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Balance Patch Preview - Global

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Soulbeast needed adjustment in wvw and pvp, the changes listed above for pve, preventing pet swap during combat is nothing short of an aggravation for pve, especially when you are running content solo in tyria, it's not balancing anything imo. I am not affecting other players ability to play pve by having the option to swap pets during combat at a heart event or group event.

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> **extra mode where you merge and get a huge stat boost, without any drawback.**

Hello? without any drawbacks? That is where I disagree.


> @"Ansau.7326" said:


>. Anet will address it by adding a trade off in a similar way that has worked other elites and that is, in fact, in line with the theme of the soulbeast: Having a stronger bond with their pet.

Nothing makes the pet stronger as I said so this is clearly the wrong way of doing it. They should emphasize having the pet and the merge form (so the 2 aspects) but they did not.

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So this is INCREDIBLY minor but it's been bugging me for a long time:

> Throw Coral Shard: Increased damage by 25% (1 to 1.25)

> Throw Crystal Shard: Increased damage by 66% (0.6 to 1)

These two skills are right now exactly the same (Bleed 6 stacks 10s, Vuln 5 stacks 15s) except that Crystal has lower damage, which seems weird?? They should at the absolute least be the same, right???


If you want to make them different then... well you probably have your own ideas, but offhand:

- make Crystal more condi-focused and Coral more damage-focused

- Crystal can currently only be stolen from Bloodstone creatures; can it be made to apply a CC effect, like [Throw Unstable Bloodstone Fragment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Unstable_Bloodstone_Fragment)?

- turn Crystal into a buffing skill like [smash Shard](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smash_Shard) from the LS4 Branded Shard bundle? (Although then you'd have to balance it against Consume Ectoplasm)

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > please remove the ability of the druid to give 10man- 25might.

> > It already has insane heal, a pet, tons of utility, the op spirits etc.... even some 10-man aoe heals. There is really no need at all to let it give so much might.


> If you nerf Druid's might generation, you leave it as a subpar choice in every aspect of the game.


> I'd personally love to see them rework spirits, buff druid's personal dps, and give them more pet synergy with CA. Once Druid is playable outside of Raids, we can look at their might gen if it's out of line, but I don't see a problem with a support being able to generate 25 might, especially since it has to use CA and devote time away from dealing dps in order to generate said might.


due to the 25might for 10people its the best choice for a healer with amazing support. Its so good that no other healer-role could compete.



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> @"Aerythia.6415" said:

> "Obsidian Flesh: This skill now locks the player's skill bar while invulnerable."


> Why? Where was this an issue? So many other classes have aegis / distorts /multiple dodges etc and this was the one thing I got as condi weaver that allowed me to ignore a mechanic or 2 in raids, if I ensured I was in the right attunement at the right time. What's wrong with condi weaver having a 4sec invuln occasionally?


Pretty sure it is a PvP WvW issue because it is a pretty solid staple of bunker builds in those game modes, definitely seems like a split should be in order for game modes on that one.

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> > * Crystal Configuration: Eclipse: This trait no longer causes Corona Burst to grant stability. Increased base barrier granted from 374 to 991 in PvE and 748 in competitive modes.

Holosmith is a melee class that will have less stability than some ranged classes, barrier is not gonna do anything when you are gonna get interrupted and waste photon forge on some random enemies that will push, pull, knockdown you on every encounter, same with weaver, same with necro when they enter shroud for their burst, i understand if you want to remove stability from pvp for counterplay, but if warrior/guardian are the only melee classes that can be played in melee and shouting stability or stunbreaks with heal and 1k toughness everytime they want, what's the point of melee in other classes, why are the classes that have less stability being nerfed in pve, rather than the ones that have tons of it, dragonhunter could give up some stability for other buffs, holosmith could be nerfed in other areas without affecting dps without affecting melee capability, like that 15% dmg. reduction in photon forge or that 2 secs. holo leap, or that extra range in the autoattack or that 100% crit. chance in AoE stun, i don't mind nerfs, but i don't like seeing stability of all things to be taken away from classes that have to be in melee to land their dps. (All of this is just my opinion)


Other than that i like the balance and the split from trait nerfs in pve/pvp, it might need a bit to get used to, i hope it doesnt turn into trailblazer meta in WvW.

Thank You for your efforts in balancing the classes, i know its not easy to tone down classes ppl are used to, and i do hope it works out in the end.

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> I'm a bit confused about the wording of the Revenant trait changes in the Corruption spec. If I'm reading it right, if you don't pick Invoking Torment in the minor tier, this means none of the Grandsmaster tier traits work?


Pretty sure minor tiers are the 3 that you don't choose. The separators between the 3 chosen traits. So you will have Invoking Torment so long as you choose the corruption spec.

