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Crafting Stuck at 49. Help!

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So, I did not follow a guide but was just crafting stuff as a Huntsman. Now there are no more recipes that will improve my skills and I'm absolutely stuck at 49 without the ability to get over the hump to 50. I can't find a way to discovery something in this range either. Any help you can provide would be really appreciated.

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> @"FattyLumpkin.3420" said:

> So, I did not follow a guide but was just crafting stuff as a Huntsman. Now there are no more recipes that will improve my skills and I'm absolutely stuck at 49 without the ability to get over the hump to 50. I can't find a way to discovery something in this range either. Any help you can provide would be really appreciated.


Anet made every crafting skill easily cleared from 0-500 via crafting backpacks. You should be able to start at 0, no?

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> @"FattyLumpkin.3420" said:

> So, I did not follow a guide but was just crafting stuff as a Huntsman. Now there are no more recipes that will improve my skills and I'm absolutely stuck at 49 without the ability to get over the hump to 50. I can't find a way to discovery something in this range either. Any help you can provide would be really appreciated.


Discover more different stat combinations.

Discovery is *the primary way* to level your crafting, as it gives a *big* chunk of bonus CraftXP


You have Inscriptions for 6 stats and 7 different weapons crafted by Huntsman - that's 42 different recipes you can discover.


Keep an eye out for the structure of how each tier is built:

Upon unlocking a tier (happens at 0, 75, 150, 225, 300 & 400. Technically also at 500, but irrelevant for leveling) you get a set of inscriptions and can thus discover a couple of stats on each weapon.


Every 25 levels *within* a tier (such as 25&50, 100&125, etc) you get a few *more* inscriptions and can thus discover a few more stats per weapon - before 300 this also corresponds to a higher minimum character level to use the weapon.


At 0 Huntsman you could craft "Malign", "Mighty" and "Vital" weapons. At 25, "Healing", "Precise" and "Resilient" unlocked.

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> @"FattyLumpkin.3420" said:

> So, I did not follow a guide but was just crafting stuff as a Huntsman. Now there are no more recipes that will improve my skills and I'm absolutely stuck at 49


As already mentioned, you need to _discover_ most recipes. I know, this system is a real hassle, quite unintuitive and totally unfun until you master a craft. Therefore, I recommend this guide to save yourself time, nerves and (most importantly) resources: https://gw2crafts.net/


Just scroll down to your current craftsman level and continue from there.

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And don't to use the guildhall crafting booster. It's a 10% or 20% experience boost on your crafting skills. When I was leveling, normally I'd get the first 20 to 25 levels of each tier just from refining a couple of stacks of that tier's materiels with the GH boost active. That booster is literally money in your pocket.

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I would suggest using this wiki to look up Huntsman crafting recipes.

Compare listed level 40 thru 50 possible recipes against the ones you already know.

Then use the discover feature to make the ones you are missing.


You could also buy Rare Inscription recipes from the Master Huntsman.

Then craft and use them to make Rare items.

You can sell these Rare items on the TP to get some gold back.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"FattyLumpkin.3420" said:

> Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I've made massive progress. The guide really helped. I was completely unaware that discoveries were so important.


If you have HoT and access to the guild hall Tavern buff for crafting XPs, use that before "binge crafting" and making discoveries. It will save you quite a lot of fine materials you need to spend for making inscriptions and insignias - when making discoveries, especially over several crafting professions.

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  • 5 months later...

> @"robzmom.8137" said:

> anyone have a utube video that explains basic crafting? What do different colors mean in list, what to do when stuck (at 74 can't get to 75) I think I need a refresh on the basics.


Red means recipes that you will unlock at your next level

Gold/Orange are recipes that will give you the most experience if you craft them

White/Gray are recipes that will give you zero experience

Green, Blue, Purple, and any other color are recipes that will give experience, but less than the maximum amount of the gold ones


Max crafting experience comes from 'discovering' recipes, not just doing the ones visible on your list.


Follow a guide to minimize your expenses in leveling crafting. I used gw2crafts.net to power-level all my crafting professions on two accounts, including one scribe. Honestly, if you just follow the guide on gw2crafts.net for a few minutes, you'll probably have more understanding of how it works than anything I could type here. Having said that, here is an intro video (not mine, I just found it) from a couple of years ago: [https://youtu.be/lRsQuniqdXs](https://youtu.be/lRsQuniqdXs)

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As for discovering recipes, it basicly happen so that you crafting list have list of insignia, usually few on the top (3 - 6) are orange or green, (red doesn't count), make one of each what is top of the list. Then find item parts from top of it's list and make as many item parts from one of the hole item that you have made insignias. Example helmet is two parts. These can be even gray sometimes, but top on the list are highest tier materials what you can make. Then go to invention system click one of the insignia and then two of different item parts what are part of same item. Then invent it, but only ones. Do same for next insignia. When you have done all insignia's, usually 3 or 6 different with one item, do hole thing again with different item with the insignias what are top of you insignia list. Hole idea is to invent as new possible different combination of items on top of those list, that gives alot of experience. Also when you have invent enough those combination. Top of insignia list will have new ones (orange), old ones becomes gray and sometimes part list change too to next tier materials. You can do items parts / insignia by your self from materials, but it's also possible to just buy those parts from TP and then invent. It doesn't matter, because the "big" experience isn't about making items, but inventing them.


Armors has 6 different items, all are insignia + two parts.

Usually there is few different kind of weapons, but they are also insignia + two parts.


Chef and jewelry crafting is litte different than others, so these "rules" doesn't apply to them.

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I've used tentonhammer.com for leveling my crafting 0-400 on all my characters. It tells you how much you need to buy from crafting merchant and how many mats you need to farm/buy from TP.


**For the Artificer:**


Discover Apprentice Tuning Crystal with Pile of Glittering Dust

Make 24 Apprentice Tuning Crystal

Discover Weak Potition of Centaur Slaying with Jug of Water, Rawhide Leather Section, Carrot, Pile of Glittering Dust

Make 24 Weak Potion of Centaur Slaying

Discover Weak Potion of Dredge Slaying with Jug of Water, Copper Ore, Lump of Tin, Pile of Glittering Dust

Make 24 Weak Potion of Dredge Slaying

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