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How to Improve in PvP?


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* Play all professions, a lot.

* Learn all the must-dodge skills and animations.

* Learn what skills you can eat so you don't burn dodges.

* Practice kiting

* Learn meta builds

* Play off meta builds

* Watch streamers/youtubers

* Try to theory craft your own builds.

* Do 1v1's with friend

* Do 1vX (1v2, 1v3, ect.)

* Learn the maps and no port spots

* Learn how to rotate properly and what each professions/build role is.

* Learn what counters what.


The list could go on, but that's all I can rattle off atm.







I know this last one is for wvw channels but a lot of them do PvP as well.




Some more points i'll update as I think about it.


* Learn all the boons and their exact effects

* Learn to read enemies boons/condis mid fight


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> @"Thomas.1374" said:

> Just as the title says.

> I don't want to choose a main yet, cause the balance patch could reset my progress.

> Any advice welcomed.




> I don't want to choose a main yet


* Settle on that before the balance patch. We arent expecting complete reworks with the balance patch, so it's safe to assume classes will more or less play the same mechanically, just to varying degrees of effectiveness.

* Whichever class you like the feel of the most in terms of its general playstle (You can run a little PVE to find out whether or not you would like playing that way competitively), settle on that ASAP.

* Take a look at Metabattle for a detailed explanation of a known working build for your class, as well as how it works and what some of your skill synergies are.You do not need to adhere to the metabattle build, but it will let you know what does and doesnt work for specific playstyles.

* Read your tooltips. Learn what your skills do in their entirety.

* Fight training dummies. As a general rule, you want to be fluent enough with your class that you are dealing damage constantly, and can rotate through weapon or element/legend swaps without having to stop moving.

* Fight NpCs. Same as above, but they will fight back and get you familiar with a handful of animations you will need to dodge.

* Do not be afraid to deconstruct and redo your build. Metabattle is a template, but there are other options that have advantages for every class.

* Learn to control your camera. In addition to having a fluid rotation, you should be familiar enough with your camera that you are ready to move in any direction at any time, including about faces, without having to backpedal. Not only is backpedaling slow, it also tends to be an indicator of a novice player or a player without good grasp of their mobility, and will make your opponent more aggressive against you.

* Jump into the free for all arena and hit people. Usually they will respond by wiping you off the face of the earth, so prepare for that. Expect to die a lot as you learn what animations do what.

* Use the combat log and death log. They will indicate what you need to look out for from certain classes.

* Once you can reasonably hold your own vs most classes in the arena, try out unranked and be prepared to play that for a while. On top of learning your class mechanics, you also need to learn about conquest strategy, what secondary objectives do, and what classes tend to behave like in the conquest matches. That's a whole other section of info, so for now just focus on understanding your classes's rotation (how and why it works), as well as picking a class you are willing to invest in for a reasonable amount of time.



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> @"Thomas.1374" said:

> Ok, I'll try out the classes, are there any you would advise me not play while I'm not experienced?


Right out of the gate:


To learn:


Engineer is difficult.

Mesmer is difficult

Thief is difficult.

Ele is difficult.


Warrior is easy.

Necro is easy.

Ranger is easy.


Revenant is medium.

Guardian is medium.


All of those classes have the potential to be difficult to fight at high level, with Thief, Ranger, and Mesmer being hardest to matchup if you have not specifically labbed against them, and necro being the easiest to matchup in most cases.

Some classes have variants that are overperforming right now, but as a general rule you should be able to perform reasonably well on any class, and that should become truer with the new patch.



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For conquest I would also advice you to check out Sindrener's old videos (2+ years ago) on youtube, simply for the commentary on how to rotate, examples of bad rotations, matchup theory and carrying in general.


He talks about that alot in his games, and nearly do a post-analyze during them which should help you tremendously if you want to get above gold/plat 1 where this matters.

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nobody mention it yet but, whenever you are in queue, just slap around golems.

get the proper feel for abilities, practice combos, memorise cooldowns. get feel for the aftercasts.

so that you know

When you can use ability ( know cooldown without looking at the bar )

What abilities can be chained together without hiccups

Learn how much damage you can do

Learn the combos

+ its alright warmup

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