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[PvX] Nearly completed Legendary set!


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The armor set was obtain from the implemented August's 8th PvP's Legendary Armor release. I'm not going to do the exact math but it took some where around 2,500 gold for all the matts to make the Gifts. For some, this is a common expectation but extremely cheap for Legendary armor crafting in general. I started out with nothing when I attempted this set and I do understand these armor's are essentially freebie's if you have the gold and/or matts. But for us PvP'ers who literally do nothing but pvp... it was difficult to start. (literally didn't know a thing about crafting... a lot of wiki reads and guides on my end).


_I don't know how to imbed images yet on these forums..._

[image of armor: https://ibb.co/e9p9ZF


Once I get the boots towards the end of this season to complete the armor set, i'll be doing WvW Firebrand theory crafting, for the first time. I've already joined a WvW guild (originated from SPvP) so i'm excited in that regards.


If you have any questions, i'll do my best to answer.

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Question: if I already have the pieces of the ascended PvP armor, is better to use them to gradually craft the legendary ones using them as part of the recipes or is better to start from zero? I already have 4 sets of heavy ascendant armor, one of them (obtained from PvP) with unasigned stats, and was waiting to PoF to chose the stats, but maybe I could use them towards the crat of the legendary one. Anyway: congrats for the success!

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Congratulation and welcome to the Legy Club xD

I saw that you are aiming to be condi build eh? I had tried Carrion armors with Viper weapons & trinkets, the highest (core build) VoJ passive I've managed to get was 1,901, the damage is insane as it can melt two veteran Bristleback in instant, but the con is needing multiple targets xD. Do share with me if you can get higher figure than that xD.

I can't do WvW as in glob fight, my screen froze for 10 seconds, and then I'm kissing the ground xD. And it is hard to find small group fight =/

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