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> @"Peskie.6835" said:

> soulbeast - not being able to do a fundamental basic ranger ability pet swapping ... hmmm if this is a balance why has it taken YEARS to balance .... it's disappointing

> mesmer - removing a trait and replacing it with another because anet do not have the skills (the real devs lost their jobs or found something more productive to do) to balance it ... well anet balances I guess are total hack n slash and break things as usual ... rather than improving gameplay enjoyment.

> Also now i know why i don't pvp .... because the transition from pve to pvp is too split up


Seems weird to me that your judgement and criticism is a load of insults. Actually go through and analyse it and write down what you have theoretical issues with. Because obviously we need to see the changes in action before we can truly judge them, but we can theorise the impacts.



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I am intrigued by all the changes, I am willig to wait and see them in action, but I would like to see you guys create a testing server or testing space where you allow players to come in and test what you plan to put in. Players need to feel the changes in order to give constructive feedback. You can let them fight each other and bosses, so they can get a feel for it in the mode they are most comfortable with building for.

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Staff auto attack chain will now do more damage than the damage based weapon, sword, in PVP in the upcoming update.


You guys have catered the game so severely to people that are not good at the game that the logistics behind the game play are no longer cohesive.


The weapon aimed to do damage will now have less damage than the weapon not aimed to do damage? OK


Unless sustain has been dropped severely across the board, this game is about to become extremely slow paced I don't see it being enjoyable anymore.


Real feedback

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Much better if you gave ranger Lead the wind trait superspeed 2 sec when hiting from 1200+ range instead swift and quickness would make much more options available. Good change on axe and new trait for axe if it works with merge, soulbeast tradeoff can be fine if you buff some of the pets and even add option to autoatack pet skill for exchange because now it will feel very straight forward but adding autoattack skill from pet could get more depth for condi build (cover condis like vulnerbility) even power ones. Its bad that pets remains same in terms of utility, swoop update is bad since ranger need some mobility because classes like thief and even war are still faster and its deffinitly bad change because its kills ranger potential to be roamer and lock it movement when side noder because thief will have easy time decaping or leting ranger afk point. Shortbow is unchanged and last chance of having interupt ranger style back is dead. Druid still too long cooldown and lame mechanic of building full astral force to enter and heal is very lame in pvp and kills diversity, why instead its not 10 sec cd and you can enter it like reaper shourd (entering trait converts 2 condis on nearby alies to boon and leaving trait is 1 sec superspeed and stealth just to reposition fast). I like alot of changes for other classes especially mirage 1 dodge tradeoff which is good direction for more reasonable use of dodge and not stacking but soulbeast will be dumped down unless you give him ability to autoatack from pet and druid still don t get its identity. Good change overall but still expected more creativity with ranger class since its my main.

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If there is chance read this post because i think you didn t adress hard cc good and not having interupts in game is not healthy especially if 80% of cc skills are hard cc and 20% is soft cc instead of opposite way especially with less stunbreaks you adressed. There is no depth and balance without interupts (1/4s daze) replacing all hard cc and leaving hard cc as proffesion based like taunt being only ranger unique cc, knockback only engi unique cc, knockdown warior and stun for mesmers (1/4s daze remaining universal accros all proffesions and making it just interupt tool). Making hard cc being like 1 hard cc per build in pvp and rest being 1/4 daze will bring much more build diversity and counterplay and in same time give proffesions more identity which is not the case with current notes you said for ranger because condis will still be bad without having interupts combined with it on shortbow (will definietly lack depth and still be best choice for noob pew pew, while before in gw1 was one of hardest, coolest and most balanced class ever bringing whole game on another level). I don t understand why you didn t cut hard cc and make interupt playstyle istead of that and keep hard cc as rare mechanic so we can have 1 stunbreak on bar not 2-3 default so other utilities would seen some use. You neither give more utility for underused skills and weapons which still will remain same, druid will still lack identity and ranger will still be bad at condi pressure and also won t have identity except same old boring pew pew ranger still remaining as only viable. Please make druid form able to use without building full astral force atleast and give pet autoattack for soulbeast mode so we can have fair tradeoff since you are pet when merged (its good decision for 1 pet in combat must admit that though). Power and boon duration and spliting cc from dmg is great direction and i like how huge this is but cc is still too passive and we should atleast have more ability to break stun on allies (give it to druid so it can have some unique advantage compared to fb which is better in all aspects of support). And rally should be removed from pvp...downstate is good but rally will still make high dmg mobile classes in huge advantage in serious pvp while remaining too punishing mechanic for teamfights (you can cleave 1/4 too late and that means you wasted all your dmg on that down because he rallied and you even hit invuln after rally making you loose all high dmg skills and lost teamfight imidietly just because you failed too cleave inch faster and gain impossible comeback because one single cent of cleave you loose from 4 vs 4 and its turned to 4 vs 0 very soon after you lost cleave battle if you comited while not comiting is even worse because rally is too strong to just ignore). Rezz and finishing should not be met and rally should be removed from pvp complitly (everyone can self rezz from 1 vs 1 ending in downstate thats fair deal because if it was close matchup you should waste some time rezzing before getting back. So rally and hard cc are only problems left now i can see since you did good job for powercreep, condi spikes (not so sure about condi) and boon spam with these notes but still game will lack depth with all this hard cc taken place over interupts playstyle we had in gw1...




