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WvW Compilation of suggestions from a collective of players

ShadowFox XI.4516

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agreeing with:

- option to trade tomes of knowledge for ranks somehow, that would be nice.

- a workover for EotM + upgrade to full map so get same stuff like the other 4; this would maybe require having servers to be double-linked though to kee population up.

- (semi-agree) "Have a WvW map creation contest" technically sounds great , but idk how that would work. and would take more ressources than just remodeling eotm.

- we would not need another map numberwise if we got EotM as one. however, exchanging one of the two left alpine borders for a newly designed map would surely be mint, just far from top priority.

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I mean they probably should just add pips back to EoTM to give PvE players something to play. There really is no reason to not have them there anymore other than than the reason of "they don't deserve it because they k-train" which really is none of the player's business.


You guys have to keep in mind, the content they are cranking out for PvE at the moment is below average and finished within hours. It's gone drastically downhill, so don't expect any suggestions outside of a minor useless skill adjustment to be done with WvW.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I mean they probably should just add pips back to EoTM to give PvE players something to play. There really is no reason to not have them there anymore other than than the reason of "they don't deserve it because they k-train" which really is none of the player's business.


> You guys have to keep in mind, the content they are cranking out for PvE at the moment is below average and finished within hours. It's gone drastically downhill, so don't expect any suggestions outside of a minor useless skill adjustment to be done with WvW.


I dont really get why pvers cant already join the regular wvw maps, yet they need another... With full rewards? Whats the point in having wvw in general this way? Just fully unlock everything to those that the game caters for for 95% plus of its content, and abolish all pvp. Right?

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> @"ShadowFox XI.4516" said:

> • Remove the finisher on the Warclaw or change it’s effect, too OP pls nerf

> • Trade 10 to 15 tomes of knowledge for 1 WvW rank between ranks 100 - 1300 so new players can unlock skills faster

> • Add pips to Edge of the Mists, it's pretty dead since the pip system was implemented elsewhere

> • Create new WvW maps similar to Alpine or Eternal Battleground in size and layout or new variations of the existing one, or

> • Have a WvW map creation contest

> • Buff siege so players can’t just stack boons and take no damage from it


> Fell free to add more suggestions


All of those suggestions are at least weird, I'd say not healthy of the game mode at all.

1) The warclaw finisher isn't a great idea, but it brings a better balance to the game. Before the war claw you had to options to kill someone. Stealth/Teleport Finisher or cleaving the target. With Warclaw you have a third option for all those that aren't able to stealth or have massive power attacks. So either leave it as it is or nerf rezzing and stomping from certain classes.

2) Why not just let those "new players" play? If you make unlocks faster the game gets old faster and with a change like this bandwagoning by "making a new account" gets even easier. Unhealthy for the game mode.

3) No, if you want pips participate in WvW not the karma train. You don't get pvp ranks for seasons on your own maps beating your friends either.

4) No, the maps are balanced and a new maps takes away even more resources from the development team

5) we all know what would happen, right? https://imgur.com/jmEqoxx.jpg

6) buff siege? WHAT?

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No more siege buffs. Deal with boons and the abundance of over-support skills by looking at the skills themselves. Also, don't bring pips into eotm as this will just bring back old issues we had with eotm farming back in the day.


I am fins with other suggested changes with exception of getting rid of WC stomp at least until support skills/builds get addressed.

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talking about pve players... you get them in anyways. usually they come to eternal battleground and are either intimidated by everything or serve there as cannonfodder. the smarter ones start farming camps first on the borders.


if eotm would get a rework and upgrade to regular map, it should act as EBG 2.0, so it would be the last thing where newbies would want to be. (a wvw map for pve'rs only is a pretty stupid idea)


karmatrain has nothing to do with not doing battles btw... if u're argue that way, you just got stomped one time too often i fear. for example, we killed with our karmatrain 18 people group on night three enemy zergs of 25~ ppl each during a "karmatrain farm" through SM castle. what's your complaint there? that we didn't 1v1? i cannot even tell if all had metabuilds, but some people were on voice and the com was a veteran, which surely helped.


the capture-objectives mode of wvw has easily the same right to be taken seriously as the "fight other zergs in similar size with only metabuilds" one.

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Too many to list so I'll just post a few that's on my mind atm...


* WXP acquisition per objective regarding how tiered up said objective is should reward XP for its respective tier. E.g; there is no point wasting time breaking into a T3 keep when you can cap a paper keep and get the same XP as the T3 one, currently

* Successfully blocking siege shots e.g; treb/cata etc with shield gen grants no participation nor XP yet you're the one tasked with countering enemy siege fire

* Remove the ability to be "in combat" via attack-able sentry posts/supply depots (they aren't destroy-able anyway)

* Warclaw should've only ever been a flat movement speed mount so classes wouldn't be gimped by taking speed runes etc

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So funny, i read the word alliances like 8 times, it's been 2 years not even a single real progress shown, just more promises stacked over more promises, how long will it take for you to realize guys! They aren't even working on it, it's a scam designed to keep you interested in their game so they can milk more money from you, gw2 wvw will sink before they can even drop the update...

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List of targets:


* New elites

* Remove ability for defeated players from being revived - requires a fully defeated player to have to return from a waypoint

* Make it so no keep and can breached by the same siege placement, (fix hills, garri, bay, earth keeps cata wall placements)

* Finish alliances or reduce numbers of servers and stop the relinks

* Add more reasons to defend and rewards for offense and defense when there are fights but pay both sides not just winners

* New map or bring EoTM into WvW (either 5th map or replace one of the alpine)

* More unique WvW skins, achievements and items to earn (example infusions)

* Remove shield gens

* Buff siege damage (vs players & versus siege)

* Buff PPT to spread out the zerg but increase WXP and reward for player kills

* Weekly rewards for server placement in their tier (more for moving up in tiers)

* Add in more diminishing return wvw abilities to account for all 10K points but have enough that a players can not buy them all and they need to choose their build out

* Weekly player bounties for completing tasks (x player kills, x class kills, x camp, x keeps...)

* Weekly tiered guild objectives (x% of player kills, x% of objectives)

* Add more objectives for capture (non-scalable open field capture points that provide benefit if all captured)

* Add scalable sentries that rank up and add more value more yaks that pass thru (sentry patrols, roadblocks)

* Add living story copy of episode map to WvW with just open field capture points as 5th map (replaces each LW EP), can have mechanics limiting time open or just act as open field map

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