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Surrender vote


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It's common in all kinds of PvP games, why is there no option to just unanimously give up. Time is precious, I don't like wasting it in a match where my entire team has given up already and has dedicated their efforts instead to seeing how much toxicity and vitriol they can stir up in team chat. You'd probably end up reducing the amount of PvP related player reports as a side bonus too, it's a win/win/win. Everyone and their grandmother knows sPvP in Guild Wars 2 brings out the saltiest and most hateful side of people, why not make it a tiny bit better by reducing the amount of time people are forced into their worst state of mind.

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Its been requested time and time again. Anet added it.....to pve. Because apparently having it in pvp is a bad idea. Even though gw1 had it like the above poster said. I believe they said that they didn't add it in pvp because it would be abused. Problem is...it was never abused in gw1 and it took all party members to /resign for it to work.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign


> y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.


> so bad idea imo.


Well pips shouldn't be given when you resign so the "function" is only used as a tool to end a game faster to go to the next one and not to farm rewards.

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I'm not 100% sure that resigning is the awnser to a poorly matched game (although, I have wanted it from time to time while experimenting with poor build choices). It's a band aid; if possible, I'd prefer Anet to focus on communication tools and a basic pvp strategy tutorial to help instigate comebacks.

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-save builds

-able change builds in respaw area

-share builds by e mail


play with pre build is like play with a mutilated class we have so many abilities and no have chance to use max potential

sometimes we start so bad a match i think this options will make plpls no give up fight we have chance to set more cleans vs condi or set more mobility or blablabla

keep fighting and do ur best ^^

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign


> y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.


> so bad idea imo.


> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign

> >

> > y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.

> >

> > so bad idea imo.


> Well pips shouldn't be given when you resign so the "function" is only used as a tool to end a game faster to go to the next one and not to farm rewards.


Then it would take just 1 person who wants the pips to not /resign and it wouldn't happen. I could imagine that happening a lot and it'd probably create a lot of toxicity.


Or it'd be just as Choovanski said, IMO.


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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign

> >

> > y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.

> >

> > so bad idea imo.


> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign

> > >

> > > y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.

> > >

> > > so bad idea imo.

> >

> > Well pips shouldn't be given when you resign so the "function" is only used as a tool to end a game faster to go to the next one and not to farm rewards.


> Then it would take just 1 person who wants the pips to not /resign and it wouldn't happen. I could imagine that happening a lot and it'd probably create a lot of toxicity.


> Or it'd be just as Choovanski said, IMO.



it would be a mess.


the team who didn’t resign would still get pips. so the community just agrees (like they did in gw1) that red team resigns. so whenever you are on red team just afk at base & resign. the game time would go down to like 1 min, & you would have a ~50% winrate. it would be a fast farm.


sure, not everyone would do it- but it would be done enough to kill the gamemode.

the afk + resign move makes the game a 4v5 & actually encourages your team to resign. it would be really demoralising.


as shown in gw1, a resignation mechanic in pvp is just going to be exploited by the community these game attract & ruin the gamemode. so yeah, it’s a terrible idea.

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Personally I don't care if they add a surrender function, but they definitely need to remove Dishonor until they can learn how to balance the game or improve matchmaking. In its current state PvP is about as worthwhile as the dailies. That is - it's barely worth one complete match.

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In opposed to this. The games are not as long as LoL or DotA where you could be in a situation what you are likely going to lose but it'll take a half hour for it to actually happen. It is also very easy to come back from a deficit in points. All it takes is wiping the enemy team once and getting a triple cap for a short time or completing the side objective.


Adding a resign feature will just lead to people calling for it the second the game starts getting even a little bad. Plat is already filled with vile players as it is. This system would just lead to even more abuse as well.

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I used to be on the same side of these lobbying for a resign option. But atlast, GW2's community is one of the most non competitive communities, on the MMO market. That's also ANet's fault for grooming this game's community to be this way.


If GW2 was to get a resign feature. I am most certainly, that the community at large. Would abuse it for quick and easy legendary and ascended armor, and weapons. Look at how the WvW community in this game abuse that pip system.


Yes it is within ANet's power to redesign the two game modes. In order to accommodate such features. However as most have noticed. ANet has more or less washed their hands of both of the game modes.


This is not CCP, this is not ZOS, this is not Hi Rez, this is not Valve, Riot Games, this is not Epic Games, this is ANet we are talking about here. I personally should know the difference since I've personally spent hundreds of hours or more each, over the course of 15 years playing games from the companies I've listed. Thus I do not see this feature being of any help in GW2. If anything this feature would just be turned into a quick way to farm high profile gear. Because lets face it. That's really all that PvP in GW2 is worth, a PvE gear farm. That's why less and less players play it. And more and more players leave the game by the day. Because PvP and WvW modes are not really supported by ANet anymore.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Red_Resign

> >

> > y'all are forgetting about that. it wouldn't take long for reward track farmers to figure out they can do this to dramatically increase farm times. then PvP is dead.

> >

> > so bad idea imo.


> Stop rewarding failure. Problem solved.


read my other post. the issue is actually with the team who doesn't resign getting rewards. I explain why earlier in the thread.

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