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Keep up good work this is good start for making best action pvp ever adding interupts (ranger and mesmers as kings of that playstyle) in mix and making druid, temptest and scrapper viable supports should be next step for bringing depth gw1 once had in new modern game where you don t have to watch skill casts and you can just watch animations instead (which are done good already especially now after you adress some of broken skills left in game....).

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I love the changes to elementalist's elementals. I'm still not sure how viable it will be outside of pve, but they've always needed a little more love.


I don't understand the mesmer greatsword changes though. It doesn't seem like enough of a change to really make it a viable ranged build? At least any more or less than it is in open world. Maybe it will make power chrono a little more fun?


And I can get the frustration with soulbeast pet swap in non-competitive modes. I don't really play them that frequently, but it is nice to be able to have a jaracanda for emergency heals and a power pet for general damage increase.

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Hopefully this isn't all there is. I'm most excited for Elementalist and Engineer. As for my main, Necromancer? Nothing really to see. Doesn't change anything for them. The reduced cooldown on their stunbreaks is nice but the fact Arena net is still going with this "NO STABILITY FOR YOU!" nonsense is headache inducing.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> Much better if you gave ranger Lead the wind trait superspeed 2 sec when hiting from 1200+ range instead swift and quickness would make much more options available. Good change on axe and new trait for axe if it works with merge, soulbeast tradeoff can be fine if you buff some of the pets and even add option to autoatack pet skill for exchange because now it will feel very straight forward but adding autoattack skill from pet could get more depth for condi build (cover condis like vulnerbility) even power ones. Its bad that pets remains same in terms of utility, swoop update is bad since ranger need some mobility because classes like thief and even war are still faster and its deffinitly bad change because its kills ranger potential to be roamer and lock it movement when side noder because thief will have easy time decaping or leting ranger afk point. Shortbow is unchanged and last chance of having interupt ranger style back is dead. Druid still too long cooldown and lame mechanic of building full astral force to enter and heal is very lame in pvp and kills diversity, why instead its not 10 sec cd and you can enter it like reaper shourd (entering trait converts 2 condis on nearby alies to boon and leaving trait is 1 sec superspeed and stealth just to reposition fast). I like alot of changes for other classes especially mirage 1 dodge tradeoff which is good direction for more reasonable use of dodge and not stacking but soulbeast will be dumped down unless you give him ability to autoatack from pet and druid still don t get its identity. Good change overall but still expected more creativity with ranger class since its my main.


Lets be real here, Druid is much stronger in the raiding/fractals community over the player vs player world.

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just ...wow

again , changes nobdy was asking for

holos needed sustain nerfs , you nerf their only stability source from forgemode

nobody was raging about the elementalist obsidian flesh , it is like 3 seconds and then its over , they have no othe defence source

and nobody had any problem with soulbeasts having 2 pets


the problem was the pets health was reseting everytime they went back and forth from soulbeast mode , why not fix that first ? and if sustain was the isue with soulbeast maybe a fair fix would be removal of plasma , and minor nerf the regen from protection , but.... no... instaead we have to use HALF our mechanics and options for combos

theres way too many other things soulbeast needs nerfs on , NOT Their core mechanics

idk it just seems bad and uncalled for, to me .... quess il have to test it in wvw


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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> Also, forgot to add, between all the passives being moved to 5 minute CDs (really? REALLY? we literally spent the past 4 years makng their CD less because nobody ever touched them), and things like stunbreaks and stability being stripped... What are you guys even doing? Necro for example will go back to being a class unable to solo anything.


> Dunno guys. This just sucks on paper.


At first glance, this might not affect me because I don't use those moves. Of course, that's not to say this won't affect others. Still, I'd argue that should remain to be seen.

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My only complaint was going to be about the Soulbeast not being able to swap pets. That just feels as though that's taking away the appeal and ruining the core mechanic. Not to mention that the development team wanted to do this in HoT yet were restricted by their technology.


My second complaint was going to be about the change to Obsidian Heart. I've played 3-4 Elementalists at this point so, I know how hard it can be. So, I don't see why that would be a good idea. Not to mention they still have the lowest health pool, despite the difficulty of the game ramping up.


On another note, I wasn't going to mention the necromancer's changes because I don't use those moves. I, however, don't see why stability should be taken away from them, let alone any profession. It's possible to get knocked down, stunned, dazed, etc. when your stunbreaker is recharging. That and if the profession is meant to have high survivability, shouldn't the game reflect that?


That said, I was going to leave it at that until I read the comments. It seems to me that ArenaNet is going to treat the whole player base as though everyone plays multiple modes. Me playing mostly PvE and a little WvW doesn't mean others do. In fact, I know four people who also play and only my sister does a little PVP.

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