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Legendary weapons footprints

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Hello all !

I was wondering if it is possible to switch footprints between the 2 handed weapons ? For exemple , I use Xiuquatl and Verdarach . I prefer Verdarach footprints .... is there a way to do so ?

If not , is it possible that in a futur we can do so ? That would be awesome <3

Have fun playing all , and happy grinding :)

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> @"michaelord.7549" said:

> For exemple , I use Xiuquatl and Verdarach . I prefer Verdarach footprints .... is there a way to do so ?


There currently is no way to pick between two footfalls. They can't even get their new hiding of weapons feature to work properly (issue with invisible drawn weapons on weapon switch), so I doubt they will ever implement the feature you are asking for.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Maybe reskin an ascended weapon with the stats you use most in place of the legendary who's footfalls you don't want? Does that work or do you still get the footfalls on a reskin when the skin is from a legendary? I feel very noob for not knowing this btw.


Footfalls follow the legendary - they're part of the legendary skin. Reskinning an ascended axe with Astralaria even grants the blue/starfield effect to the arm holding the axe when it is drawn.

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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Maybe reskin an ascended weapon with the stats you use most in place of the legendary who's footfalls you don't want? Does that work or do you still get the footfalls on a reskin when the skin is from a legendary? I feel very noob for not knowing this btw.


> Footfalls follow the legendary - they're part of the legendary skin. Reskinning an ascended axe with Astralaria even grants the blue/starfield effect to the arm holding the axe when it is drawn.


Thanks for clarifying that. Disappointing that you can't choose considering the effort of two legendaries.

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