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Whats your favourite supporting character?


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There was a similar thread to this before. Canach for sure. Canach overall has a great backstory. Back when you relive Caith's memories in ls2 with Faolain, he was abducted by the Inquest. The Commander replays Caith's memory when she and Faolain save Canach. It's this event that illustrates who Caith and Faolain really are. Canach is still a mystery to me because he could be holding a huge grudge against the Inquest. He even got into the service of Anise then experienced freedom after his service was completed. Then he saw to helping the Commander against Kralk and Joko despite being free to do as he pleased. I know they probably won't go into exploring this character more in this saga because the Commander is now KaBraham's assistant in his story, but it's something to think about. Canach plx.

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> almost always the female characters, which makes me wonder about writer misogyny at ANet.


Oh *please*. You really think, in this day and age, that anyone accused of even the slightest bit of misogyny would still have a job? Or that anyone would seriously attempt to put that ridiculousness into a major publication? You're thinking a bit too into things here.


Getting back on topic now...as for me, I love Canach, mostly for his snark. Going through Heart of Thorns with a sylvari really cemented a bond with the grouchy cactus, and I'd love to see more of him. :)

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