to be done before....


It won't "implement" but will "promote" rolling into a specific race just to have greater viablity or being meta. By "locking" I meant people will just mindlessly pick the race that would ultimately complement their class of choice just to play efficiently. I.E. Min-maxers, tryhards. (Like me.)


And the golden age Arenanet knows that it will narrow some people's choice that's why they didn't implement it.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Bring back condition damage in pvp.

> Bring back old chaotic offering.

> Bring back team pvp.


> Raiding is fine.

> Fotm is fine.

> Open world is fine.

> They just all need content.


> Pvp is on life support cazy you devs keep hand holding everyone in a gameplay mode where no hand holding is supposed to be ALLOWED COME ON MAN.


It seems condition-damage becomes better in pvp due to the nerf to everything else.

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The game is still nice but it is high time a new class and a new race is a must need. We all need something afresh. Bringing a new race would just do wonders and a new class would just make it perfect. Of course having in-game rewards as good as those from BLT would be the best thing to happen

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