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Strikes - DOA?

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I found the Grothmar and first three Bjora strikes to be pretty sparsely attempted, but this new one seems completely DOA. It's been TWO DAYS since release and every time I check I see no groups in LFG, no one in the public instance, and no tag on the map for it.


Dungeon running was popular back in the day, and if we're being honest most paths, at least the popular ones, were just skipping over stuff to get to the boss fights. Since a strike is basically just a boss fight on steroids shouldn't these be more popular? I mean... just a day after release and no one's doing it at all?


From what I've seen this new one is much like the last ones - overly busy visuals so you can't really tell what you need to avoid and what you can tank through. With the right group you stack up and you'll be fine, otherwise it's wipetown with little indication of what you did wrong. But no hard checks on DPS or mechanics, so if you tinker with comp and build it seems doable for pugs. This one doesn't even seem to have any breakbars to manage.


So... what gives? Is it actually that it's too new and no one wants to do it with LFG groups yet? Maybe once it's more widely known how to tackle it repeatably we'll see more groups? Is it just that there's so much other content now that is more rewarding? The larger group size requiring too much waiting? Something else?

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Do what I did. Join any group doing a strike mission and if the party is good suggest you try and do the new one. There is a learning curve on the new one its not a easy win by no means, but its not impossible either. Make sure you have a little knowledge going in or you will probably fail 3/4 the way in.

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> I'd say it's still early in release so everyone is busy doing the new story , meta / drakkar , masteries grind.


> But in saying so near reset time there are plenty of people doing it, they also award u a mastery point the first time u crack it so there will definitely be groups... just at the right times


This is on point. I do my story. Then I do open world, the bread and butter of the game.

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The patch notes for today say they opened up the strike to players who haven't completed the story. I suspect that's at least part of why you saw fewer people doing it - they had to have done the entire storyline first and a lot of people are probably still working their way through it (or not intending to do it at all).


We've also still got a festival going on, and whenever I'm in DR there's still a lot of people around. I can imagine lots of people are prioritising tempoary content over permanent additions and won't be spending as much time on the new episode until the festival is over.

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No breakbar to manage? No mechanics? No DPS checks? Are we talking same strike mission. Because whisper of Jormag sure as heck has all 3. And ppl don't get downed cause reasons, only cause chains, too slow reaction to his snowstorm breakbar or standing on him in the last phase when his spamming his spheres.


Also i did several tries of it, so can't say there were no ppl. Just enter the public room and see for yourself who's there.



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To me, they feel like bounties without the fun of racing across the map to get to your targets. I still really enjoy joining a Bounty Train or throwing up an LFG to take out a couple.


As for strikes? I don't really enjoy lurking in a lobby. You show up, wait, wait some more, fight the big bad boss when enough people arrive, disappear for a week.


Bounties just felt more spontaneous and immersive.


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