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Question for Altoholics

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This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.

If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

- How angry and dejected would you be?

- Would this reduce your play time significantly?

- Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?

- Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)

- Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.

> If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

> - How angry and dejected would you be?

> - Would this reduce your play time significantly?

> - Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?

> - Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)

> - Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?


I would demand a full refund of all the money I spent on the game and leave forever. I would also make sure everyone I know knew gw2 was a bad game.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.

> If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

> - How angry and dejected would you be?

> - Would this reduce your play time significantly?

> - Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?

> - Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)

> - Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?


I have no idea where this is coming from, it seems quite bizarre to me but perhaps this idea is found in some other game that you have in mind. The very suggestion is so antithetical to GW2 that it would not be possible to consider it at tall the same game.


With the change from the current system to what you are hypothesizing, I suspect I would be completely done. I enjoy my multiple alts, I love the variety of game play, but just as much I enjoy various game modes, and not all chars play equally well in different places. Not only would I have to give up varied play, but also lose the same kind of access to much of the game played on those different characters.


suggesting this the way you have with your final point is somewhat nonsensical in that the change is so massive that a company like anet would have to pin this down before release


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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.

> If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

> - How angry and dejected would you be?

> - Would this reduce your play time significantly?

> - Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?

> - Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)

> - Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?


My enjoyment in the game comes from open world casual mapping and levelling new alts.

I never pvp,

only do wvw for easy dailies,

do jp rarely,

can only make old legendaries ( as I dont do fractals )

I only roleplay in real life, acting like I work hard ;-)


So leaving only above options gw2 would cease to exist for me.


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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.

> If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

> - How angry and dejected would you be?

> - Would this reduce your play time significantly?

> - Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?

> - Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)

> - Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?


Huh? Wha? Where the heck did this come from? Should you happen to be an Anet designer floating a trial balloon, let me say that if such a ridiculous change was made, I would quit the game. After all the time and money I've put into my alts I would definitely be ticked off if Anet made such an arbitrary change at this point. If you are a designer thinking about or working on a new game, why would you hobble your players like this, not to mention putting a choke hold on your own income? I don't rp ingame, don't do PvP, and only dabble a bit in WvW. So if my alts were virtually useless to my general game play, why would I create them, buy them gear, equip them with unbreakable gathering tools, skins that I like, inventory bags and so forth? Alts are an income stream for Anet. Why choke that stream off for no discernible reason?

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18 characters over 7 years.


Necro was my main for 1000 of those hours, rev comes in at near 900, then about the same for ele between 2 of them (about 400ish each).


The average for others is about 220ish hours per, but some characters drop down dramatically. The bottom 5 don't even total 100 hours. The next five total fewer than 400. but my top 5 total somewhere near 2.4ish k hours give or take some hundred.

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